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Queues in PostgreSQL

Thomas Munro
May 20, 2016

Queues in PostgreSQL

A talk I gave at PGCon 2016 in Ottawa. My first visit to a major PostgreSQL conference, my first attempt at public speaking, my first visit to Canada. Woo. A talk about job queue workloads in PostgreSQL. (I also gave variations of this talk at the PostgreSQL users group in Wellington, NZ, and PGDay 2017 in Melbourne, Australia).

Thomas Munro

May 20, 2016


  1. About Me • Joined EnterpriseDB’s database server team ~1 year

    ago • Working on EDB Postgres Advanced Server and PostgreSQL • Minor contributor to PostgreSQL: SKIP LOCKED, cluster_name, remote_apply, various bug fixes (multixacts, SSI, portability, testing), review
  2. What’s a Queue? Why Put One in an RDBMS? Example

    Use Cases Implementation Problems What Could We Do Better?
  3. queue /kjuː/ noun 1. Chiefly British A line or sequence

    of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed. Definition: Oxford Dictionary Image: paphotos.co.uk
  4. queue /kjuː/ noun 1. Chiefly British A line or sequence

    of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed. [“Americans have started saying ‘Queue’. Blame Netflix” - New Republic] Definition: Oxford Dictionary Image: paphotos.co.uk
  5. queue /kjuː/ noun 2. Computing A list of data items,

    commands, etc., stored so as to be retrievable in a definite order, usually the order of insertion. Definition: Oxford Dictionary 3 4 1 2 5
  6. Informal Taxonomy • Queues 1. FIFO: First-in-first-out queues 2. Priority

    queues • “Queues” 3. Specialised queues (merging, reordering) 4. Unordered/approximately ordered queues
  7. 1. FIFO Queues • The order most people think of

    when they hear the word “queue” • Often used in low level code because the implementation is simple and fast: physical layout reflects logical ordering 3 2 1 tail head
  8. 2. Priority Queues • Sometimes a different explicit logical order

    is needed • Implementation techniques include sets of FIFO queues, trees and other data structures associated with sorting Image: Wikipedia
  9. 3. Specialised “Queues” • Sometimes we use the word queue

    more loosely to describe something that gives up strict logical ordering to meet some other goal • Operating system IO schedulers and elevators/lifts allegedly improve global efficiency by merging and reordering queued requests Image: epicioci pixabay.com
  10. 4. Unordered & Approximately Ordered “Queues” • Sometimes we don’t

    care about the order that items are retrieved in at all, we just want to process them as quickly as possible • … but usually we want at least approximate time ordering for fairness (no arbitrarily stuck messages), but don’t need strict global ordering for correctness • Transactional and concurrent systems blur the order of both insertion and retrieval
  11. What’s a Queue? Why Put One in an RDBMS? Example

    Use Cases Implementation Problems What Could We Do Better?
  12. You might consider using a plain old database if… •

    … you want reliable persistent message processing that is atomic with respect to other database work (without the complications of distributed transactions) • … you don’t want the maintenance, backups, failover and risks of new moving parts (message broker daemons) • … your message rates and number of consumers are in the range that PostgreSQL and your hardware can handle • … you like PostgreSQL enough to attend a conference
  13. What’s a Queue? Why Put One in an RDBMS? Example

    Use Cases Implementation Problems What Could We Do Better?
  14. Mixing Transactions with External Effects • We want to book

    a seat on a plane • We also want to send an SMS message with confirmation of the booking and seat number
  15. Mixing Transactions with External Effects: Take 1 Oops: we have

    sent an SMS but forgot the fact it represents due to an asteroid/bug/hardware failure before COMMIT
  16. Mixing Transactions with External Effects: Take 2 Oops: we have

    committed the fact, but failed to send an SMS due to flood/transient network failure/SMS provider downtime
  17. Mixing Transactions with External Effects: Take 3 BEGIN;

    booking …; enqueue*;
 COMMIT; send_sms(…) 1 2 BEGIN; dequeue*; COMMIT;
  18. Mixing Transactions with External Effects • We establish a new

    fact (the booking) and record our intention to notify the customer (the entry in the SMS queue) atomically • We remove the queued item after sending successfully (and probably have a retry system if the SMS service is temporarily failing) • The SMS sending operation should ideally be idempotent so that if we fail after sending but before committing the dequeue operation, sending the same message again won’t be problematic
  19. Distributed Computing • Job control for farming out expensive external

    computation to worker processes • Job control for database aggregation work moved out of interactive transactions
  20. What’s a Queue? Why Put One in an RDBMS? Example

    Use Cases Implementation Problems What Could We Do Better?
  21. Ingredients • Messages: Rows in plain old tables • Priority

    ordering: ORDER BY • Signalling: NOTIFY & LISTEN • Concurrency: • None, course grained locking or SERIALIZABLE • … or explicit fine grained locking
  22. No Physical FIFO • The relational model (and therefore its

    approximate earthly embodiment SQL) doesn’t expose details of physical ordering or insertion order to the user • Ordering will therefore need to be a function of values in records supplied at INSERT time, and explicitly requested with ORDER BY when they are retrieved (it’s always a “priority queue”), or unordered
  23. Enqueue Protocol • BEGIN;
 — any other work

    sms_queue (…)
 VALUES (…);
 NOTIFY sms_queue_broadcast;
 COMMIT; • Note: if inserting transactions overlap, then it is difficult to generate a key that increases monotonically with respect to commit/ transaction visibility order!
  24. Dequeue Protocol: Take 1 • LISTEN sms_queue_broadcast; • BEGIN;

    message_uuid, destination, body
 FROM sms_queue
 ORDER BY insert_time
 — if found, do something (internal or
 — external + idempotent) and then:
 DELETE FROM sms_queue
 WHERE message_uuid = $1;
 • — repeat previous step until nothing found • — wait for notifications before repeating
  25. Dequeue Protocol: Take 1 • At isolation levels below SERIALIZABLE,

    this protocol won’t work correctly if there are concurrent sessions dequeuing • At SERIALIZABLE level, at most one such overlapping session can succeed (worst case workload for SERIALIZABLE)
  26. Dequeue Protocol: Take 2 • LISTEN sms_queue_broadcast; • BEGIN;

    message_uuid, destination, body
 FROM sms_queue
 ORDER BY insert_time
 — if found, do something (internal or
 — external + idempotent) and then:
 DELETE FROM sms_queue
 WHERE message_uuid = $1;
 COMMIT; • — repeat previous step until nothing found • — wait for notifications before repeating
  27. Dequeue Protocol: Take 3 • LISTEN sms_queue_broadcast; • BEGIN;

    message_uuid, destination, body
 FROM sms_queue
 ORDER BY insert_time
 — if found, do something (internal or
 — external + idempotent) and then:
 DELETE FROM sms_queue
 WHERE message_uuid = $1;
 COMMIT; • — repeat previous step until nothing found • — wait for notifications before repeating In PostgreSQL 9.4 and earlier which don’t have SKIP LOCKED, use pg_try_advisory_lock(x) in the WHERE clause, where x is somehow derived from the message ID
  28. Dequeue Protocol: Take 3 • The ORDER BY clause is

    still controlling the time we start processing each item, but no longer controlling the order we commit • Dequeuing transactions that roll back cause further perturbation of the processing order • Looser ordering is good for concurrency while still approximately fair to all messages • Stricter ordering is needed for some replication-like workloads with a semantic dependency between messages
  29. Resilience • The protocol discussed so far has messages which

    are locked, worked on and then deleted in the same transaction is simple, but doesn’t help us manage failures very conveniently • Some ideas for improvement, depending on requirements: • Handle failure of external systems by incrementing a retry counter on a message and giving up on messages after some maximum number of retries • Prevent such retries from happening too fast by setting a time column to a future time when incrementing message, which the dequeue operation should respect • Resilience against crashing or hanging workers is trickier because we can’t increment a retry count in an transaction that never commits; one approach is to have one transaction update a message state, and then do the real work in a separate transaction — this requires a protocol for cleaning up/stealing work items if they aren’t completed within a time frame
  30. Some Other Considerations • Watch out for ID space running

    out (32 bit integers) • If using a SEQUENCE to generate a strict order, be careful of cycling and be aware of behaviour when transactions overlap • Btrees not correlated with insert/delete order can develop a lot of bloat in high churn tables • Statistics for volatile tables might cause trouble (CF DB2 VOLATILE) • If there is no ordering requirement at all, in theory you might not even need an index on a queue table (you could use ctid to refer to arbitrarily selected locked rows) • Default vacuum settings may be insufficient, depending on your workload, leading to bloat and unstable performance
  31. Notifications • It would be nice to have a new

    wait/notify feature that could handle ‘broadcast’ like NOTIFY, but also ‘notify one’: to avoid stampedes of otherwise idle workers when only one item has been enqueued • It might be better to do that with a blocking ‘wait’ function rather than the NOTIFY asynchronous message approach (?)
  32. UNDO • UNDO-log based MVCC should provide continuous recycling of

    space, avoiding bloat and giving smoother performance • … but no doubt bring new problems, and be extremely difficult to build
  33. Serializable • Queue-like workloads are the worst case for SERIALIZABLE

    • The executor could in theory consider returning tuples in a different order when there is a LIMIT, no [complete] ORDER BY, and another transaction has SIREAD locks on a tuple being returned • Perhaps this could reduce conflicts in such workloads, allowing higher throughput without giving up the benefits of SERIALIZABLE