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Tools for fast Angular applications

Minko Gechev
November 11, 2019

Tools for fast Angular applications

Minko Gechev

November 11, 2019

More Decks by Minko Gechev

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  1. Practices for speed automated with the Angular CLI & schematics

    Code-splitting Efficient serving Bundle Preloading
  2. Practices for speed automated with the Angular CLI & schematics

    Code-splitting Efficient serving Bundle Preloading
  3. Automatic code-splitting Angular CLI version 8.1 $ ng g module

    about --route about --module app module name
  4. Automatic code-splitting Angular CLI version 8.1 $ ng g module

    about --route about --module app lazy-route path
  5. Automatic code-splitting Angular CLI version 8.1 $ ng g module

    about --route about --module app parent module name
  6. Generated a lazy-route • Defined an NgModule • Declared a

    lazy-route • Declared a default route • Defined a component
  7. Practices for speed automated with the Angular CLI & schematics

    Code-splitting Efficient serving Bundle Preloading
  8. ngx-quicklink • Detects links in the viewport • Waits until

    the browser is idle • Checks user’s connection • Prefetches the lazy modules
  9. Practices for speed automated with the Angular CLI & schematics

    Code-splitting Efficient serving Bundle Preloading
  10. • ng add a platform module • Run ng deploy

    Deployment via Angular CLI Introduced in CLI v8.3
  11. Supported platforms for automatic deployments via the Angular CLI @angular/fire

    @azure/ng-deploy @zeit/ng-deploy angular-cli-ghpages @netlify-builder/deploy ngx-deploy-npm
  12. Practices for speed automated with the Angular CLI & schematics

    Code-splitting Efficient serving Bundle Preloading
  13. Practices for speed automated with the Angular CLI & schematics

    Code-splitting Efficient serving Bundle Preloading
  14. Practices for speed automated with the Angular CLI & schematics

    Code-splitting Efficient serving Bundle Preloading
  15. Practices for speed automated with the Angular CLI & schematics

    Code-splitting Efficient serving Bundle Preloading