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Mobile Era Conf: Tips & Tricks for Release Engi...

Mobile Era Conf: Tips & Tricks for Release Engineering

A few tips and tricks about how I shape the offshore teams, what release engineering strategy to use, and how Dark launching and feature toggling are implemented to overcome some of the challenges when developing cross-platform mobile apps.

Presented at Mobile Era, Oslo, Norway.

Kosala (Nuwan) Perera

October 01, 2017

More Decks by Kosala (Nuwan) Perera

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  10. /// Eureka API: Search for features (C#). /// Payload: {

    debug, version, device, platform, user, ... } /// Returns: JSON /// Altered for bravery :-) JObject defaults; JObject slots; JObject manifest = new JObject(); slots = GetSlotOrDefault(version: ver, debug: debug, json: slots); manifest.Merge(slots, new JsonMergeSettings { MergeArrayHandling = MergeArrayHandling.Union }); var res = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); res.Content = new StringContent (manifest.ToString(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); return res; Dark Launching Look for related API and Configuration. Eureka Service is an Azure Function.
  11. /// Return-Type: JSON /// Altered for bravery :-) "apiendpoint": "

    rest.lucid.no", "telemetry": { "enabled": false, "tracker": “XX-XXXXXXXX-X", "level": "all" }, "notifications": { "enabled": true, "level": "push", "push": { "apiendpoint": "https://XXX.azure- mobile.net", "key": "XXXXXXXXX" } }, "feedback": { "shaketoreport": true, "template": "summary" }, "disposeifempty": true, "canselfdestruct": true, "canleave": true, "candelegaterights": true, "confirmapproval": false, "canreapprove": false, Sample Manifest JSON JSON configuration returned by the Eureka Service which is required for the app to boot. Eureka Service is an Azure Function.
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    both apps and backend APIs. /// App: Delete account (C#). /// Altered for bravery :-) <div ng-show="vm.options.canleave || vm.options.canselfdestruct" class="list area-divider"> <span class="area-heading-text">ACCOUNT SETTINGS</span> <div ng-show="vm.options.canselfdestruct" class="list"> <a class="item item-assertive" ui- sref="tab.account-delete"> Delete Account<i class="icon ion-ios- arrow-right tap-action-icon"></i> </a> </div> </div> ds.DeactivateUser(context, id); bool delegateRights = (bool)data.candelegaterights.Value; if (delegateRights) { ds.MarkAdministratorIfNotFound(context, context.ClientId); } bool deleteIfEmpty = (bool)data.disposeifempty.Value; if (deleteIfEmpty) { ds.DeactivateClientIfEmpty(context, context.ClientId); } return Ok();
  13. Ship Write code Build Test Contact Kosala Nuwan Perera Technical

    Coach / Architect e: [email protected] tw: @kosalanuwan gh: github.com/kosalanuwan