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From logs to metrics

From logs to metrics

This talk shows how to extract (structured) value from the huge amount of (unstructured) information that logs contain using InfluxData technologies.

Particularly the task is achieved using two pieces of code I wrote: the https://github.com/influxdata/go-syslog library and the Telegraf Syslog Input Plugin.

The slides demonstrate how to parse logs and to store consequent time-series data into InfluxDB.
At this point it is possible to visualize them via the new Chronograf's Log Viewer, eliciting new meaningful metrics to plot (eg., number of process OOM killed) processing them via a Kapacitor UDF.

The stack used to achieve this is:

- Telegraf with the syslog input plugin, which uses this blazing fast go-syslog parser
- Chronograf with its new Log Viewer
- InfluxDB
- Kapacitor

Companion source code and repository is at http://bit.ly/logs-2-metrics-influx-code

Leonardo Di Donato

October 04, 2018

More Decks by Leonardo Di Donato

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  1. Who I am. Leonardo Di Donato Senior Software Engineer at

    Creator of go-syslog www.linkedin.com/in/leodidonato twitter.com/leodido github.com/leodido @leodido
  2. The quantity is not the only factor ... How many

    standards - if any - we use to log? How strictly we follow those standards formats? @leodido
  3. How to transform kubernetes logs into metrics with the TICK

    stack. Almost everyone needs to govern their logs. Deriving metrics, synthesizing and visualizing them helps in decision making. git.io/k8s-logs-to-metrics-tick (PoC) @leodido
  4. First of all we needed a log parser. But to

    parse which format … ? BSD-syslog - RFC 3164 - resembled a de-facto standard. Wide usage, lot of tools, long lifetime span (2001). But … messy/informal RFC ... no strict well-defined grammar no single stable framing technique too many customisations around. Nope! @leodido
  5. Thus we chose real syslog. RFC 5424 deprecates RFC 3164

    • Well-defined grammar • Octet counting framing ◦ finally the stack trace for a panic in a single syslog … • TLS transport mapping ◦ secure logs • Only 9 years old - ie., 2009 @leodido
  6. We chose Ragel to create the (Go) syslog parser github.com/influxdata/go-syslog

    A state machine compiler • regular languages -> FSM • can execute code (actions) at arbitrary points • non-determinism operators • table or control flow driven state machines • various host languages - c, c++, obj-c, asm, d, go, java, ruby, c#, ocaml @leodido
  7. action dgt { printf("DGT: %c\n", fc); } action dec {

    printf("DEC: .\n"); } action exp { printf("EXP: %c\n", fc); } action exp_sign { printf("SGN: %c\n", fc); } action number { /*NUMBER*/ } number = ( [0-9]+ $dgt ( '.' @dec [0-9]+ $dgt )? ( [eE] ( [+\-] $exp_sign )? [0-9]+ $exp )? ) %number; main := ( number '\n' )*; st0: if ( ++p == pe ) goto out0; if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr0; goto st_err; tr0: { printf("DGT: %c\n", (*p)); } st1: if ( ++p == pe ) goto out1; switch ( (*p) ) { case 10: goto tr5; case 46: goto tr7; case 69: goto st4; case 101: goto st4; } if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr0; goto st_err; // ... The gotos are your best friends. Only when you do not write them! @leodido
  8. go-syslog provides parsers for RFC 5424 and RFC 5425. <85>1

    2018-10-11T22:14:15.003Z leodido - 31932 - [ex@31932 iut="3"] An auth token... prival = facility * 8 + severity • tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5424.html (Syslog grammar) • tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5425.html (TLS + octet counting) • tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5426.html (UDP) • tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6587.html (TCP + octet counting) • man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/syslog.3.html • man7.org/linux/man-pages/man0/syslog.h.0p.html • man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/logger.1.html @leodido
  9. bestEffortOn := true i := []byte(`<165>1 2018-10-11T22:14:15.003Z mymach.it e -

    1 [ex@32473 iut="3"] An app event...`) p := rfc5424.NewParser() m, e := p.Parse(i, &bestEffortOn) // best effort mode on means both m and e can have value ... This results in m being equal to the following SyslogMessage instance. While error e is nil in this case. // (rfc5424.SyslogMessage)({ // priority: (*uint8)(165), // facility: (*uint8)(20), // severity: (*uint8)(5), // version: (uint16) 1, // timestamp: (*time.Time)(2018-10-11 22:14:15.003 +0000 UTC), // hostname: (*string)((len=9) "mymach.it"), // appname: (*string)((len=1) "e"), // procID: (*string)(<nil>), // msgID: (*string)((len=1) "1"), // structuredData: (*map[string]map[string]string)((len=1) { // (string) (len=8) "ex@32473": (map[string]string) (len=1) { // (string) (len=3) "iut": (string) (len=1) "3" // } // }), // message: (*string)((len=33) "An app event...") // }) @leodido
  10. It provides also a builder. Incrementally build valid syslog messages

    msg := &SyslogMessage{} msg.SetTimestamp("not a RFC3339MICRO timestamp") // Not yet a valid message (try msg.Valid()) msg.SetPriority(191) msg.SetVersion(1) msg.Valid() // Now it is minimally valid str, _ := msg.String() // str is “<191>1 - - - - - -” Notice that its API ignores input values that does not follow the grammar. @leodido
  11. Performances. • ~250ns to parse the smallest legal message •

    ~2µs to parse an average legal message • ~4µs to parse a very long legal message [no]_empty_input__________________________________-4 30000000 253 ns/op 224 B/op 3 allocs/op [no]_multiple_syslog_messages_on_multiple_lines___-4 20000000 433 ns/op 304 B/op 12 allocs/op [no]_impossible_timestamp_________________________-4 10000000 1080 ns/op 528 B/op 11 allocs/op [no]_malformed_structured_data____________________-4 20000000 552 ns/op 400 B/op 12 allocs/op [no]_with_duplicated_structured_data_id___________-4 5000000 1246 ns/op 688 B/op 17 allocs/op [ok]_minimal______________________________________-4 30000000 264 ns/op 247 B/op 9 allocs/op [ok]_average_message______________________________-4 5000000 1984 ns/op 1536 B/op 26 allocs/op [ok]_complicated_message__________________________-4 5000000 1644 ns/op 1280 B/op 25 allocs/op [ok]_very_long_message____________________________-4 2000000 3826 ns/op 2464 B/op 28 allocs/op [ok]_all_max_length_and_complete__________________-4 3000000 2792 ns/op 1888 B/op 28 allocs/op [ok]_all_max_length_except_structured_data_and_mes-4 5000000 1830 ns/op 883 B/op 13 allocs/op [ok]_minimal_with_message_containing_newline______-4 20000000 294 ns/op 250 B/op 10 allocs/op [ok]_w/o_procid,_w/o_structured_data,_with_message-4 10000000 956 ns/op 364 B/op 11 allocs/op [ok]_minimal_with_UTF-8_message___________________-4 20000000 586 ns/op 359 B/op 10 allocs/op [ok]_with_structured_data_id,_w/o_structured_data_-4 10000000 998 ns/op 592 B/op 14 allocs/op [ok]_with_multiple_structured_data________________-4 5000000 1538 ns/op 1232 B/op 22 allocs/op [ok]_with_escaped_backslash_within_structured_data-4 5000000 1316 ns/op 920 B/op 20 allocs/op [ok]_with_UTF-8_structured_data_param_value,_with_-4 5000000 1580 ns/op 1050 B/op 21 allocs/op @leodido
  12. Telegraf is the plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting

    metrics. github.com/influxdata/telegraf Thus we created the syslog input plugin for it, using go-syslog • Listens for syslog messages transmitted over UDP - RFC 5426 - or TCP. • Supports (atm) only messages formatted according to RFC 5424. • Supports TLS, octet framing (both over TCP - RFC 6587 - and TLS - RFC 5425). • BSD format - RFC 3164 - in progress. @leodido
  13. Metrics Measurement: syslog • tags ◦ severity (string) ◦ facility

    (string) ◦ hostname (string) ◦ appname (string) • fields ◦ version (integer) ◦ severity_code (integer) ◦ facility_code (integer) ◦ timestamp (integer) - the time recorded in the syslog message ◦ procid (string) ◦ msgid (string) ◦ sdid (bool) ◦ structured data elements (string) • timestamp - the time the messages was received @leodido
  14. Input (with octet counting) 169 <165>1 2018-10-01:14:15.000Z mymachine.example.com evntslog -

    ID47 [exampleSDID@32473 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="1011"] An application event log entry... Output syslog,appname=evntslog,facility=local4,hostname=mymachine.example.com,severity=notice exampleSDID@32473_eventID="1011",exampleSDID@32473_eventSource="Application",exampleSDID@32 473_iut="3",facility_code=20i,message="An application event log entry...",msgid="ID47",severity_code=5i,timestamp=1065910455003000000i,version=1i 1538421339749472344 @leodido
  15. Our solution Grab k8s and kernel logs from journald. Parse

    them via telegraf syslog input plugin. Visualize logs with chronograf log viewer. Elicit new metrics to plot applying a kapacitor UDF. Source code at git.io/k8s-logs-to-metrics-tick @leodido
  16. Using rsyslog to grab RFC 5424 syslog messages from journald.

    apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: rsyslog namespace: logging labels: component: rsyslog app: rsyslog data: rsyslog.conf: |+ # … module(load="imjournal" ...) # This module only works with the journald and json-file docker log drivers module(load="mmkubernetes" tls.cacert="..." tokenfile="..." annotation_match=["."]) # Extracts k8s metadata action(type="mmkubernetes") # … # Compose RFC5424 message template(name="rfc5424" type="list") { … } action(type="omfwd" target="" port="6514" protocol="tcp" tcp_framing="octet-counted" template="rfc5424" ...) @leodido
  17. Setup telegraf syslog plugin to receive log messages over TCP.

    apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: telegraf namespace: logging labels: component: telegraf app: telegraf data: telegraf.conf: |+ # ... [agent] interval = "10s" round_interval = true metric_batch_size = 1000 # ... [[outputs.influxdb]] urls = ["http://influxdb:8086"] # required database = "telegraf" # required retention_policy = "autogen" write_consistency = "any" timeout = "1m" [[inputs.syslog]] server = "tcp://:6514" best_effort = true @leodido
  18. Let’s deploy chronograf and influxDB apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata:

    name: chronograf namespace: logging labels: component: chronograf app: chronograf spec: ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 8888 name: server selector: component: chronograf --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment # ... apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: influxdb namespace: logging labels: component: influxdb app: influxdb annotations: service.alpha.kubernetes.io/tolerate-unready-endpoints: “true” spec: clusterIP: None ports: - port: 8086 name: server selector: component: influxdb --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet # ... @leodido
  19. Logs are just a mess! Inspecting logs coming from a

    single server is easy. Inspecting logs coming from a distributed system is hard. We need metrics! @leodido
  20. Now we want to detect and count the OOMs. Logs

    are streams. We need a streaming processor! github.com/influxdata/kapacitor A streaming processor can be programmed to identify the patterns we want and act on them, e.g: OOM Kills. Memory cgroup out of memory: Kill process 13012 (stress) score 1958 or sacrifice child @leodido
  21. Let’s write a tick script to grab log points dbrp

    "telegraf"."autogen" stream |from() .measurement('syslog') .truncate(1ms) .where(lambda: "appname" == 'kernel') # filter by points tag .where(lambda: "message" =~ /sacrifice/) # filtering on messages with regex @example() # passing points to our user defined function (UDF) |influxDBOut() .database('telegraf') .measurement('k8s') Collection Ingestion Storage Stream reprocessing Dashboards @leodido
  22. Let’s configure kapacitor # … [udf] [udf.functions] [udf.functions.example] socket =

    "/tmp/example.sock" timeout = "10s" [[influxdb]] enabled = true default = true name = "logging" urls = ["http://localhost:8086"] timeout = 0 startup-timeout = "5m" [influxdb.subscriptions] telegraf = ["autogen"] @leodido
  23. Let’s write the UDF func (h *handler) Point(p *agent.Point) error

    { var r = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m).*Kill process (?P<pid>\d+) (?P<proc>\(.*\)) score (?P<score>\d+)`) message, ok := p.FieldsString[“message”] if ok { m := r.FindStringSubmatch(message) data := mapSubexpNames(m, r.SubexpNames()) proc := strings.Trim(data[“proc”], “()”) state := h.state[proc] if state == nil { state := &myState{Counter: 0} h.state[proc] = state } h.state[proc].update() newpoint := &agent.Point{ Time: time.Now().UnixNano(), Tags: map[string]string{ “proc”: proc, “pid”: string(data[“pid”]), }, FieldsInt: map[string]int64{ “count”: h.state[proc].Counter, }, } // Send point h.agent.Responses <- &agent.Response{ Message: &agent.Response_Point{ Point: newpoint, }, } } return nil } @leodido