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Meet Me in the Browser - September Frontend Mee...

Liv Madsen
September 12, 2013

Meet Me in the Browser - September Frontend Meetup

Adapted version of the slides for the September frontend meetup in Aarhus. Includes an example of a .liquid + tdcss element library as shown during the session Q&A.
The session was recorded and you can find the video here (in Danish): http://vimeo.com/79824973

Liv Madsen

September 12, 2013

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  1. @livmadsen a content first approach to frontend development QUIT BULLSH*TTING

    AND FRONTEND MEETUP EDITION Friday, September 13, 13
  2. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser WHAT WE’LL COVER WHAT’S

  3. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser (..., Cotton Eye Joe)

    WHERE DID WE COME FROM? Friday, September 13, 13
  4. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser TYPICAL PROCESS The figure

    you are about to see is based on actual events. My name has been removed to protect my identity. Friday, September 13, 13
  5. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser WHAT HAPPENED? it’s not

    nice So sorry! Friday, September 13, 13
  6. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser PRIME SUSPECT: PSD PAGE

    COMPS force focus on facade skew expectations too stiff for RWD Friday, September 13, 13
  7. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT ARE

    NOT SEPARATE THINGS Friday, September 13, 13
  8. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser CLEAR STRATEGY & SET

    GUIDE LINES @livmadsen Meet me in the browser Friday, September 13, 13
  9. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser DECIDE IN THE BROWSER

    @livmadsen Meet me in the browser Friday, September 13, 13
  10. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser EXPOSE ISSUES, GET WISER

    AND RESPOND FASTER Friday, September 13, 13
  11. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser Focus dialogue Align expectations

    on style and behaviour DESIGN DELIVERABLES LAYOUT AGNOSTIC Friday, September 13, 13
  12. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser & ELEMENT LIBRARIES STYLE

    GUIDES TO THE BROWSER! Friday, September 13, 13
  13. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser @jakobloekke by A STYLE

    GUIDE YOU CAN WORK IN TDCSS.JS Friday, September 13, 13
  14. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser Easy setup Light-weight, instant

    response Great overview http://bit.ly/tdcss Friday, September 13, 13
  15. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser Small product teaser in

    list Medium product teaser stand-alone Medium product teaser in list ELEMENT LIBRARIES Friday, September 13, 13
  16. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser http://mixture.io Rapid prototyping Easy

    sharing Built in preprocessing, multi-device testing etc. App for Friday, September 13, 13
  17. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser layouts templates includes HTML

    TEMPLATING WITH LIQUID Friday, September 13, 13
  18. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser ... {% include "resources/navigation"

    %} <div role="main"> {% block content %}{% endblock %} </div> <aside role="complementary"> {% block secondarycontent %} {% endblock %} </aside> ... {% block content %} <h1>Hello, world!</h1> <p>This is main content</p> {% endblock %} {% block secondarycontent %} Oh, Hello again! {% endblock %} in layout file in template file “content” “secondary content” Friday, September 13, 13
  19. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser ... {% include "resources/navigation"

    %} <div role="main"> {% block content %}{% endblock %} </div> <aside role="complementary"> {% block secondarycontent %} {% endblock %} </aside> ... in include file “navigation” navigation in layout file ... <a href="/" {% if mixture.url == "index" %}class="current"{% endif %}> Home </a> <a href="/model" {% if mixture.url == "model" %}class="current"{% endif %}> Model example </a> ... Friday, September 13, 13
  20. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser { ... "kittens": [

    { "name": "John", "type": "Mancoon", "teasertextshort": "A real wonder bundle, that will have you brimming with joy.", "teaserimage": "http://placekitten.com/400/150" }, { "name": "Cuddles", "type": "Cornish Rex", "teasertextshort": "This clever kitty has been specially trained to never sit on keyboards.", "teaserimage": "http://placekitten.com/400/150" } ] } in model file _global.json Friday, September 13, 13
  21. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser elements.liquid (tdcss) <a href=”...”

    class="teaser-small"> <image class="teaser__image" src="{{ kitten.teaserimage }}" /> <span class="teaser__brand"> {{ kitten.name }}</span> <span class="teaser__type"> {{ kitten.type }}</span> </a> teaser--small.liquid (block) <!-- : Small teasers --> <section class="teaser-list"> <h1>All our kittens</h1> {% for kitten in global.kittens %} {% include "blocks/teaser--small" %} {% endfor %} </section> Friday, September 13, 13
  22. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser CLEAR STRUCTURE LOW BARRIER

    OF ENTRY IMPROVED TEAM WORK Friday, September 13, 13
  23. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser .. at least not

    over this bit ... PANICKED CLIENTS HAVEN’T Friday, September 13, 13
  24. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser Don't go chasing waterfalls.

    But, please DON’T stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to. THIS IS ACTUALLY HARDER TO EXPLAIN Friday, September 13, 13
  25. @livmadsen Meet me in the browser http://mixture-tdcss.livmadsen.mixture.io http://bit.ly/tdcss http://mixture.io http://typecast.com/

    http://styletil.es/ http://danielmall.com/articles/rif-element-collages/ ALL THE LINKS Friday, September 13, 13