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Django, from nightmare to dream with Best Pract...

Django, from nightmare to dream with Best Practices

I will present some good practices/tools to use when you develop a application with Django, I know some companies where the source code is worst.

Stéphane Wirtel

July 11, 2017

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  1. Django, from nightmare to dream with Good tools by Stéphane

    Wirtel PyConIE 2017 - Dublin - 22 October 2017 1 / 69
  2. Hello, I am Stéphane Python Freelancer Open Source = My

    Passion/Job PythonFOSDEM CPython contributor #fellow member of Python Software Foundation Community Service Award EuroPython organizer former core dev of Odoo (Open Source ERP) blah blah Python blah 2 / 69
  3. Unconfessed project Python 2.7 (support 2020) Django 1.8 (support april

    2018) few dependencies are deprecated or no maintainers (incompatible with django 1.11) 6 / 69
  4. Unconfessed project Python 2.7 (support 2020) Django 1.8 (support april

    2018) few dependencies are deprecated or no maintainers (incompatible with django 1.11) SQLite 7 / 69
  5. Unconfessed project Python 2.7 (support 2020) Django 1.8 (support april

    2018) few dependencies are deprecated or no maintainers (incompatible with django 1.11) SQLite no tests (+- 30k lines of code) 8 / 69
  6. Unconfessed project Python 2.7 (support 2020) Django 1.8 (support april

    2018) few dependencies are deprecated or no maintainers (incompatible with django 1.11) SQLite no tests (+- 30k lines of code) no documentation, some comments are in Italian, French, ... 9 / 69
  7. Unconfessed project Python 2.7 (support 2020) Django 1.8 (support april

    2018) few dependencies are deprecated or no maintainers (incompatible with django 1.11) SQLite no tests (+- 30k lines of code) no documentation, some comments are in Italian, French, ... duplicated/dead code 10 / 69
  8. Unconfessed project Python 2.7 (support 2020) Django 1.8 (support april

    2018) few dependencies are deprecated or no maintainers (incompatible with django 1.11) SQLite no tests (+- 30k lines of code) no documentation, some comments are in Italian, French, ... duplicated/dead code no async for jobs 11 / 69
  9. Unconfessed project Python 2.7 (support 2020) Django 1.8 (support april

    2018) few dependencies are deprecated or no maintainers (incompatible with django 1.11) SQLite no tests (+- 30k lines of code) no documentation, some comments are in Italian, French, ... duplicated/dead code no async for jobs no Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery 12 / 69
  10. Unconfessed project Python 2.7 (support 2020) Django 1.8 (support april

    2018) few dependencies are deprecated or no maintainers (incompatible with django 1.11) SQLite no tests (+- 30k lines of code) no documentation, some comments are in Italian, French, ... duplicated/dead code no async for jobs no Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery no API for external tools need to export data (mobile app, ticket search app, etc...) 13 / 69
  11. Unconfessed project Python 2.7 (support 2020) Django 1.8 (support april

    2018) few dependencies are deprecated or no maintainers (incompatible with django 1.11) SQLite no tests (+- 30k lines of code) no documentation, some comments are in Italian, French, ... duplicated/dead code no async for jobs no Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery no API for external tools need to export data (mobile app, ticket search app, etc...) no syslog, just send error with exception to the mailing list. 14 / 69
  12. Unconfessed project Python 2.7 (support 2020) Django 1.8 (support april

    2018) few dependencies are deprecated or no maintainers (incompatible with django 1.11) SQLite no tests (+- 30k lines of code) no documentation, some comments are in Italian, French, ... duplicated/dead code no async for jobs no Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery no API for external tools need to export data (mobile app, ticket search app, etc...) no syslog, just send error with exception to the mailing list. settings were hardcoded, no environment variables 15 / 69
  13. Challenge Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery Documentation Configuration Tests Write

    Code/Refactoring Quality of code Profiling Deployment 26 / 69
  14. Challenge Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery Documentation Configuration Tests Write

    Code/Refactoring Quality of code Profiling Deployment Monitoring 27 / 69
  15. Continuous Integration Travis (https://www.travis.org) language: python python: - "2.7" install:

    - pip install -r requirements-dev.txt script: "python manage.py compilemessages && python manage.py test" 28 / 69
  16. Continuous Integration Travis (https://www.travis.org) language: python python: - "2.7" install:

    - pip install -r requirements-dev.txt script: "python manage.py compilemessages && python manage.py test" Gitlab CI is also open source and you can use. Your laptop can become a slave for your CI 29 / 69
  17. Con guration django-dotenv Your .env file POSTGRES_USER="postgres" POSTGRES_PASSWORD="" SECRET_KEY="whoami" ALLOWED_HOSTS=''

    CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE=False DEBUG=True ENVIRONMENT='LOCAL' DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=dev-settings Your manage.py file import dotenv if __name__ == '__main__': dotenv.read_dotenv() os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "project.settings") ... 31 / 69
  18. Tests unittest / pytest (fixtures) django.test / pytest-django mock /

    pytest-mock behave / behave_django selenium 32 / 69
  19. Tests Selenium (Web Browser Automation) from selenium import webdriver driver

    = webdriver.Firefox() driver.get('https://pyconie17.python.ie/') link = driver.find_element_by_link_text('Full Schedule') link.click() driver.save_screenshot('/tmp/screenshot.png') driver.close() driver.quit() 33 / 69
  20. Tests Behave (https://github.com/behave/behave) (BDD) Feature: This feature is useless Scenario:

    Create a screenshot Given Go on PyCon Ireland Website And Click on "Full Schedule" Then Take a screenshot 35 / 69
  21. Tests Behave (https://github.com/behave/behave) (BDD) Feature: This feature is useless Scenario:

    Create a screenshot Given Go on PyCon Ireland Website And Click on "Full Schedule" Then Take a screenshot @given("Go on PyCon Ireland Website") def step(context): driver.get('https://pyconie17.python.ie') @given('Click on "{link_text}"') def step(context, link_text): driver.find_element_by_link_text(link_text).click() @then('Take a screenshot') def step(context): driver.save_screenshot() 36 / 69
  22. Tests Django + Behave = behave_django You can use behave

    with Django, in fact, a scenario will be executed in a transaction and you can interact with your database. @when(u'I visit "{url}"') def visit(context, url): context.browser.visit(context.base_url + url) 37 / 69
  23. Tests Django + Behave = behave_django You can use behave

    with Django, in fact, a scenario will be executed in a transaction and you can interact with your database. @when(u'I visit "{url}"') def visit(context, url): context.browser.visit(context.base_url + url) @given(u'user "{username}" exists') def create_user(context, username): # This won't be here for the next scenario User.objects.create_user(username=username, password='SeCr4T') 38 / 69
  24. Tests behave + Django + Selenium + Sphinx = Updated

    screenshots for your documentation pip install sphinx-selenium-screenshots 39 / 69
  25. Tests behave + Django + Selenium + Sphinx = Updated

    screenshots for your documentation pip install sphinx-selenium-screenshots Change the configuration of your sphinx project screenshots_server_path = 'http://localhost:8080' 40 / 69
  26. Tests behave + Django + Selenium + Sphinx = Updated

    screenshots for your documentation pip install sphinx-selenium-screenshots Change the configuration of your sphinx project screenshots_server_path = 'http://localhost:8080' ..screenshot:: schedule.png :server_path: /schedule Your developers and users will be happy with an updated documentation, you can provide a PDF or a real book with a print provider 41 / 69
  27. Tests factory_boy and django-factoryboy Definition of a Factory in app/tests/factories/model.py

    class TalkFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = 'conference.Talk' title = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda talk: fake.sentence(nb_words=6, variable_ sub_title = factory.Faker('sentence', nb_words=12, variable_nb_words=True) slug = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda talk: slugify(talk.title)) level = factory.Iterator(conference.models.TALK_LEVEL, getter=lambda x: x[0]) status = factory.Iterator(conference.models.TALK_STATUS, getter=lambda x: x[0] conference = factory.Iterator(conference.models.Conference.objects.all().value language = factory.Iterator(TALK_LANGUAGES, getter=lambda x: x[0]) 44 / 69
  28. Write Code/Refactoring These tools will help your code With the

    tests, you can start to rewrite the bad code django-extensions pip install django-extensions Show the urls Generate a graph of your models Integration of a web interface for the debugger more features... 45 / 69
  29. Write Code/Refactoring These tools will help your code With the

    tests, you can start to rewrite the bad code pyflake8, pylint radon (Cyclomatic Complexity, Maintainability Index) vulture (Find deadcode) 46 / 69
  30. Write Code/Refactoring These tools will help your code With the

    tests, you can start to rewrite the bad code mypy with mypy-django gnrbag.py:84: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "classmethod", va gnrbag.py:317: error: Name 'json' already defined gnrbag.py:2874: error: Need type annotation for variable gnrbag.py:3083: error: Dict entry 3 has incompatible type "int": "str" ` 47 / 69
  31. Write Code/Refactoring These tools will help your code With the

    tests, you can start to rewrite the bad code autoflake --remove-all-unused-imports isort 48 / 69
  32. Pro ling django-devserver + line_profiler Only for Python 2 [11/Jul/2017

    12:26:50] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 302 0 [11/Jul/2017 12:26:50] "GET /en/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 301 0 [sql] (3ms) 1 queries with 0 duplicates [profile] Total time to render was 0.03s [profile] Timer unit: 1e-06 s Total time: 0.009523 s File: $VIRTUALENV/XXX/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cms/views.py Function: details at line 23 Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents ============================================================== 23 def details(request, slug): 24 """ 25 The main view of the Django-C 26 page. 27 """ 50 / 69
  33. Pro ling pytest-profiling with --profile-svg --durations=2 $ pytest --durations=2 --profile-svg

    ======================== slowest 2 test durations ========================================== 0.47s setup tests/test_reset_password.py::ResetPasswordTestCase::test_reset_password 0.36s call tests/test_stripe.py::StripeViewTestCase::test_add_stripe_on_order_test if you are a purist, maybe you will prefer cProfile 51 / 69
  34. Pro ling with --profile-svg you can get this result core:145:render

    8.04% (0.02%) 146× helpers:74:render_tag 3.75% (0.00%) 10× 3.75% 10× cms_tags:473:render_tag 8.02% (0.00%) 10× 8.02% 10× helpers:28:render_tag 1.95% (0.00%) 84× 1.95% 84× sekizai_tags:90:render_tag 8.03% (0.00%) 40× 8.03% 10× loader:81:render_to_string 9.47% (0.00%) 42× 0.39% 10× menu_tags:119:get_context 3.34% (0.00%) 10× 3.34% 10× base:901:render 14.22% (0.08%) 500× 7.07% 10× 0.64% 2× cms_tags:137:get_value 1.03% (0.01%) 40× 1.03% 40× cms_tags:384:get_value 0.89% (0.01%) 40× 0.89% 40× 8.03% 10× client:505:post 5.65% (0.00%) 4× client:644:_handle_redirects 4.23% (0.00%) 2× 3.61% 1× client:305:post 2.04% (0.00%) 4× 2.04% 4× client:495:get 22.16% (0.00%) 32× 4.23% 3× client:353:generic 24.19% (0.01%) 37× 2.03% 4× test_stripe:24:test_add_stripe_on_order_test 4.32% (0.00%) 1× 3.79% 1× base:60:__call__ 59.57% (0.01%) 166× 0.52% 1× 59.56% 166× test_profile:103:test_p3_profile_message_accept_message 1.51% (0.00%) 1× 0.15% 1× 1.35% 2× test_profile:37:test_p3_account_data_post 1.58% (0.00%) 1× 1.56% 1× loader_tags:51:render 9.44% (0.02%) 176× 9.41% 158× debug:77:render_node 14.21% (0.04%) 3546× 14.21% 142× __init__:382:whos_coming 1.60% (0.00%) 3× shortcuts:50:render 5.53% (0.00%) 10× 1.16% 2× 5.52% 10× test_views:18:setUp 10.17% (0.00%) 6× 8.42% 12× client:584:login 10.70% (0.02%) 32× 1.75% 6× 0.32% 32× 1.80% 32× client:411:_session 0.71% (0.01%) 68× 0.70% 64× 7.80% 32× case:333:run 99.64% (0.05%) 84× 1.51% 1× 1.58% 1× 10.17% 6× utils:193:inner 6.97% (0.01%) 13× 6.97% 13× test_views:174:test_conference_talk 3.72% (0.00%) 1× 3.72% 1× test_views:109:test_p3_schedule_list 1.09% (0.00%) 1× 1.09% 1× test_profile:30:test_p3_account_data_get 0.51% (0.00%) 1× 0.51% 1× test_profile:74:test_p3_profile 0.83% (0.00%) 1× 0.83% 1× test_cart:19:test_p3_cart 0.84% (0.00%) 1× 0.84% 1× test_views:32:test_p3_whos_coming_with_conference 0.88% (0.00%) 1× 0.88% 1× test_reset_password:6:test_reset_password 5.24% (0.00%) 1× 5.24% 1× test_views:100:test_p3_schedule 0.90% (0.00%) 1× 0.90% 1× mock:1289:patched 8.54% (0.00%) 7× 8.54% 7× test_models:32:test_profile 1.24% (0.00%) 1× 1.24% 1× test_stripe:16:setUp 2.54% (0.00%) 2× 2.54% 2× test_views_live:18:setUp 6.79% (0.00%) 4× 6.79% 4× test_profile:14:setUp 13.58% (0.00%) 8× 13.58% 8× test_models:48:setUp 4.33% (0.00%) 3× 4.33% 3× test_models:16:setUp 0.85% (0.00%) 2× 0.85% 2× test_views:45:setUp 15.05% (0.00%) 9× 15.05% 9× test_cart:12:setUp 1.80% (0.00%) 1× 1.80% 1× test_views:15:setUp 3.34% (0.00%) 2× 3.34% 2× test_stats:14:setUp 4.50% (0.00%) 12× 4.50% 12× test_views:22:test_p3_whos_coming_no_conference 1.03% (0.00%) 1× 1.03% 1× test_views:153:test_conference_sponsor 1.26% (0.00%) 1× 1.26% 1× test_views:83:test_conference_schedule_xml 0.61% (0.00%) 1× 0.61% 1× test_views_live:34:test_live 0.71% (0.00%) 1× 0.71% 1× test_views:204:test_p3_schedule_my_schedule_ics_error_404 1.35% (0.00%) 1× 1.35% 1× 3.63% 1× 1.03% 1× 0.51% 1× 0.82% 1× 0.82% 1× 0.86% 1× 3.11% 1× urlresolvers:524:reverse 4.96% 2.13% 1× 0.88% 1× 4.32% 1× test_stripe:49:test_stripe_get 0.61% (0.00%) 1× 0.61% 1× test_models:86:test_send_user_message 2.71% (0.00%) 1× 2.71% 1× 1.20% 5× 0.91% 2× 1.61% 2× 5.59% 8× 1.20% 4× 11.08% 16× 2.50% 8× 4.33% 6× 0.85% 6× 12.37% 18× 2.67% 9× 1.45% 2× 0.35% 1× 2.71% 4× 0.63% 2× 4.50% 36× functional:223:inner 0.57% (0.01%) 1141× 0.11% 840× functional:102:__prepare_class__ 0.65% functional:56:__get__ 0.50% (0.06%) 3611× django:44:render 12.55% (0.00%) 68× 0.23% 27× base:204:render 14.70% (0.01%) 80× 12.54% 28× __init__:197:get_language_from_request 0.52% (0.00%) 37× trans_real:485:get_language_from_request 0.51% (0.01%) 37× 0.51% 37× locale:29:process_request 0.52% (0.00%) 36× 0.52% 36× cachef:137:wrapper 1.29% (0.01%) 49× dataaccess:14:profile_data 0.58% (0.00%) 5× 0.58% 5× 0.30% 5× 0.10% 1× testcases:243:assertRedirects 0.90% (0.00%) 5× 0.89% 1× 1.09% 1× 0.16% 1× 0.55% 1× 0.68% 1× 1.28% 1× 0.61% 1× client:295:get 22.16% (0.00%) 33× 22.16% 32× cms_menus:185:get_nodes 0.62% (0.01%) 10× pluggy:238:_wrapped_call 99.99% (0.01%) 84× pluggy:263:__init__ 100.00% (0.01%) 168× 99.90% 84× pluggy:598:execute 100.00% (0.01%) 168× 100.00% 84× engine:179:render_to_string 3.83% (0.00%) 5× 2.71% 5× 1.12% 5× utils:90:instrumented_test_render 14.24% (0.01%) 105× 14.24% 19× 5.49% 17× 3.83% 5× loader:23:get_template 1.31% (0.00%) 40× 1.25% 37× 1.30% 40× shortcuts:27:render_to_response 3.84% (0.00%) 5× 3.83% 5× functional:132:__wrapper__ 3.34% (0.00%) 26× 3.34% 20× decorators:80:wrapper 0.87% (0.00%) 2× profile:26:p3_profile 0.83% (0.00%) 2× 0.83% 2× 0.66% 1× 0.11% 1× base:94:get_response 23.79% (0.04%) 36× 1.60% 3× 0.52% 36× 0.87% 2× live:31:live 0.58% (0.00%) 1× 0.58% 1× decorators:60:wrapper 4.33% (0.00%) 5× 4.33% 5× decorators:19:_wrapped_view 2.34% (0.00%) 13× 2.16% 8× response:149:render 6.14% (0.00%) 2× 6.14% 2× cart:79:cart 0.73% (0.00%) 1× 0.73% 1× toolbar:43:process_request 2.06% (0.01%) 35× 2.06% 35× schedule:150:schedule_list 0.94% (0.00%) 1× 0.94% 1× schedule:128:schedule 0.79% (0.00%) 1× 0.79% 1× base:84:get_exception_response 1.03% (0.00%) 2× 1.03% 2× 0.56% 1× 3.84% 5× profile:100:p3_account_data 1.87% (0.00%) 2× 1.87% 2× response:124:rendered_content 6.14% (0.00%) 2× 6.14% 2× 0.68% 1× 0.38% 99× toolbar:41:__init__ 1.48% (0.03%) 35× 1.48% 35× 0.68% 1× 0.75% 1× decorators:99:_wrapped_view 1.02% (0.00%) 2× 1.02% 2× menu_pool:142:_build_nodes 0.81% (0.01%) 10× 0.62% 10× django_load:48:load 2.28% (0.00%) 5× menu_pool:269:discover_menus 2.49% (0.00%) 20× 2.21% 2× message:297:send 1.34% (0.00%) 1× locmem:22:send_messages 1.33% (0.00%) 1× 1.33% 1× message:264:message 1.33% (0.00%) 1× 1.33% 1× models:489:send_user_message 1.37% (0.00%) 2× 1.34% 1× base:1227:render 1.27% (0.00%) 40× lru_cache:94:wrapper 2.77% (0.01%) 330× context_processors:16:_get_menu_renderer 2.52% (0.00%) 10× 2.52% 10× menu_pool:262:get_renderer 2.52% (0.00%) 10× 2.52% 10× 0.89% 1× base:645:resolve 2.05% i18n:67:get_language_list 0.67% (0.02%) 734× i18n:22:get_languages 0.74% (0.02%) 870× 0.63% 734× conf:276:get_cms_setting 0.68% (0.03%) 1777× 0.62% 870× message:42:make_msgid 1.32% (0.00%) 1× 1.32% 1× utils:11:__str__ 1.32% (0.00%) 1× 1.32% 1× 0.63% 32× toolbar:107:init_toolbar 0.60% (0.01%) 45× 0.19% 6× __init__:41:get_language_from_request 0.61% (0.03%) 261× 0.16% 45× 0.22% 261× conf:223:get_languages 0.61% (0.09%) 870× functional:188:__wrapper__ 0.70% (0.02%) 1279× 0.42% 870× functional:89:__init__ 0.68% (0.03%) 1279× 0.68% 1279× cms_tags:52:_get_page_by_untyped_arg 1.63% (0.02%) 80× client:428:request 24.15% (0.01%) 36× 24.15% 36× client:105:__call__ 24.07% (0.01%) 36× 24.07% 36× decorators:20:wrapper 0.68% (0.00%) 6× 0.78% 2× models:445:save 1.00% (0.00%) 1× 1.00% 1× models:70:save_instance 1.00% (0.00%) 1× 1.00% 1× 0.52% 1× 8.04% 10× 9.44% 158× 1.27% 40× loader_tags:112:render 12.54% (0.00%) 25× 12.54% 11× defaulttags:317:render 4.02% (0.01%) 291× 4.02% 134× defaulttags:472:render 2.25% (0.01%) 27× 2.25% 27× debug:87:render 2.08% (0.04%) 725× 1.77% 590× loader_tags:145:render 2.46% (0.00%) 5× 2.46% 5× 1.57% 25× 11.74% 11× 3.98% 65× 2.24% 27× 1.90% 561× 2.33% 5× 6.05% 2× 23.79% 36× 14.22% 19× 0.53% 35× toolbar_base:11:__init__ 0.67% (0.01%) 105× 0.67% 105× 0.21% 105× 2.49% 10× socket:128:getfqdn 1.32% (0.00%) 1× ~:0:<_socket.gethostbyaddr> 1.31% (1.32%) 1× 1.31% 1× 0.65% 1279× 99.99% 84× runner:96:pytest_runtest_call 99.89% (0.00%) 84× 99.89% 84× unittest:174:runtest 99.89% (0.01%) 84× 99.89% 84× 0.83% 40× 0.80% 40× 0.61% 870× 2.52% 20× menu_pool:233:get_nodes 0.82% (0.00%) 10× 0.82% 10× 0.81% 10× testcases:170:__call__ 99.88% (0.01%) 79× case:430:__call__ 99.64% (0.00%) 84× 99.64% 79× 99.64% 84× 99.88% 79× utils:14:get_fqdn 1.32% (0.00%) 1× 1.32% 1× 1.36% 2× 1.35% 1× 22.15% 33× 1.32% 1× defaults:9:page_not_found 1.02% (0.00%) 2× 1.02% 2× 0.99% 2× 52 / 69
  35. Pro ling cprofilev is a web interface for the cProfile

    output pip install cprofilev cprofilev -f prof/test_reset_password.prof [cProfileV]: cProfile output available at 53 / 69
  36. Debugging django-pdb and --ipdb pdbpp (pdb++) (for pytest) python -m

    pdb manage.py test #or python manage.py test --pdb Support for pytest-ipdb has been stopped & replaced by pdbpp https://asciinema.org/a/143426 54 / 69
  37. Deployment We already use: Docker docker-compose But for the Continuous

    Delivery we need Kubernetes / Docker Swarm For example, Gitlab 10 provides the support of the Continuous Delivery with Kubernetes 58 / 69
  38. Monitoring Sometimes, you can find this kind of monitoring... but

    Sentry (for the logs) Grafana shinken or nagios 60 / 69
  39. API Provide API (REST) for the mobile and web applications

    Django REST Framework Single Page App with ReactJS or VueJS (no idea) 62 / 69
  40. Integrated Development Environment You can use your favourite editor Emacs

    | Vim Atom Visual Code Sublime Text ed but maybe you could give a try to PyCharm (Community or Pro) Auto-Completion Code Coverage (Remote) Debugging Profiling Virtual env Integration with the documentation Integration with Type Hinting Integration with Docker ... they offer pro licenses if you work on a open source project or discount 68 / 69