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Machine learning: boldly going where Twitter's ...

Machine learning: boldly going where Twitter's APIs don't

MetaBeerTalks given by James Kember, Engineer, at MetaBroadcast on March 12th, 2014


March 12, 2014

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  1. Twitter • Lots of data! • Limited resources (180 calls

    per 15 mins) on /statuses/show:id • We can get more resource by using our users API allowance, but that still isn't enough • API doesn't give all we want :( (Favourites)
  2. Favourites • Stream api doesn't give favourite count :( •

    Polling individual tweets does • We just want the totals per tweet • So we need to pick the most active tweets • Most tweets have no favourites on them
  3. Metric gathering • We need metrics! • Sometimes you aren’t

    sure what the metrics are (limited resources) • Random sampling for a baseline
  4. 1st Attempt • Hand crafted • Requires good domain knowledge

    • Difficult to get all the rules in place (required quite a few tweaks based on looking at results)
  5. Machine Learning • Works well in a big data domain

    with random elements (Twitter..) • Possible to learn trends that you would not think of given appropriate data set • Neural Network + Backpropagation • After picking the dataset and the right algorithm it does all the work for you!