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Finding a Needle in a Call Stack - Intro to Dis...

Finding a Needle in a Call Stack - Intro to Distributed Tracing

Microservices have transformed the way we think about software architecture and design. They enable developers to rapidly extend application functionality in the form of additional services, each of which can be scaled and deployed independently. Many highly successful software companies such as Netflix, Amazon, and Airbnb, have thousands of interconnected services which form the foundation of their products. These services often communicate over HTTP - passing messages between each other, synchronously and asynchronously, sometimes via message queues or brokers.

Of course, none of the benefits of microservices come without a cost. Networks are unreliable, and correlating thousands or millions of log entries between services can quickly become unmanageable. Therefore, understanding the source of an issue can be like finding a needle in a haystack. This is where distributed tracing comes in! Distributed tracing is the process of tracking requests through their lifetime within a complex distributed system, and has become a critical tool for debugging and understanding microservices.

In this session we will explore the basics of distributed tracing. We'll then take a look at the OpenTelemetry (formally OpenTracing) standard - a vendor neutral framework for distributed tracing instrumentation. Finally, we'll take a hands-on look at distributed tracing in action using Jaeger, a popular open source distributed tracing tool which is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. By the end of this session I hope you will not only have a good understanding of distributed tracing, but will be equipped with the knowledge and inspiration to introduce it within your own applications.

Josh Michielsen

August 03, 2019

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  1. Finding a Needle in a Call Stack Introduction to Distributed

    Tracing By Josh Michielsen Senior Software Engineer, Platform Engineering Condé Nast International (@condenasteng)
  2. About Me Snr Software Engineer, Platform Engineering @ Condé Nast

    Intl. Live in Cambridge, UK Cyclist Photographer Dog Lover @jmickey_ jmichielsen jmickey mickey.dev [email protected] 2
  3. 3

  4. Global Cloud Platform Clusters in 4 Regions 11 Markets 120+

    Million Monthly Pageviews 14/34 Publications Migrated 4
  5. Benefits of Microservices 6 1 Independently Deployable & Scalable Small

    services can be deployed and scaled quickly and independently. 2 Cross-functional Teams Teams can specialise and focus on bringing business value in a specific area. 3 Polyglot Services Teams can choose their technology stack, such as programming language, datastore, frameworks, etc. 4 Improved Fault Tolerance & Isolation The loss of a single service can be less detrimental the overall health of the system.
  6. 7

  7. Challenges of Debugging Microservices 10 1 What went wrong? What

    lead to the behaviour the user is experiencing? Timeout? Error? Latency? 2 Where did it go wrong? Which service is causing the problem? Is it a database, queue, or third-party service? 3 Why did it happen? What set of circumstances led to the issue occurring? 4 What was the context? Contextualising logs and metrics with other metadata associated with the request and the state of the service.
  8. Existing Methods 11 Metrics • Error rates, latency, throughput, CPU,

    RAM, etc. • Identify anomalies/irregularities. Logging • Record error messages and stack traces. • Track unexpected code paths. • Find the “why” of the issue. Used together to debug issues. Metrics help you identify that an issue exists, and logging helps you understand what the issue is. Problem: These tools only tell the story from the perspective of a single application.
  9. “ “ Definition Distributed tracing, also called distributed request tracing,

    is a method used to profile and monitor applications, especially those built using a microservices architecture. Distributed tracing helps pinpoint where failures occur and what causes poor performance. 13 https:/ /opentracing.io/docs/overview/what-is-tracing
  10. Anatomy of a Trace 14 Terminology: • Trace • Span

    • Tags • Logs • SpanContext • Baggage A B C D E F Time Trace Spans
  11. 15 A B C D E F Time Trace Trace

    Representation of a request as it traverses a distributed system. Directed Acyclic Graph, with Spans (Nodes) and the edges between them as References. Spans
  12. 16 A B C D E F Time Trace Spans

    Span Individual unit of work done within a distributed system. Spans generally have a name, and a start and end timestamp. Trace Representation of a request as it traverses a distributed system. Directed Acyclic Graph, with Spans (Nodes) and the edges between them as References.
  13. 17 A B C D E F Time Trace Spans

    A trace is a collection of one or more spans. Span Individual unit of work done within a distributed system. Spans generally have a name, and a start and end timestamp. Trace Representation of a request as it traverses a distributed system. Directed Acyclic Graph, with Spans (Nodes) and the edges between them as References.
  14. 18 A B Time Tags Span specific, user-defined key:value annotations.

    Can be used to query and filter. Tags http.method: “GET”, http.status: 200, app: “my-service”
  15. 19 A B Time Tags http.method: “GET”, http.status: 200, app:

    “my-service” Tags Span specific, user-defined key:value annotations. Can be used to query and filter. Logs “level”: “info”, “method”: “GET”, “message”: “animals are better than humans” Logs Contextualised logging messages. Used to capture debugging information and events that occurred within the span.
  16. 20 A B Time Tags http.method: “GET”, http.status: 200, app:

    “my-service” Tags Span specific, user-defined key:value annotations. Can be used to query and filter. Logs “level”: “info”, “method”: “GET”, “message”: “animals are better than humans” Logs Contextualised logging messages. Used to capture debugging information and events that occurred within the span. SpanContext trace_id: “20092013”, span_id: “01071992” Baggage: user_id: “03092019” SpanContext Transporting data across the network boundary, both in the immediate context (e.g. parent span_id), and baggage - which is carried throughout the entire trace.
  17. 21 Using HTTP request context to pass metadata between services

    to be utilised by the tracing instrumentation. Context Propagation A C F D E B Edge Service UUID { context } { context } { context } { context } { context } { context } { context }
  18. Overview Forms a common language around tracing. Allows interchangeability of

    distributed tracing platforms. Provides a common set of client libraries for various languages. Supported by the CNCF 23 Standard, vendor neutral API specification for instrumentation. 1 2 3 4
  19. 24

  20. 25 OpenTracing & OpenCensus are merging to form the OpenTelemetry

    standard. Early September - client libraries at feature parity. Early November - both previous projects officially sunset.
  21. Overview Inspired by Google Dapper and OpenZipkin Created by Uber

    in 2015 and donated to the CNCF in 2017. Compliant with both OpenTracing and OpenCensus. 27 Open-source distributed tracing platform. 1 2 3
  22. • Go backend • React frontend • Multiple storage options:

    • Cassandra • ElasticSearch • In-Memory • Compatible with Apache Kafka for backpressure management. 28 Overview (cont.)
  23. 29 Application Jaeger Client Jaeger Agent Spans (UDP) Control Flow

    Jaeger Collector Push Adaptive Sampling Control Flow Poll (sampling, etc.) DB Spark Jobs Jaeger Query UI Jaeger Architecture
  24. A Note on Sampling 30 In statistics, quality assurance, and

    survey methodology, sampling is the selection of a subset of individuals from within a statistical population to estimate characteristics of the whole population. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampling_(statistics) Probabilistic Sampling: Random sampling decision. E.g. 0.01% or 1/1000th chance of being sampled. (Default) Rate Limiting: “Leaky Bucket” rate limiting. E.g. 20 per second. Constant: Same decision for all traces. Either all or nothing. “ “
  25. Jaeger vs. Zipkin 31 Jaeger • Written in Go •

    8.6k stars • Compatible with Zipkin client libraries • Kubernetes Operator & official Helm chart • CNCF project Zipkin • Written in Java • Released in 2012 by Twitter • 11k stars • Single binary deployment
  26. Resources Jaeger: https://jaegertracing.io Hot R.O.D Example: https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger/tree/master/examples/hotrod Hot R.O.D Tutorial:

    http://bit.ly/hotrod-tutorial OpenTracing Tutorial: https://github.com/yurishkuro/opentracing-tutorial Framework Libraries: https://github.com/opentracing-contrib/ Supported Languages: https://opentracing.io/docs/supported-languages/ 33