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Controlling regularized conservation laws via E...

Wuchen Li
January 14, 2022

Controlling regularized conservation laws via Entropy–Entropy flux pairs

In this talk, we connect Lax’s entropy-entropy flux in conservation laws with optimal transport type metric spaces. Following this connection, we further design variational discretizations for conservation laws and mean field control of conservation laws.

Wuchen Li

January 14, 2022


  1. Controlling regularized conservation laws via Entropy–Entropy flux pairs Stanley Osher

    HJB reunion A joint work with Siting Liu (UCLA) and Wuchen Li (U of SC). 1
  2. Regularized scalar conservation laws Consider ∂t u + ∇ ·

    f(u) = β∇ · (A(u)∇u), where the known variable is u = u(t, x), (t, x) ∈ R+ × Rd, f : Rd → Rd is a flux function, A(u) ∈ Rd×d is a positive semi-definite matrix function, and β > 0 is a viscosity constant. The PDE is known as a regularized scalar conservation law. 5
  3. Conservation laws and generalized optimal transport Based on recent thanksgiving

    holiday studies 2019–2021, we are working on conservation laws, generalized optimal transport and mean field control problems. As is known in literature, there are actively joint studies to work on entropy, Fisher information, and transportation. Nowadays, these connections have applications in mean field games, information theory, AI, quantum computing, computational graphics, computational physics and Bayesian inverse problems. In this talk, we connect Lax’s entropy-entropy flux in conservation laws with optimal transport type metric spaces. Following this connection, we further design variational discretizations for conservation laws and mean field control of conservation laws. 6
  4. Heat equation and Entropy dissipation Consider a heat equation in

    Rd by ∂u(t, x) ∂t = ∇ · (∇u(t, x)) = ∆u(t, x). Consider the negative Boltzmann-Shannon entropy by H(u) = − Rd u(x)(log u(x) − 1)dx. Along the heat equation, the following dissipation relation holds: d dt H(u(t, ·)) = Rd ∥∇x log u(t, x)∥2u(t, x)dx = I(u(t, ·)), where I(u) is named the Fisher information functional. There is a formulation behind this relation, namely ▶ The heat flow is a gradient descent flow of entropy in optimal transport metric. 8
  5. Optimal transport What is the optimal way to move or

    transport the mountain with shape X, density u0(x) to another shape Y with density u1(y)? 9
  6. Literature The optimal transport problem was first introduced by Monge

    in 1781 and relaxed by Kantorovich (Nobel prize) in 1940. It defines a distance in the space of probability distributions, named optimal transport, Wasserstein distance, or Earth Mover’s distance. ▶ Mapping/Monge-Amp´ ere equation: Gangbo, Brenier, et.al; ▶ Gradient flows: Otto, Villani, Ambrosio, Gigli, Savare, Carillo, Mielke, et.al; ▶ Hamiltonian flows: Compressible Euler equations, Potential mean field games, Schrodinger bridge problems, Schrodinger equations: Benamou, Brenier, Lions, Georgiou, Nelson, Lafferty, et.al. ▶ Numerical OT and MFG: Benamou, Nurbekyan, Oberman, Osher, Achdou, et.al. We first review the classical optimal transport and its relations with entropy. We next design generalized optimal transport problems and mean field controls for conservation laws with entropy-entropy flux pairs. 10
  7. Entropy dissipation = Lyapunov methods The gradient flow of the

    negative entropy −H(u) = Rd u(x)log u(x)dx, w.r.t. optimal transport metric distance satisfies ∂u ∂t = ∇ · (u∇log u) = ∆u. Here the major trick is that u∇ log u = ∇u. In this way, one can study the entropy dissipation by − d dt H(u) = − Rd log u∇ · (u∇log u)dx = Rd ∥∇ log u∥2udx. 11
  8. Lyapunov method induced calculus Informally speaking, Wasserstein-Otto metric refers to

    the following bilinear form: ⟨ ˙ u1 , G(u) ˙ u2 ⟩ = ( ˙ u1 , (−∆u )−1 ˙ u2 )dx. In other words, denote ∆u = ∇ · (u∇), and ˙ ui = −∆u ϕi = −∇ · (u∇ϕi ), i = 1, 2, then ⟨ϕ1 , G(u)−1ϕ2 ⟩ = ⟨ϕ1 , −∇ · (u∇)ϕ2 ⟩ = (∇Φ1 , ∇Φ2 )udx, where u ∈ P(Ω), ˙ ui is the tangent vector in P(Ω) with ˙ ui dx = 0, and ϕi ∈ C∞(Ω) are cotangent vectors in P(Ω) at the point u. Here ∇·, ∇ are standard divergence and gradient operators in Ω. 12
  9. Gradient flows The Wasserstein gradient flow of an energy functional

    F(u) leads to ∂t u = − G(u)−1 δ δu F(u) =∇ · (u∇ δ δu F(u)). ▶ If F(u) = F(x)u(x)dx, then ∂t u = ∇ · (u∇F(x)). ▶ If F(u) = u(x) log u(x)dx, then ∂t u = ∇ · (u∇ log u) = ∆u. 13
  10. Hamiltonian flows Consider the Lagrangian functional L(u, ∂t u) =

    1 2 ∂t u, (−∇ · (u∇))−1∂t u dx − F(u). By the Legendre transform, H(u, ϕ) = sup ∂tu ∂t uϕdx − L(u, ∂t u). And the Hamiltonian system follows ∂t u = δ δϕ H(u, ϕ), ∂t ϕ = − δ δu H(u, ϕ), where δ δu , δ δϕ are L2 first variation operators w.r.t. u, ϕ, respectively and the density Hamiltonian forms H(u, ϕ) = 1 2 ∥∇ϕ∥2udx + F(u). Here u is the “density” state variable and ϕ is the “density” moment variable. 14
  11. Examples: Optimal transport and mean field games Thus, the Hamiltonian

    flow satisfies    ∂t u + ∇ · (u∇ϕ) = 0 ∂t ϕ + 1 2 ∥∇ϕ∥2 = − δ δu F(u). This is a well known dynamic, which is studied in potential mean field games, optimal transport and PDE. 15
  12. Optimal transport type formulaisms We are currently working on the

    “universe” of generalized optimal transport and mean field games. ▶ AI theory, inferences, and computations; ▶ Quantum computing; ▶ Algorithms of mean-field MCMC algorithms, and numerical PDEs. In this lecture, we point out that there are optimal transport type formalisms to study the control of conservation laws and to design variational numerical schemes. Related works ▶ Godunov (1970); ▶ Lax–Friedrichs (1971); ▶ Brenier (2018); ▶ Osher, Shu, Harten: Monotone schemes, TVD schemes, ENO, WENO, et.al. 16
  13. Entropy-Entropy flux pairs Consider ∂t u(t, x) + ∇x ·

    f(u) = 0. where u: R+ × Rn → Rd, and f : Rd → Rd. Definition (Entropy-entropy flux pair for systems (Lax)) We call (G, Ψ) an entropy-entropy flux pair for the above conservation law system if there exists a convex function G: Rd → R, and Ψ: Rd → R, such that Ψ′(u) = G′(u)f′(u). And an entropy solution satisfies ∂t G(u) + ∇x · Ψ(u) ≤ 0. This is trivial for scalar conservation laws, where d = 1. 18
  14. Lyapunov methods: Entropy-Entropy flux Denote G(u) = Ω G(u)dx. In

    this case, Ω G′(u)∇ · f(u)dx = Ω G′(u)(f′(u), ∇u)dx = Ω (Ψ′(u), ∇u)dx = Ω ∇ · Ψ(u)dx = 0, where we apply the fact that f′(u)G′(u) = Ψ′(u) and Ω ∇ · Ψ(u)dx = 0. 19
  15. Lyapunov methods: Viscosity In addition, Ω G′(u)∇ · (A(u)∇u)dx =

    − Ω ∇G′(u), A(u)∇u dx = − Ω ∇G′(u), A(u)G′′(u)−1∇G′(u) dx, where we apply ∇G′(u) = G′′(u)∇u, in the last equality. We require that A(u)G′′(u)−1 ⪰ 0, and A is nonnegative definite, G′′(u) > 0. 20
  16. Entropy-Entropy flux-Fisher information dissipation Hence we know that ∂t G(u)

    = Ω G′(u) · ∂t udx = − β Ω ∇G′(u), A(u)G′′(u)−1∇G′(u) dx ≤ 0. This implies that G(u) is a Lyapunov functional for regularized conservation law. 21
  17. Entropy-Entropy flux-transport metrics Definition (Entropy-entropy flux-metric condition) We call (G,

    Ψ) an entropy-entropy flux pair-metric for conservation laws if there exists a convex function G: Rd → R, and Ψ: Rd → R, such that Ψ′(u) = G′(u)f′(u), and A(u)G′′(u)−1 is symmetric positive semi-definite. 22
  18. Lyapunov methods induced transport metrics Under the entropy-entropy flux-metric condition,

    there is a metric operator for regularized conservation laws. Define the space of function u by M = u ∈ C∞(Ω): Ω u(x)dx = constant . The tangent space of M(u) at point u satisfies Tu M = σ ∈ C∞(Ω): Ω σ(x)dx = 0 . Denote an elliptic operator LC : C∞(Ω) → C∞(R) by LC (u) = −∇ · (A(u)G′′(u)−1∇). 23
  19. Lyapunov methods induced transport metrics Definition (Metric) The inner product

    g(u): Tu M × Tu M → R is given below. g(u)(σ1 , σ2 ) = Ω (Φ1 , LC (u)Φ2 )dx = − Ω Φ1 ∇ · (A(u)G′′(u)−1∇Φ2 )dx = Ω (∇Φ1 , A(u)G′′(u)−1∇Φ2 )dx = Ω σ1 Φ2 dx = Ω σ2 Φ1 dx, where Φi ∈ C∞(Ω) satisfies σi = −∇ · (A(u)G′′(u)−1∇Φi ), i = 1, 2. 24
  20. Entropy induced Gradient flows Proposition (Gradient flow) Given an energy

    functional E : M → R, the gradient flow of F in (M, g) satisfies ∂t u = ∇ · (A(u)G′′(u)−1∇ δ δu E(u)). If E(u) = G(u) = Ω G(u)dx, then the above gradient flow satisfies ∂t u = ∇ · (A(u)∇u). 25
  21. Flux-gradient flows Definition (Flux–gradient flow) Given an energy functional E

    : M → R, consider a class of PDE ∂t u + ∇x · f1 (x, u) = β∇x · (A(u)G′′(u)−1∇x δ δu E(u)), (1) where f1 : Ω × R1 → Rn is a flux function satisfying Ω f1 (x, u) · ∇x δ δu(x) E(u)dx = 0. 26
  22. Example If E(u) = G(u) = Ω G(u)dx and f1

    (x, u) = f(u), then equation (1) forms regularized conservation laws. ∂t u + ∇x · f(u) =β∇x · (A(u)G′′(u)−1∇x δ δu G(u)) =β∇x · (A(u)G′′(u)−1∇x G′(u)) =β∇x · (A(u)G′′(u)−1G′′(u)∇x u) =β∇x · (A(u)∇u), and Ω ∇x δ δu G(u) · f(u)dx = Ω ∇x G′(u) · f(u)dx = − Ω G′(u) · ∇x · f(u) dx = − Ω ∇ · Ψ(u)dx =0. 27
  23. Controlling flux-gradient flows Given smooth functionals F, H: M →

    R, consider a variational problem inf u,v,u1 1 0 Ω 1 2 v, A(u)G′′(u)−1v dx − F(u) dt + H(u1 ), where the infimum is taken among variables v: [0, 1] × Ω → Rn, u: [0, 1] × Ω → R, and u1 : Ω → R satisfying ∂t u + ∇ · f(u) + ∇ · (A(u)G′′(u)−1v) = β∇ · (A(u)∇u), and u(0, x) = u0 (x). 28
  24. Primal-dual conservation laws Proposition (Hamiltonian flows of conservation laws) The

    critical point system of the variational problem is given below. There exists a function Φ: [0, 1] × Ω → R, such that v(t, x) = ∇Φ(t, x), and        ∂t u + ∇ · f(u) + ∇ · (A(u)G′′(u)−1∇Φ) = β∇ · (A(u)∇u), ∂t Φ + (∇Φ, f′(u)) + 1 2 (∇Φ, (A(u)G′′(u)−1)′∇Φ) + δ δu F(u) = −β∇ · (A(u)∇Φ) + β(∇Φ, A′(u)∇u). (2) Here ′ represents the derivative w.r.t. variable u. The initial and terminal time conditions satisfy u(0, x) = u0 (x), δ δu1 H(u1 ) + Φ(1, x) = 0. 29
  25. Hamiltonian flows of conservation laws Proposition The primal-dual conservation law

    system (2) has the following Hamiltonian flow formulation. ∂t u = δ δΦ HG (u, Φ), ∂t Φ = − δ δu HG (u, Φ), where we define the Hamiltonian functional HG : M × C∞(Ω) → R by HG (u, Φ) = Ω 1 2 (∇Φ, A(u)G′′(u)−1∇Φ) + (∇Φ, f(u)) − β(∇Φ, A(u)∇u) dx + F(u). In other words, the Hamiltonian functional HG (u, Φ) is conserved along Hamiltonian dynamics: d dt HG (u, Φ) = 0. 30
  26. Modeling: Controlling traffic flows Position control. The unknown variable u

    in traffic flows represents the density function of cars (particles) in a given spatial domain. Here, the background dynamics of u is the classical traffic flow. The control variable is the velocity for enforcing each car’s velocity in addition to its background traffic flow dynamics. The goal is to control the “total enforced kinetic energy” of all cars, in which individual cars can determine their velocities through both noise and traffic flow interactions. 31
  27. Controlling Traffic flow problems Consider inf u,v,u1 1 0 Ω

    1 2 ∥v(t, x)∥2u(t, x)dx − F(u) dt + H(u1 ), (3a) such that 0 ≤ u(t, x) ≤ 1, for all t ∈ [0, 1], and ∂t u(t, x)+∇· u(t, x)(1−u(t, x)) +∇· u(t, x)v(t, x) = β∆u(t, x), (3b) with u(0, x) = u0 (x). 32
  28. Controlling traffic flow dynamics There exists a scalar function Φ,

    such that v(t, x) = ∇Φ(t, x), and    ∂t u + ∇ · u(1 − u) + ∇ · u∇Φ = β∆u, ∂t Φ + 1 − 2u, ∇Φ + 1 2 ∥∇Φ∥2 + δ δu F(u) = −β∆Φ. 33
  29. The Primal-dual Algorithms The classical primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithms (PDHG)

    solves the following saddle point problem min z max p ⟨Kz, p⟩L2 + g(z) − h∗(p). When the operator K is nonlinear, we apply its extension with K(z) ≈ K(¯ z) + ∇K(¯ z)(z − ¯ z). Here, the extension of the PDHG scheme is as follows zn+1 = argmin z ⟨z, [∇K(zn)]T ¯ pn⟩L2 + g(z) + 1 2τ ∥z − zn∥2 L2 , pn+1 = argmax p ⟨K(zn+1), p⟩L2 − h∗(p) − 1 2σ ∥p − pn∥2 L2 , ¯ pn+1 = 2pn+1 − pn. Set z = (u, m), p = Φ, K ((u, m)) = ∂tu + ∇ · f(u) + ∇ · m − β∆u, g ((u, m)) = 1 0 Ω ∥m∥2 2u + 1[0,1] (u)dx − F(u) dt, h(Kz) = 0 if Kz = 0 +∞ else . 34
  30. Solve the Control Problem with Primal-dual Algorithms We rewrite the

    varational problem as follows: inf u,m sup Φ L(u, m, Φ), with u(0, x) = u0 (x), Φ(1, x) = − δ δu(1, x) H(u), L(u, m, Φ) = 1 0 Ω ∥m∥2 2u + 1[0,1] (u)dx − F(u) dt + 1 0 Ω Φ (∂t u + ∇ · f(u) + ∇ · m − β∆u) dxdt, and f(u) = u(1 − u) is the traffic flux function. We denote the indicator function by 1A(x) = +∞ x / ∈ A 0 x ∈ A . 35
  31. Algorithm Algorithm :PDHG for the conservation law control system While

    k < Maximal number of iteration u(k+1), m(k+1) = argminu L(u, m, ¯ Φ(k)) + 1 2τ ∥(u, m) − (u(k), m(k))∥2 L2 ; Φ(k+1) = argmaxΦ L(u(k+1), m(k+1), Φ) − 1 2σ ∥Φ − Φ(k)∥2 H2 1 ; ¯ Φ(k+1) = 2Φ(k+1) − Φ(k); 36
  32. Monotone schemes Definition For p, q ∈ N, a scheme

    uk+1 j = G(uk j−p−1 , ..., uk j+q ) is called a monotone scheme if G is a monotonically nondecreasing function of each argument. Lax–Friedrichs Scheme. For discretization ∆t, ∆x in time and space, denote uk j = u(k∆t, j∆x), then the Lax–Friedrichs scheme is as follows uk+1 j = uk j − ∆t 2∆x f(uk j+1 ) − f(uk j−1 ) +(β+c∆x) ∆t (∆x)2 uk j+1 − 2uk j + uk j−1 . To guarantee that the above scheme is monotone, we need: 1 − 2(β + c∆x) ∆t (∆x)2 ≥ 0, − ∆t 2∆x |f′(u)| + (β + c∆x) ∆t (∆x)2 ≥ 0. As we want the scheme works when β → 0, the restriction on c and space–time stepsizes can be simplified as follows: c ≥ 1 2 |f′(u)|, (∆x)2 ≥ 2(β + c∆x)∆t. The first inequality suggests the artificial viscosity we need to add. The second one impose a strong restriction on the stepsize in time when β > 0. 37
  33. Discretization of the control problem We consider the control problem

    of scalar conservation law defined in [0, b] × [0, 1] with periodic boundary condition on the spatial domain. Given Nx , Nt > 0, we have ∆x = b Nx , ∆t = 1 Nt . For xi = i∆x, tl = l∆t, define ul i = u(tl, xi) 1 ≤ i ≤ Nx, 0 ≤ l ≤ Nt, ml 1,i = (mx1 (tl, xi))+ 1 ≤ i ≤ Nx, 0 ≤ l ≤ Nt − 1, ml 2,i = − (mx1 (tl, xi))− 1 ≤ i ≤ Nx, 0 ≤ l ≤ Nt − 1, Φl i = Φ(tl, xi) 1 ≤ i ≤ Nx, 0 ≤ l ≤ Nt, ΦNt i = − δ δu(1, xi) H(uNt i ) 1 ≤ i ≤ Nx, where u+ := max(u, 0) and u− = u+ − u. Note here ml 1,i ∈ R+, ml 2,i ∈ R−. Denote (Du)i := ui+1 − ui ∆x [Du]i := (Du)i , (Du)i−1 [Du]i = (Du)+ i , − (Du)− i−1 Lap(u)i = ui+1 − 2ui + ui−1 (∆x)2 38
  34. Discretization of the control problem The first conservation law equation

    adapted from the Lax–Friedrichs scheme satisfies ul+1 i − ul i ∆t + f(ul+1 i+1 ) − f(ul+1 i−1 ) 2∆x +(Dm)l 1,i−1 +(Dm)l 2,i = (β+c∆x)Lap(u)l+1 i . Following the discretization of the conservation law, the discrete saddle point problem has the following form: min u,m max Φ L(u, m, Φ), where L(u, m, Φ) = ∆x∆t i,l (ml−1 1,i )2 + (ml−1 2,i )2 2ul i + 1[0,1] (ul i ) − ∆t l F(ul) + ∆x i H(uNt i ) + ∆x∆t i,l Φl i ul+1 i − ul i ∆t + f(ul+1 i+1 ) − f(ul+1 i−1 ) 2∆x + (Dm)l 1,i−1 + (Dm)l 2,i − (β + c∆x)Lap(u)l+1 i . 39
  35. Discretization of the control problem By taking the first order

    derivative of ul i , we automatically get the implicit finite difference scheme for the dual equation of Φ that is backward in time: 1 ∆t Φl+1 i − Φl i + (Φl i+1 − Φl i−1 ) 2∆x f′(ul i )+ 1 2 ∥[DΦ]l i ∥2+ δF(ul i ) δu = −(β+c∆x)Lap(Φ)l i . The discrete form of the Hamiltonian functional at t = tl takes the form HG(u, Φ) = i 1 2 ∥[DΦ]l i ∥2ul i + (Φl i+1 − Φl i−1 ) 2∆x f(ul i ) + (β + c∆x)ul i Lap(Φ)l i − F(ul). ▶ When f(u) = 0, the above discretization reduces to the finite difference scheme for the mean-field game system. ▶ When F = 0, H = c for some constant c, the variational problem becomes classical conservation laws with initial data. No control will be enforced on the density function u. ▶ Our algorithm provides an alternative way to solve the nonlinear conservation law with implicit discretization in time. 40
  36. Example 1: Traffic flows We consider the traffic flow equation

    ∂t u + ∂x f(u) = 0, u(0, x) = 0.8, 1 ≤ x ≤ 2 0 else , where f(u) = 1 2 u(1 − u), F = 0, H = 0, β = 0, k = 0.5. Figure: Left: a comparison with the exact entropy solution at t = 1; middle: the numerical solution via solving the control problem; right: the numerical solution to the conservation law using Lax–Friedrichs scheme. 41
  37. Example 2: Traffic flows transport problems We consider the traffic

    flow equation with f(u) = u(1 − u), β = 0.1, F = 0, c = 0.5. The final cost functional H(u(1, ·)) = µ Ω u(1, x) log( u(1, x) u1 )dx, µ = 1. We set u0 = 0.001 + 0.9e−10(x−2)2 , u1 = 0.001 + 0.45e−10(x−1)2 + 0.45e−10(x−3)2 . We also compare the result from the control of conservation law with a mean-field game problem, i.e., f = 0. 42
  38. Example 2: Traffic flows transport problems 0 2 4 x

    0 0.5 1 0 2 4 x 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 2 4 x 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 2 4 x 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Figure: From left to right: initial configurations of u0 , u1 , solution u(1, x) for the control of conservation law, solution u(1, x) for the mean-field game problem. Figure: Left: solution u(t, x) for the problem of controlling the conservation law; right: solution u(t, x) for the mean-field game problem. 43
  39. Example 3: Traffic control Consider the traffic flow equation with

    f(u) = u(1 − u), β = 10−3,F = −α Ω u log(u)dx, α ≥ 0. The final cost functional H(u(1, ·)) = Ω u(1, x)g(x)dx. The initial density and final cost function are as follows u0 (x) = 0.4 0.5 ≤ x ≤ 1.5 10−3 else , g(x) = −0.1 sin(2πx). Figure: Solution u(t, x) for the problem of controlling the conservation law. From left to right: α = 0, 0.5, 1. 44
  40. Example 3: Traffic control 0 2 4 x -0.2 0

    0.2 0.4 u 0 g 0 2 4 x 0 0.5 1 =0 =0.5 =1 0 0.5 1 t 0 0.5 1 =0 =0.5 =1 Figure: Left: boundary conditions for the control problems u0 . Middle: solution u(1, x) for the problem of controlling the conservation law. Right: the numerical Hamiltonian HG (u, Φ). Figure: Solution u(t, x) for the problem of controlling the conservation law. From left to right: α = 0, 0.5, 1. 45
  41. Extending to systems of conservation law Figure: Control 1D compressible

    Navier-Stokes equations. Top: no control. Bottom: with control. 46
  42. Road Ahead: Entropy, Information, transportation, conservation laws ▶ Conservation law

    induced mean-field games; ▶ Conservation law enhanced sampling and AI optimization algorithms; ▶ Variational numerical schemes for conservation laws; ▶ Conservation law Quantum computing; ▶ Entropy dissipation of conservation law equations in generalized optimal transport space. 47