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Dynamic Styles with Widgets and Alloy 1.2

Jason Kneen
September 24, 2013

Dynamic Styles with Widgets and Alloy 1.2

Presentation I did to NYC TItanium Meetup on 24th Sep 2013. An introduction to Alloy, demo of TSS and how to use it, and implementing dynamic TSS styling using my own Widget and Alloy 1.2

Jason Kneen

September 24, 2013

More Decks by Jason Kneen

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  1. •Views as XML (<TableView id=”myTable”/>) •Layout as TSS (CSS-like) •Logic

    as js (controllers, libraries) •Data as models (SQL, Collections etc) •Widgets! Introduction to Alloy MVC Framework Wednesday, 25 September 13
  2. Alloy vs “Classic” var window = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: “white” });

    var label = Ti.UI.createLabel({ color: “black” }); label.addEventListener(“click”, function() { require(“windowTwo”); } ); window.add(label); window.open(); Wednesday, 25 September 13
  3. <Alloy> <Window> <Label onClick=”open”>Hello World</Label> </Window> </Alloy> “Window”: { backgroundColor:

    “white” } “Label”: { color: “black” } function open() { require(“windowTwo”); } $.index.open(); views/index.xml controllers/index.js styles/index.tss Alloy vs “Classic” Wednesday, 25 September 13
  4. <Alloy> <Window> <Label platform=”ios” formFactor=”tablet”>Hi!</Label> </Window> </Alloy> “Window[platform=ios]”:{ backgroundColor: “white”

    } “Label[formFactor=tablet]”:{ color: “black” } if (ENV_TEST) { alert(“Bye!”); } $.index.open(); views/index.xml controllers/android/index.js styles/index.tss Alloy Conditional Code Wednesday, 25 September 13
  5. <Alloy> <Window> <Label class=”text”>Hello</Label> <Label class=”text” id=”world”>World</Label> </Window> </Alloy> views/index.xml

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  6. Moving from Ti Classic to Alloy •Understand Common JS principles

    •Understand underlying Ti SDK •Easy to be hidden from the “magic” •Don’t touch Resources! •You *can* mix Ti Classic with Alloy Wednesday, 25 September 13
  7. Alloy Advantages •Separate UI from Logic •Pre-complied, no overhead •Only

    includes the code you need •CommonJS based •Backbone, Underscore etc built-in Wednesday, 25 September 13
  8. • Styles are specified TSS • Styles are pre-compiled •

    What if you want to change at run-time? Dynamic Styles in Alloy The problem Wednesday, 25 September 13
  9. •Manually, use Classic Ti •Use an Alloy Widget •In Alloy

    1.2, use Dynamic Styles Dynamic Styles in Alloy Solutions Wednesday, 25 September 13
  10. • Mix Classic Ti with Alloy - it works •

    Not fitting with the MVC model • Difficult to debug / understand Dynamic Styles in Alloy Use Classic Titanium $.labelName.color = “red”; $.labelName.applyProperties(... Wednesday, 25 September 13
  11. • Originally designed to handle Orientation layout changes • Drop

    into an existing Window/View • Add TSS “sub-styles" • Download from github.com/jasonkneen Dynamic Styles in Alloy Use a Dynamic TSS Widget! Wednesday, 25 September 13
  12. • Introduced in 1.2 • Create run-time classes or, •

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