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Breaking up with DispatchQueue: Itʼs Not Me, It...

Leeds Mobile
November 06, 2024

Breaking up with DispatchQueue: Itʼs Not Me, Itʼs Unsafe

In this talk, we’ll explore the common pitfalls of using DispatchQueue and why, despite its power, the Swift compiler can’t always save us from mistakes. As Swift moves toward a compiler-first approach, we’ll see how guarantees are provided earlier in development. I’ll give a brief overview of Swift concurrency, highlighting it's complexities and key pitfalls. Finally, I’ll share how we at Monzo are adopting Swift concurrency, module by module, and building the tools to support this transition.

Oliver Atkinson is a Senior Software Engineer at Monzo with over a decade of experience in software development. He has worked at companies like Sky and Blockchain.com, building mobile apps with a focus on clean, maintainable code. At Monzo, Oliver has been responsible for the new payment experience and adding support for under-16 bank accounts. He is currently working on Monzo’s multiplayer experience, exploring the possibilities of gifting. Additionally, he is helping drive the company’s adoption of Swift concurrency. Oliver is passionate about solving real-world problems and sharing what he has learned along the way.

Leeds Mobile

November 06, 2024

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