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Speaking at Tech Events for Beginners

Julie Pagano
September 27, 2014

Speaking at Tech Events for Beginners

Generic version of slides I used to give this workshop.

Julie Pagano

September 27, 2014


  1. My Credentials • Speaking for ~2 years • Conference organizer

    for 2 years • Frequent conference attendee • Active in local tech community • Organize speaker support group
  2. This workshop will be a beginner-friendly place where you can

    feel safe working on and practicing a talk, even if you have never done it before.
  3. Ground Rules (Code of Conduct) <insert your group’s code of

    conduct or anti-harassment policy> <insert link to full code/policy online>
  4. Working Agreement (first 3 from the Hacker School User’s Manual)

    No feigning surprise No well-actually’s No backseat-driving Be constructive & helpful
  5. Constructive Feedback 1. You spoke very fast. 2. People might

    miss something. 3. You should try slowing down and add some pauses.
  6. If there is an issue… • Talk to me •

    Email me [facilitator’s email] • Email not me [organizer’s email]
  7. Experience Check! • Who has spoken at a conference before?

    • Who has spoken at a user group or other local tech event before?
  8. Introductions • Introduce yourself • Name • Why you are

    you here? • Use the worksheet, as needed • 1 minute each 5 mins group
  9. Tech Setup • We will use Google Drive to share

    & collaborate • <insert shared drive link> • Let me know if you can’t use Google Drive. • You will use whatever presentation software you prefer. • Let me know if it’s not one of the ones listed on the worksheet. 5 mins solo
  10. Brainstorming • Things you work on a lot (e.g. what

    you do at work, subject you study at school). • Things you work on sometimes (e.g. side project, open source work). • Topics you are excited about. • Topics you wish more people talked about. • Other ideas.
  11. Brainstorming • Discuss with your group. • Get feedback on

    your ideas. • Help generate new ideas. • Give each other constructive feedback. • ~5 minutes each. 20 mins group
  12. Select Topic • Select an idea! • You will use

    this the rest of the day. • Remember that you’re giving a 3 minute talk. 5 mins solo
  13. Help the reader answer some questions: • What is the

    talk about? • Why is it important? • What will people get out of it? • Who is the target audience?
  14. Write Proposal • Time to start typing. Use your name

    in your files, so they are easy to identify. • Write a first draft of your proposal. • Descriptive title. • Description answers the questions. • Keep it short — it’s only a 3 min talk. 10 mins solo
  15. Review Proposal • Share your proposals in the group folder

    • Read through each other’s proposals. • Share constructive feedback. • ~5 minutes each. 20 mins group
  16. Other Variables • How do talks fit together? • Multiple

    submissions with similar topics? • What talks were given last year? • A million other little things
  17. Write Outline • Outline group folder. • Make a rough

    draft of your talk outline. • Keep in mind you have 3 mins. • I recommend 2 points (maybe 3) because of time. 10 mins solo
  18. Review Outline • Read through each other’s outlines. • Share

    constructive feedback. • ~5 minutes each. 20 mins group
  19. def merge_sort(m) return m if m.length <= 1 middle =

    m.length / 2 left = m[0,middle] right = m[middle..-1] left = merge_sort(left) right = merge_sort(right) merge(left, right) end def merge(left, right) result = [] until left.empty? || right.empty? if left.first <= right.first result << left.shift else result << right.shift end end result + left + right end ary = [7,6,5,9,8,4,3,1,2,0] p merge_sort(ary) # => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  20. def merge_sort(m) return m if m.length <= 1 middle =

    m.length / 2 left = m[0,middle] right = m[middle..-1] left = merge_sort(left) right = merge_sort(right) merge(left, right) end
  21. def merge_sort(m) return m if m.length <= 1 middle =

    m.length / 2 left = m[0,middle] right = m[middle..-1] left = merge_sort(left) right = merge_sort(right) merge(left, right) end
  22. def merge_sort(m) # Return if already sorted # Split into

    left and right # Sort left and right ! # Merge end
  23. def merge_sort(m) # Return if already sorted return m if

    m.length <= 1 # Split into left and right # Sort left and right ! # Merge end
  24. def merge_sort(m) # Return if already sorted # Split into

    left and right middle = m.length / 2 left = m[0,middle] right = m[middle..-1] # Sort left and right ! # Merge end
  25. def merge_sort(m) # Return if already sorted # Split into

    left and right # Sort left and right left = merge_sort(left) right = merge_sort(right) ! # Merge end
  26. def merge_sort(m) # Return if already sorted # Split into

    left and right # Sort left and right ! # Merge merge(left, right) end
  27. Create Slides • Make a rough draft of your slides

    using tool of choice. • Start with the outline. • Flesh things out. • Focus on content first. • Remember your talk is 3 mins. 20 mins solo
  28. Review Slides • Each person should quickly walk the group

    through their slides. • Give constructive feedback. • ~5 mins each 20 mins group
  29. Practice Talk • Practice your talk a few times. •

    Time yourself. • Make a few adjustments, if needed. • Upload your slides. 15 mins solo
  30. Blog Posts • I Support Speakers and So Can You

    - http://juliepagano.com/blog/ 2014/04/27/i-support-speakers-and-so-can-you/ • Presentation Skills Considered Harmful by Kathy Sierra - http:// seriouspony.com/blog/2013/10/4/presentation-skills-considered- harmful • http://weareallaweso.me/ • http://cognition.happycog.com/article/so-why-should-I-speak-publicly • http://writing.jan.io/2013/05/10/how-to-give-the-killer-tech-talk---a- pamphlet.html • http://blog.pamelafox.org/2013/08/why-do-i-speak-at- conferences.html
  31. Talks About Talking • Conference Submissions and Presentations by Matthew

    McCullough - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=fJz4JJIchaY&feature=youtu.be - Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/ matthewmccullough/conference-submissions- and-presentations
  32. Presentation Tools Many beginners may be unsure what to use

    to create a presentation. Below are some tools I’ve used before. I don’t think there’s a “right” tool. Pick the one that is easy for you to use and meets your needs. • Keynote (Mac only) • PowerPoint (Windows and OSX) • Google Drive Presentation (browser) • Reveal.js - http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/ (browser)
  33. Imagery Resources Places to find imagery for your talks: •

    The Noun Project - http://thenounproject.com/ • Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/search/? q=test&l=cc&ct=0&mt=all&adv=1 • Wikimedia Commons - http:// commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
  34. Example Early Speakers • Nell Shamrell - Behind the Curtain

    - Madison Ruby 2012 • Behind the Curtain: Applying lessons learned from years in the Theatre to crafting software applications. • http://www.confreaks.com/videos/1093- madisonruby2012-behind-the-curtain-applying- lessons-learned-from-years-in-the-theatre-to- crafting-software-applications
  35. Example Early Speakers • Stephen Ball - Deliberate Git -

    Steel City Ruby 2013 • In Deliberate Git I'll share how to use Git to write detailed commits that craft a cohesive story about the code without giving up a good programming flow. • https://speakerdeck.com/sdball/deliberate-git • https://vimeo.com/72762735
  36. My Speaking Timeline Throughout the talk, I mention that people

    should start small and can progress over time. I thought it might be interesting to share a timeline of my progression as a speaker over time, but it didn’t fit in the time for the talk. I’m leaving it here in case it interests you. You can find links to slides and videos from these talks on my site: http://juliepagano.com/speaking/
  37. My Speaking Timeline • April 2012 - Lightning talk at

    work retreat (first talk) • July 2012 - Lightning talk at PghRb • August 2012 - Lightning talk at Steel City Ruby • January 2013 - Speaking support group created • February 2013 - Lightning talk at PghRb • June 2013 - Conference speaker at Pittsburgh TechFest (first conference talk)
  38. My Speaking Timeline • August 2013 - Conference speaker (alternate)

    at Steel City Ruby • September 2013 - Conference speaker at Nickel City Ruby • April 2014 - Conference speaker at PyCon • June 2014 - Keynote speaker at OSBridge (first keynote)
  39. Attribution • Presentation designed by XOXO from the Noun Project

    - http:// thenounproject.com/term/presentation/23951/ • Ice Cream Sundae designed by Olive Q Wong from the Noun Project - http://thenounproject.com/term/ice-cream-sundae/52683/ • Lightning Bolt designed by daisy binks from the Noun Project - http://thenounproject.com/term/lightning-bolt/9601/ • Brainstorm designed by Bastien Ho from the Noun Project - http:// thenounproject.com/term/brainstorm/20036/ • Happy designed by Julien Deveaux from the Noun Project - http:// thenounproject.com/term/happy/43940/
  40. Attribution • Bullhorn by Marco Olgio from the Noun Project

    - http:// thenounproject.com/term/bullhorn/7439/ • Thought designed by Adam Zubin from the Noun Project - http://thenounproject.com/term/thought/35709/ • Chicken and Egg from Wikimedia Commons - http:// commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: %E0%B9%84%E0%B8%82%E0%B9%88%E0%B9%84%E0%B8%8 1%E0%B9%88.jpg
  41. Attribution ! • Calendar designed by James Keuning from the

    Noun Project - http:// thenounproject.com/term/calendar/9826/ • Dead designed by Julien Deveaux from the Noun Project - http:// thenounproject.com/term/dead/43902/ • Hacker School User’s Manual Social Rules - https:// www.hackerschool.com/manual#sub-sec-social-rules • Team designed by Joshua Jones from the Noun Project - http:// thenounproject.com/term/team/48301/
  42. Attribution • Outline designed by Alex Fuller from the Noun

    Project - http:// thenounproject.com/term/outline/10528/ • Note designed by Anna Moreno from the Noun Project - http:// thenounproject.com/term/note/48407/ • Timer designed by Arthur Shlain from the Noun Project - http:// thenounproject.com/term/timer/66106/
  43. Speaking at Tech Events for Beginners talk by Julie Pagano

    is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.