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MVI with Jetpack Compose

MVI with Jetpack Compose

Slides for Droidcon Lisbon talk

Luca Nicoletti

September 09, 2019

More Decks by Luca Nicoletti

Other Decks in Programming


  1. About me • Luca • Italian • Android Engineer @Babylon

    Health • Based in London @luca_nicolett
  2. MVI

  3. MVI

  4. MVI We also added middleware • Works as a glue

    • Binds actions to transformers • Transformations to reducers • Or actions to reducers directly
  5. MVI

  6. MVI

  7. MVI private fun render(state: HomeScreenRedesignState) { loading_container .show(state.loadingState == LoadingState.Loading)

    unable_to_connect_error_container .show(state.loadingState == LoadingState.Error) /* ... */ }
  8. MVI

  9. Jetpack Compose • Declarative UI • Concise and idiomatic •

    Stateless or Stateful components • Reusable components • Compatible
  10. Jetpack Compose @Composable @GenerateView fun Greetings(name: String) { /* ...

    */ } <GreetingsView android:id="@+id/greetings" app:name="Luca" /> val greetingsView = findViewById<GreetingsView>(R.id.greetings) greetingsView.name = "Luca"
  11. Jetpack Compose @Composable @GenerateView fun Greetings(name: String) { /* ...

    */ } <GreetingsView android:id="@+id/greetings" app:name="Luca" /> val greetingsView = findViewById<GreetingsView>(R.id.greetings) greetingsView.name = "Luca"
  12. Jetpack Compose @Composable @GenerateView fun Greetings(name: String) { /* ...

    */ } <GreetingsView android:id="@+id/greetings" app:name="Luca" /> val greetingsView = findViewById<GreetingsView>(R.id.greetings) greetingsView.name = "Luca"
  13. Jetpack Compose • Declarative UI • Concise and idiomatic •

    Stateless or Stateful components • Reusable components • Compatible • Unbundled from OS
  14. Jetpack Compose mkdir androidx-master-dev cd androidx-master-dev repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest

    -b androidx-master-dev repo sync -j8 -c Download the code (and grab a coffee while we pull down 6GB)
  15. @Composable fun Text(/* ... */) { /* ... */ Draw

    { canvas, _ -> internalSelection.value?.let { textDelegate.paintBackground( it.min, it.max, selectionColor, canvas ) } textDelegate.paint(canvas) } /* ... */ } Jetpack Compose
  16. @Composable fun TextField(/* ... */) { // States val hasFocus

    = +state { false } val coords = +state<LayoutCoordinates?> { null } /* ... */ } Jetpack Compose
  17. @CheckResult("+") /* inline */ fun <T> state(init: () -> T)

    = memo { State(init()) } Jetpack Compose
  18. /** * The State class is an @Model class meant

    to * wrap around a single value. * It is used in the `+state` and `+stateFor` effects. */ @Model class State<T> @PublishedApi internal constructor(value:T) : Framed { /* ... */ } Jetpack Compose
  19. /** * [Model] can be applied to a class which

    represents your * application's data model, and will cause instances of the * class to become observable, such that a read of a property * of an instance of this class during the invocation of a * composable function will cause that component to be * "subscribed" to mutations of that instance. Composable * functions which directly or indirectly read properties of the * model class, the composables will be recomposed whenever any * properties of the the model are written to. */ Jetpack Compose
  20. @Model data class TaskModel( var isDone: Boolean, val description: String

    ): BaseModel() TaskModel.kt: (14, 3): Model objects do not support inheritance Jetpack Compose
  21. @Composable fun RallyBody() { Padding(padding = 16.dp) { Column {

    // TODO: scrolling container RallyAlertCard() HeightSpacer(height = 10.dp) RallyAccountsCard() } } } Jetpack Compose
  22. @Composable fun RallyBody() { Padding(padding = 16.dp) { VerticalScroller {

    Column { RallyAlertCard() HeightSpacer(height = 10.dp) RallyAccountsCard() } } } } Jetpack Compose
  23. @Composable fun DrawSeekBar(x: Float) { var paint = +memo {

    Paint() } Draw { canvas, parentSize -> /* ... */ canvas.drawRect(Rect(/* ... */), paint) canvas.drawRect(Rect(/* ... */), paint) canvas.drawCircle(/* ... */, paint) } } Jetpack Compose
  24. Text(text = "Row") ContainerWithBackground( width = ExampleSize, color = lightGrey

    ) { Row { PurpleSquare() CyanSquare() } } Jetpack Compose
  25. Jetpack Compose ContainerWithBackground( width = ExampleSize, color = lightGrey )

    { Row( mainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment.End ) { PurpleSquare() CyanSquare() } }
  26. Text(text = "Column") ContainerWithBackground( height = ExampleSize, color = lightGrey

    ) { Row { Column { PurpleSquare() CyanSquare() } /* ... */ } } Jetpack Compose
  27. Jetpack Compose ContainerWithBackground( height = ExampleSize, color = lightGrey )

    { Column( crossAxisAlignment = CrossAxisAlignment.End ) { PurpleSquare() CyanSquare() } }
  28. @Composable fun RippleRect() { val toState = +state{ ButtonStatus.Initial }

    val onPress:(PxPosition) -> Unit = { p -> down.x = p.x.value down.y = p.y.value toState.value = ButtonStatus.Pressed } /* ... */ } Jetpack Compose
  29. @Composable fun RippleRect() { val toState = +state{ ButtonStatus.Initial }

    val onPress:(PxPosition) -> Unit = { p -> down.x = p.x.value down.y = p.y.value toState.value = ButtonStatus.Pressed } /* ... */ } Jetpack Compose
  30. @Composable fun RippleRect() { /* ... */ val onRelease: ()

    -> Unit = { toState.value = ButtonStatus.Released } /* ... */ } Jetpack Compose
  31. @Composable fun RippleRectFromState(state: TransitionState) { Draw { canvas, _ ->

    canvas.drawCircle( Offset(x, y), radius, paint ) } } Jetpack Compose
  32. @Composable fun AlertDialog( onCloseRequest: () -> Unit, title: (@Composable() ()

    -> Unit), text: (@Composable() () -> Unit), confirmButton: (@Composable() () -> Unit), dismissButton: (@Composable() () -> Unit), buttonLayout: AlertDialogButtonLayout ) { /* ... */ } Jetpack Compose
  33. Jetpack Compose @Composable fun Dialog( onCloseRequest: () -> Unit, children:

    @Composable() () -> Unit ) { val context = +ambient(ContextAmbient) val dialog = +memo { DialogWrapper(context, onCloseRequest) } }
  34. Jetpack Compose @Composable fun Dialog( onCloseRequest: () -> Unit, children:

    @Composable() () -> Unit ) { +onActive { dialog.show() onDispose { dialog.dismiss() dialog.disposeComposition() } } }
  35. Jetpack Compose @Composable fun Dialog( onCloseRequest: () -> Unit, children:

    @Composable() () -> Unit ) { +onCommit { dialog.setContent(children) } }
  36. Jetpack Compose @Test fun topAppBar_expandsToScreen() { val dm = composeTestRule.displayMetrics

    composeTestRule .setMaterialContentAndCollectSizes { TopAppBar<Nothing>() } .assertHeightEqualsTo(appBarHeight) .assertWidthEqualsTo { dm.widthPixels.ipx } }
  37. Jetpack Compose @Test fun topAppBar_expandsToScreen() { val dm = composeTestRule.displayMetrics

    composeTestRule .setMaterialContentAndCollectSizes { TopAppBar<Nothing>() } .assertHeightEqualsTo(appBarHeight) .assertWidthEqualsTo { dm.widthPixels.ipx } }
  38. Jetpack Compose @Test fun topAppBar_expandsToScreen() { val dm = composeTestRule.displayMetrics

    composeTestRule .setMaterialContentAndCollectSizes { TopAppBar<Nothing>() } .assertHeightEqualsTo(appBarHeight) .assertWidthEqualsTo { dm.widthPixels.ipx } }
  39. All together object InProgress : BaseViewState(true, null) { @Composable override

    fun buildUI() { Container(expanded = true) { CircularProgressIndicator() } } }
  40. override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) viewModel = /* view

    model init */ setContent { CustomTheme { render(viewModel.states()) } } /* .. */ } All together
  41. override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) viewModel = /* view

    model init */ setContent { CustomTheme { render(viewModel.states()) } } /* .. */ } All together
  42. override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) viewModel = /* view

    model init */ setContent { CustomTheme { render(viewModel.states()) } } /* .. */ } All together
  43. override fun render( observableState: Observable<BaseViewState> ) { val state =

    +observe(ViewState.Idle, observableState) state.buildUI() } All together
  44. override fun render( observableState: Observable<BaseViewState> ) { val state =

    +observe(ViewState.Idle, observableState) state.buildUI() } All together
  45. override fun render( observableState: Observable<BaseViewState> ) { val state =

    +observe(ViewState.Idle, observableState) state.buildUI() } All together
  46. fun <T> observe(initialState: T, data: Observable<T>) = effectOf<T> { val

    result = +state { initialState } +onActive { val disposable = data.subscribe { newValue -> result.value = newValue } onDispose { disposable.dispose() } } return result.value } All together
  47. fun <T> observe(initialState: T, data: Observable<T>) = effectOf<T> { val

    result = +state { initialState } +onActive { val disposable = data.subscribe { newValue -> result.value = newValue } onDispose { disposable.dispose() } } return result.value } All together
  48. fun <T> observe(initialState: T, data: Observable<T>) = effectOf<T> { val

    result = +state { initialState } +onActive { val disposable = data.subscribe { newValue -> result.value = newValue } onDispose { disposable.dispose() } } return result.value } All together
  49. fun <T> observe(initialState: T, data: Observable<T>) = effectOf<T> { val

    result = +state { initialState } +onActive { val disposable = data.subscribe { newValue -> result.value = newValue } onDispose { disposable.dispose() } } return result.value } All together
  50. fun <T> observe(initialState: T, data: Observable<T>) = effectOf<T> { val

    result = +state { initialState } +onActive { val disposable = data.subscribe { newValue -> result.value = newValue } onDispose { disposable.dispose() } } return result.value } All together
  51. All together override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // viewModel

    = /* ... */ not needed anymore setContent { PostListScreen( processIntents(intents()), reloadPostListIntentPublisher ) } }
  52. All together override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // viewModel

    = /* ... */ not needed anymore setContent { PostListScreen( processIntents(intents()), reloadPostListIntentPublisher ) } }
  53. All together override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // viewModel

    = /* ... */ not needed anymore setContent { PostListScreen( processIntents(intents()), reloadPostListIntentPublisher ) } }
  54. All together override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // viewModel

    = /* ... */ not needed anymore setContent { PostListScreen( processIntents(intents()), reloadPostListIntentPublisher ) } }
  55. All together fun modelState() = +effectOf<PostListViewState> { val result =

    +state { PostListViewState.Idle } var disposable: Disposable? = null +onActive { /* ... */ } +onDispose { disposable?.dispose() } result.value }
  56. All together fun modelState() = +effectOf<PostListViewState> { val result =

    +state { PostListViewState.Idle } var disposable: Disposable? = null +onActive { /* ... */ } +onDispose { disposable?.dispose() } result.value }
  57. All together fun modelState() = +effectOf<PostListViewState> { val result =

    +state { PostListViewState.Idle } var disposable: Disposable? = null +onActive { /* ... */ } +onDispose { disposable?.dispose() } result.value }
  58. All together fun modelState() = +effectOf<PostListViewState> { val result =

    +state { PostListViewState.Idle } var disposable: Disposable? = null +onActive { /* ... */ } +onDispose { disposable?.dispose() } result.value }
  59. All together override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // viewModel

    = /* ... */ not needed anymore setContent { PostListScreen( processIntents(intents()) ) } }
  60. All together @Composable fun PostListScreen( state: PostListViewState ) { when

    (state) { PostListViewState.InProgress -> { /* ... */ } } }