complex systems in which certain components (the platform itself) remain stable, while others (the complements) are encouraged to vary in cross-section or over time.
has come to be associated with the concept of a platform, which we define as a set of stable components that supports variety and evolvability in a system by constraining the linkages among the other components.
sig. An important property of platform systems is that they are evolvable, in the sense that they can adapt to unanticipated changes in the external environment.
igen og igen. Finally, all platform systems exhibit tensions between platform owners and complementors. These tensions are variously expressed. For internal platforms, tension arises through the threat of entry by third-party component makers who can hook into the platform at its visible interfaces and create compatible substitutes for the firm’s own components.
og organisering, og dens teknologiske fundament med det formål at optimere samspillet og deres dele i forhold til at nå de mål, som forretningsstrategien stiller.
din vurdering af Yammer. For mig at se er det et fint nok værktøj til at dele ting hist og her, men det er et meget uigennemsigtig værktøj i forhold til skabe fælles løbebaner og koordinere hvem-gør-hvad-hvornår. Som Allan påpeger, bør vi for fremtiden have et klart spor for fremdrift både internt og eksternt og stabilisere forventning på lang sigt for diverse projekter gennem mere fastkoblede strukturer, der i højere grad er forankret i strategiske beslutninger.