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Service Design for Australian Govt - Transform ...

May 19, 2016

Service Design for Australian Govt - Transform 2016

presentation for the Transform conference in Canberra May 2016


May 19, 2016

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  1. Everyone who needs to use government services is able to

    find what they need, and get the job done, quickly and easily. A simpler, clearer, faster experience for those using government services, leading to greater trust in the public sector. Better experience for users Outcomes Cost can be reduced by using common platforms and open source software. Also by opening up procurement processes to a more diverse set of suppliers. Better value for (taxpayers’) money A highly-skilled and strongly engaged workforce modern workforce, well- equipped with digital expertise and committed to continuously improving the user experience. Better for the public service Vision
  2. Over any four week period, 
 more than 1 in

    8 Australians aged 14 and over will look up government information and services online. 55% of them face a problem while using online government services. 1. Roy Morgan Single Source (Australia), April 2010 - March 2015; 2. Boston Consulting Group, 2014, 2014 Digital Government Survey – Australia Fact-base 1 2
  3. Almost half the respondents had difficulty finding information. Of those

    who experienced difficulties, 55% said the reason was either they didn’t know where to start looking, or it wasn’t where they expected to find it. Digital Government Ease of Use Index 2015, KPMG & Global Reviews
  4. ‘almost half the people who come to this website are

    in the wrong place.’ from the analysis of a recent ‘true intent’ survey Research insights
  5. People don’t have a ‘mental model’ of what government wants

    them to know and do. People can’t find the government information and services they need. They don’t know if or when they have a complete picture. Research insights @leisa Leisa Reichelt - Digital Transformation Office
  6. Government asks people to repeated provide information (that people think

    Government already has) People get passed around from place to place - can get caught in a (lack of) service loop with no govt accountability Research insights @leisa Leisa Reichelt - Digital Transformation Office
  7. People feel anxious and scared when dealing with many parts

    of govt. They (mostly) want to do the right thing and are there are significant real and perceived consequences for getting things wrong. People often don’t understand what govt wants them to do to be compliant. Research insights @leisa Leisa Reichelt - Digital Transformation Office
  8. 1. Government should operate as a coherent whole (there are

    four more, 
 also v good) The Act is based on the following principles: @leisa
  9. Conway’s Law Organisations which design systems ... are constrained to

    produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organisations @leisa Leisa Reichelt - Digital Transformation Office
  10. Gaps between the silos Experienced daily by end users No

    one’s job to fix Kool Kats Photography
  11. Reach out Get out of your silo. Follow the user

    journey. Join the whole of govt communities: Service Design Content Design
  12. Thank you. [email protected] @leisa If you work in government, come

    see more at our weekly showcases: Sydney: Tuesday, 4pm Canberra: Wednesday, 4pm