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Shiny in Production: Building bridges from data...

August 23, 2019

Shiny in Production: Building bridges from data science to IT

Start your Shiny-DevOps Journey: steal existing strategies for managing code handoffs and define shared goals.
Shiny in Production Supplement "Book": http://bit.ly/shiny-prod-book


August 23, 2019

More Decks by kellobri

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Production is... CUSTOMER/USER FACING - Ready to use - Software

    that end users are using - An app that is live and available to the end user - Apps on our production server are available to our clients - Client facing Credibility AT SCALE - Scaled to a larger audience - Bulletproof, scalable, fails predictably - Live to 1000 of users with production vehicle data SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS - Required for mission-critical operations; downtime affects the ability to serve customers - Deployed for end users to have continual access without performance issues ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS - An area where validated applications are deployed in a locked down environment - The main part of a company that handles all process - Application or system operates effectively without much maintaining effects - A server or environment that runs the “final” applications that your ultimate end-users (often external customers) use to get stuff down DOCUMENTATION - TESTING & MONITORING - Creating apps that can reach a wider audience and are deployed/tested in a consistent manner - Running in a way that is stable to use, documented and monitored
  2. Strategies for Managing Code Handoffs Steal Existing & Define Shared

    Goals DevOps: Self-help philosophy for IT and software development teams
  3. How to wade in … with Empathy and Strategery! Does

    DevOps Exist in Your Org? Yes Maybe? Nope. Is IT/Ops comfortable helping you bring Shiny to production? ! . Best case scenario! Get ready to help implement some novelty Make a checklist, answer questions, build a POC, be prepared to take it slow This is your chance to meet some people! Talk to a developer or IT Human! Are you comfortable bringing DevOps to your Org? ! . Cool Beans! Figure out who else needs convincing Noodle on it! Maybe it’s worth it? Make a communication plan and come with an open mind. Read Books!
  4. Case Study: Deploy the AppendTab App - Testing - Development

    Environments - Advocating for Analytic Infrastructure
  5. Testing: Why Test Shiny Apps? • You’ve developed a nice

    app • You want to be confident that it will keep running in the future Things that can change/break a Shiny application • Modifying code • Upgrading the shiny package • Upgrading other packages • Upgrading R • External data source changes or fails Shared Goal: Reduce the risk of deploying a breaking change
  6. Snapshot testing with shinytest The shinytest package provides tools for

    creating and running automated tests on Shiny applications. • Easier to create tests • Can test an entire application • More sensitive to spurious changes
  7. Automation! • I don’t want to remember to run this

    testing procedure • I don’t want to have to assure someone from IT that I ran it • I certainly don’t want to hand the job off to them GIVE IT TO THE MACHINES Shared Goal: The improvement of daily work
  8. Shiny Ship it! RStudio Connect deployment strategies for all types

    of code handoffs - Push-button deployment - Git-backed automated deployment - Content creation API - Content promotion API
  9. Shared Goal: Shorten the distance between development and production ADVOCATE

    FOR A SANDBOX PUBLISHING ENVIRONMENT B. User Acceptance Testing A. Automated Snapshot Testing
  10. What do you do when you find a bug? Contribute

    to Open Source! - Capture an example - GitHub - Community - Customer Success Rep
  11. What do you do when you find a bug? Contribute

    to Open Source! - Capture an example - GitHub - Community - Customer Success Rep
  12. When developers begin to think of infrastructure as part of

    their application, stability and performance become normative. - Jeff Geerling “Ansible for DevOps”
  13. Shiny in Production Journey Code Profiling Version Control Testing Deployment/Release

    Access/Security Performance Tuning Shared Goal: Shorten the distance between development and production Shared Goal: The improvement of daily work Shared Goal: Reduce the risk of deploying a breaking change