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Creativity ... The Missing Link Between Data an...

Jeff Parks
October 14, 2012

Creativity ... The Missing Link Between Data and Common Sense

Data overwhelms almost every industry and sector today. Our collective inability to see through this “fog” of over analysis has created a kind of creative paralysis. The need has never been greater to ask ourselves are we disagreeing with the individual or the idea? Are we open to learning from other experiences and professions or are we resolute in our process and job title?

We huddle up in scrums through Agile, trim the fat in UX approaches in Lean UX, and some still believe in the hierarchical waterfall to get work done. But in an era of never ending wind-sprints focusing who can be first I will demonstrate through stories of other creatives – and my own experiences in the health care and IT communities – this essential human need to not just create but to engage in the creative process every day.

Drawing on the stories of children’s TV producer Bruktawit Tagabu in Ethiopia, authors Ayn Rand, Austin Kleon, IBM, Jon Cleese, and the Canadian rock band Rush I will illustrate this need to focus more on the creative process in our professional endeavours – imagining what is possible rather than justifying what is not.

Jeff Parks

October 14, 2012

More Decks by Jeff Parks

Other Decks in Design


  1. “When I wrote ‘The World Is Flat’ in 2005... Facebook

    wasn’t in it!” Thomas Friedman Sunday, 14 October, 12
  2. “The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less” by Dr.

    Barry Schwartz Published 2004 Sunday, 14 October, 12
  3. “We need to interact in them [physical environments], not pose

    in them!” - John Thackara Sunday, 14 October, 12
  4. “Yeaaaa so if you could make sure to do that

    from now on that would be grrreat!” Sunday, 14 October, 12
  5. “...let your vigilance slip for one moment and you could

    find yourself surrounded by happy, enthusiastic, and creative people who you might never be able to completely control again... so be careful!” - John Cleese Sunday, 14 October, 12
  6. “You obviously can't teach heart, but [John Jeffries] taught me

    things like how to never give up and I think he's made me a better person by making sure we always respect everybody." - Student Athlete Coached by Jeffries Sunday, 14 October, 12
  7. * Everyone experiences a sense of individuality and self-expression *

    There is an ability to reason and exchange ideas with others. * There is a drive towards actions, self-expression and creative experiences * There is a capacity to express compassion to develop close relationships * A way of reacting with spontaneity, integrity, and integration exists. Nature of the Organization Sunday, 14 October, 12
  8. “We need to shift the conversation from what we ‘could’

    be doing to what we ‘should’ be doing” Sunday, 14 October, 12
  9. “Connectivity is a given. And we all have an interest

    in working together. But for all the wonders that technology can do, here’s what it can’t do. It cannot make our choices for us!” - King of Jordan Sunday, 14 October, 12
  10. Socrates Austin Kleon DuPont Yahoo! Google GE Rush Ayn Rand

    Bruktawit Tagabu Larry Lessig Ken Robinson Kris Mausser John Jefferies John Hunter Peter Morville Louis Rosenfeld Jesse James Garrett Dan Klyn Andrea Resmini Valeska O’Leary Adam Connor Mike Parks Marilyn Parks Ken Fletcher Simon Sinek Chris Baum Christina Wodtke Andrew Hinton Matthew Bailey Jason Long Jordan Paris Krista Heyfron Sunni Brown Dave Grey Thomas Vander Wal Eric Reiss Stephen Covey Charles Krone Jeroen Van Geel Peter Merholtz Kate Maslen “Buddha” my St. Bernard Laura Creekmore Shari Thurow Ian Fenn Kurt Rufelds Volunteers Pam Dauphin Marc Bolduc Gary Broomhead Ron Hungerford Louis CK Lewis Black John Hunter Stephen P Anderson Mrs. Miller Dennis Hamilton Bill Parks Paul Croft Ray Oliver Hank “The Tank” Joe Sokhol Steve Oliver Stephen Covey Charles Krone The Author of every book I’ve ever read Jared Spool Sara Crooks Scott Thorburn Fam Mirza Neil Peart Buddy Rich John Bonham Neil Quigley Phil Collins University of Waterloo ITI Information Architecture Institute Interaction Design Association CapCHI Human Factors Groups Dr. Elizabeth Gould Mike Lartis Sean Smith E. J. James Public School W. J. Fricker Public School Hubert Anyzewski Wieslaw Kotecki Toby Biddle Andrew Mayfield Marcin Treder Trent Mankelow Jack Westrate Holly Lamacraft Steve Baty Chris Avore Indi Young Kip Voytek Brandon Schauer Lynne Polischuik Kara Pecknold Dorian Taylor Shmuli Goldberg Dane Howard Whitney Quesenberry Steve Krug Mark Hurst Colleen Jones Jason Hobbs Jeff Gothelf Samantha Ladner Ginny Reddish Aaron Irizarry Rachel Hinman Gerry Gaffney Steve Portigal Jill Christ Elizabeth Thapliyal Daniel Szuc Debra Gelman Paul Kahn Yu-Hsiu Li Nick Fink Thomas Vander Wal Karen McGrane Jon Kolko Nate Bolt Mike Atherton Keith Anderson Margot Bloomstein Nate Bolt Dan Brown Dave Burke Dan Chisnell Josh Clark Justin Davis Christian Crumlish Inge De Bleecker Karl Fast Kevin Hoffman Erin Jo Richey Scott Kubie Erin Malone Michele Marut Harry Max Jess McMullin Matthew Milan Matt Nish-Lapidus Patrick Quattlebaum Ben Reason Anders Ramsay Leisa Reichelt Chris Risdon Kyle Soucy Donna Spenser Peter Stahl Adam Ungstad John Yuda Noreen Whysel Genevieve Bell Amber Case Luke Williams Elizabeth Buie... Steal Like An Artist - My Short List Sunday, 14 October, 12