UX London Workshop - Collaborative Research Techniques
an afternoon workshop about collaborative approaches to research that work well for people in agile teams. (slides not super useful without the accompanying sound track of explanation.)
hypothesis by interviewing each other FIRST: draft a discussion guide (esp. first 2-3 questions) then take turns to be: 1. interviewer 2. interviewee 3. post it note scribblers 4. observer (for interview feedback) Thursday, 5 June 14
it per observation / quote - just write down what you see/hear not what you think it might mean - code the post it with the participant ID - if in doubt, write it down - capital letters for legibility Thursday, 5 June 14
for the weekend. 5 mins to draft discussion guide 5 mins each to interview each other Roles: 1. interviewer 2. interviewee 3. post it note scribblers 4. observer (for interview feedback) Thursday, 5 June 14