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Making Your Site Bloom: From 0 to 50K Organic V...

Making Your Site Bloom: From 0 to 50K Organic Visits Monthly in One Year – The Plan, the Tactics, and the GPTs by Katarina Dahlin

At SEO Vibes on Tour Helsinki 2024, organized by WhitePress, Katarina Dahlin presented "Making Your Site Bloom: From 0 to 50K Organic Visits Monthly in One Year – The Plan, the Tactics, and the GPTs", where she shared the SEO tactics she used to increase the organic traffic for her flower site. Her approach included keyword research, internal linking, stealing Featured Snippets, creating a dictionary, creating custom GPTs for product optimization, developing SEO tools to speed up SEO tasks, and working with backlinks. Get inspired and learn her SEO process step-by-step in this educational talk.

Katarina Dahlin

May 23, 2024

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. Making Your Site Bloom: From 0 to 50K Organic Visits

    Monthly in One Year – The Plan, the Tactics, and the GPTs Katarina Dahlin
  2. 2 The first year, I reached 49,295 in monthly organic

    traffic = 1% of the finnish population. Finland has 5.6 million people.
  3. 3 I got 760 words in the top 3 positions

    on Google … and 1,600 words to positions 4-10 on Google.
  4. 4 Senior Growth Hacker @ Genero Working with SEO since

    2019 Genero is a leading growth marketing agency in the Nordics – we create growth stories Katarina Dahlin
  5. 5 It all started… In the summer 2022, I started

    a new hobby to grow cut flowers. But then the summer and flower season ended…
  6. 6 In the autumn 2022, I started the blog Slow

    Flower Garden. I wanted to learn how to code. I wanted my own site where I could test my SEO ideas on and try out new things.
  7. 7 In february 2023, I started to work with SEO

    for real: I created my first articles with ChatGPT. I got into affiliate marketing. I started to optimize for flower delivery words.
  8. 8 During my 1 week of winter vacation: I kickstarted

    by creating 170 flower delivery pages for affiliate marketing. On the same week I got my first affiliate sale.
  9. 11 I collected all the keywords and search volumes related

    to flower delivery to a list. Tools: Semrush, Ahrefs, Keywordtool.io People seemed to be searching for flower delivery + city. Keyword Research
  10. 12 Keyword Research But also other words like: send flowers

    order flowers happy birthday flowers etc. The total search volume for all flower delivery words was 33,000 / month. That was enough to start the project.
  11. 13 Keyword Mapping Mapped the keywords together that I wanted

    on the same page. Created urls, titles and descriptions for each flower delivery page. This is now my “base document” for my SEO work.
  12. 14 Content Plan for Articles Words with an informational intent

    and where articles are ranking, I add to my content plan for articles.
  13. 17 Link Similar Content Together to Content Hubs Flower delivery

    Flower delivery Turku Flower delivery Tampere Flower stores Flower store Turku Flower store Helsinki Flower store Tampere Flower bouquets White flower bouquet Pink flower bouquet Flower delivery Helsinki Flower delivery Töölö Flower delivery Kallio Top 5 gardens in Helsinki Flower Bouquet for Woman Flower Bouquet for Mother
  14. 18 Why? I want to make sure that Google and

    users can reach all content from anywhere with as few clicks as possible, ideally no more than 4-5 clicks. This way Google can find all the pages on my site, helps in getting them indexed. Linking with the right keyword helps Google better understand what each page is about. Improves topical authority.
  15. 20 How to Steal Featured Snippets? Go to Semrush and

    filter out all the keywords for which the featured snippet is available, and where my site ranks between positions 3 and 12.
  16. 21 How to Steal Featured Snippets? Look at the format

    (paragraph, list, table, video) and the content in the featured snippet.
  17. 22 Then I Optimize My Content 1. Add a “What

    is xxx” H2-heading, or another question, e.g. What is a flower bouquet? 2. Write a straight and simple answer “xxxx is …” e.g. “A flower bouquet is…” 3. Fully define the topic in 2-3 sentences. 4. Match the featured snippet format (paragraph, list, table, video) 5. Avoid brand names. 6. Avoid first-person language like “us”, “we” and “I” language. 7. Prioritize when you rank in top five positions.
  18. 25 Dictionary Relevant, but not so important words, I add

    to my garden dictionary. Every word gets their own page. Ranks well because the intent is often right → Users want to know what the word means. Fast and easy to do. Link to own page
  19. 27 Custom GPTs for Content Creation I created an own

    GPT for each brand. Custom GPTs can be trained with own data to write better and automate SEO tasks and workflows. What are custom GPTs? See Bastian Grimm’s presentation: https://speakerdeck.com/bastiangrimm/the-ai-tech-seo-compendium-aug menting-technical-seo-tasks-using-ml-and-ai-smx-munich-2024?slide=86
  20. 28 Why create custom GPTs? Custom GPTs can write better

    content, when they know about the products and the brand, less hallucinations. I get the right tone of voice. I can automate SEO tasks and workflows, less copy pasting! Fiskars GPT Iittala GPT Marimekko GPT
  21. 29 How I Create My GPTs 1. I Scrape product

    texts, category texts and about us pages with Screaming Frog, and upload the data as a CSV file to the GPT. 2. Code interpreter needs to be marked, to be able to upload CSV files. 3. I always tell the GPT to never hallucinate and always ask for more info, if needed. More on how to build your own custom GPT, see Bastian Grimm’s presentation: https://speakerdeck.com/bastiangrimm/the-ai-tech-seo-compendium-aug menting-technical-seo-tasks-using-ml-and-ai-smx-munich-2024?slide=96
  22. 30 Prompt for Product Descriptions Product name: [paste you product

    name here] You are now Fiskars SEO-copywriter GPT. You write in finnish. Info: See database. Rewrite the text. Make it about 500 words long. Start with info about the product. Then, create a short text with the subheading: "For what work is [product name] good for?". Then, create a short text with the subheading "For who is [product name] suitable for?". Then, create a short text with the subheading: "Why we like the [product name]?". Subheadings are formatted as H2. Format everything as html. SEO-optimize the texts and subheadings for the product name. Fiskars GPT
  23. 32 Results from Optimizing 400 Products with ChatGPT in 5

    Weeks 115 more words in position 1 in Google 156% more organic clicks after 5 Weeks Max 5 mins per product → Good ROI Amount of words in position 1-10 in Google for optimized products
  24. I Built a Tool with ChatGPT to Speed up My

    SEO Work What? This tool checks, if I already optimized product pages. Why? To save time working in spreadsheet. How does it work? I do the filtering in the Search Console. I copy paste the pages to the tool. It checks what products I have and haven’t optimized yet.
  25. 35 Now I Automate Everything with Make I automated the

    product description writing with make.com, so I don’t have to copy paste and write one by one anymore, but write all of them at once. → Same process, just moved it to Make to automate the writing.
  26. 37 Some Ways I Have Built Backlinks → Expired domains

    → Guest posts → Wikipedia → Sponsorships → Natural backlinks I love backlinks 🌺
  27. 38 But, Whatever Way I Get the Backlinks from Flower

    delivery Helsinki Slow Flower Garden SEO Slow Flower Garden Front page Important page on slowflowergarden.fi for getting affiliate sales Article on generogrowth.com External link Internal link … I always add internal links to my most important pages, from the page i get the backlink to. I want the “link power” to go to my important pages, making them stronger → easier to rank higher. slowflowergarden.fi
  28. 39 The Front Page Gets the Most Links → Optimize

    the front page! I make sure to add internal links from my front page to my most important pages! Flower delivery Helsinki Front page Flower delivery Turku Flower delivery Tampere Links from external sites Internal links
  29. 40 If You Already Are a Brand… …you might already

    have enough backlinks. Then work with your internal linking structure and make sure your backlinks don’t go to 302 or 404 pages!
  30. 41 SEO Process 1 Keyword research & mapping 2 Link

    content together to content hubs 3 Steal Featured Snippets 4 Dictionary 5 Build custom GPTs & optimize products 6 Build tools 7 Backlinks
  31. 44 Ready to Get Started with SEO? Do not just

    think about it, talk to us and we’ll show you the SEO possibilities for your business for free in the first potential report (Normally 1 200 €, minimum revenue 3 m €). No strings attached. Book your free discovery call with Genero and get your SEO potential-report. Limited offer! www.generogrowth.com/seo Katarina Dahlin Senior Growth Hacker & SEO Consultant, Genero katarina.dahlin@genero.fi