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Co-creating a common data language for the DWeb

September 17, 2021

Co-creating a common data language for the DWeb

By Connor Turland


September 17, 2021

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  1. Co-Creating a common Data language To Empower Citizens of the

    Web In the hopes of bringing about a more collaborative open social web
  2. Context Amongst much conversation over the last few years between

    individuals working within Enspiral, Sensorica, Metamaps, Edgeryders, other networks, and many ‘freelancers’ too, there is a collaborative project (termed Value Flows) gaining traction. It has the potential to enhance the various web platforms we have been building to act more so as an ecosystem of tools, than siloed off platforms. This presentation is meant to serve as a (mostly) non-technical portal into that conversation and an invitation to refine and support the emergent vision.
  3. What is Value flows? A. an unintelligible mess of technical

    semantic web jargon buried in github repositories and wikis? B. a set of common vocabularies to describe flows of economic resources of all kinds within distributed economic ecosystems? link C. an opportunity made possible by the knowledge, awareness, and passion of a group of renegade geeks and developers who want to empower our networks and all people? D. a common language that can be spoken and understood by our various web platforms?
  4. Hint: It was ‘E. All of the above’ …but let’s

    focus on the least technical of those explanations Value Flows is a common language that can be spoken and understood by our various web platforms (and any others that might emerge) this presentation will discuss the power and opportunities that the above represents (*for anyone who might wonder, there is an awareness of IEML and Ceptr and openings for aligning with these compatible languages/technologies)
  5. Structure of the presentation • why not just stick with

    “the internet we know”? • the REAL problem Value Flows helps solve • What actually IS this “common language”? • Why could it work? • Who would learn this language? • * Leverage Point * • Demo Time • What could be the steps forward? • Who’s behind it all? • Challenges & Opportunities for the ecosystem
  6. Addressing a real problem of todays web As a "citizen

    of the web" it does not make sense for me to be constrained to access and alter my digital information via a finite number of prescribed interfaces
  7. interfaces - core principle Depending on who you are, and

    what you are trying to do, a different interface may be OPTIMAL
  8. interfaces An interface designer enables an interface consumer to ACCESS

    and ALTER their data view more background on interfaces here, where we explore Graphical User Interfaces, Application Programming Interfaces, and Command Line Interfaces: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-V0yo0amXT5HXISAkcW-UPyef w4cDfdHltgxhLHZftQ/edit?usp=sharing
  9. Core challenge #1 Getting the less tech-savvy people to understand

    what the possibilities are beyond traditional platforms and to evolve to the model of data + user interfaces instead, becoming co-designers, taking co-responsibility for the data and interfaces that can meet their needs
  10. Example of Poor End User Experience From one perspective, it

    looks like facebook has built a very functional graphical user interface. But a functional interface that helps the user do what? Only what they want the user to do. And we have reason to question their intentions. They do enable accessing and altering some of the data stored in facebook using the HTTP API, but they have legal limitations on building alternate interfaces to access and alter that data.
  11. Core challenge #2 Between the various web platforms that we

    have been building, our data is stored so differently that our various interfaces cannot work for/with the data of others. In other words, we are speaking different languages and struggling to communicate
  12. Two Options We have two options for Challenge #2. We

    either: 1. keep storing our data in separate places in separate languages, but begin to write translations from one “language” to another 2. begin adapting our platforms to speak a shared language
  13. The beginnings of a solution to core challenge #2 This

    proposed solution takes the form of option 2, creating a shared language and beginning to speak it. Yet, I also believe that there is room and a certain logic for option 1 to begin happening as well, on parallel tracks. Proposal By co-designing a flexible enough language that all of our web platforms can speak we unlock diverse opportunities to empower "citizens of the web" to access and alter their data in optimal ways.
  14. People and groups An extremely common use case of a

    web platform aiming to enable decentralized groups to work together is having to manage people and their formation into groups. Currently, all the web platforms handle this separately and redundantly. In the model being suggested with Value Flows, there would be diverse ways to alter these memberships, but the changes would permeate to the ecosystem of interfaces. Requirement: a common language to describe people and relationships between, and participation and roles within groups
  15. What is this "common language" Put into dense, but at

    least human readable, terms: It is a computer-readable way to describe discrete concrete and abstract things/entities, which can be expressed in the various code languages of the semantic web. (XML, JSON-LD, etc.)
  16. What else should I know about it? In the Value

    Flows terminology, and JSON-LD terminology the term for this "common language" being defined is a "vocabulary". The vocabulary will not be formed all at once, as it takes work to define a "type of thing". Due to the initial focus on enabling economic activities the initial ones being worked on are "agent", "process" and "exchange".
  17. Why might it work? JSON is one of the most

    used ways of transferring data on the web, so it already has wide adoption and familiarity. Storing the JSON in files makes it both - inherently portable, because you just copy and move the file - familiar enough to people that they can handle it Creating a "standard" is a tried and true way of creating compatibility between projects
  18. A language gets useful when people speak it So who

    would have to learn this "common" language? To begin with... App Developers - must build apps that read and write data in this special format, so those apps become compatible Early Adopters of those apps - may find themselves staring at a raw JSON file that describes themselves, or an asset of theirs, and wish to share it or alter it in some way
  19. Core challenge #4 Getting app developers and early adopters to

    "speak our language" may be difficult because it is unfamiliar and complex
  20. * leverage point * Framing Question: How can we help

    app developers to "speak our language"? Answer: By writing open-source reusable code libraries in the languages most commonly used to build web apps that do most of the heavy lifting. A.k.a. act as a translator between a language familiar to the developer and our language. Initial proposed languages: Nodejs, RubyOnRails, and Django. Would this be a huge task? No. In fact, I've already partially written a prototype of a Nodejs one. https://github.com/valueflows/linked-data-creator-api
  21. A quick demo to ground this go check out a

    demo: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18vz1hNP_gBtgVFN-oi_lQ j8st8LS48sN5_sC4swOocQ/edit?usp=sharing
  22. conversational interface example Back to interfaces Process Robo Leaknet Cycle

    1 Tibi posted a new task that fits your skills: Work required: 3D design, Estimated duration: 1 Hour Due: Nov. 24, 2015 for Process: Robo Leaknet Cycle 1 starting 2015-11-24 ending 2015-12-15 This message has most likely been sent to other individuals. IF you want to take the task, you can, but if not others will take it. First-come-first-served. You committed to do this by Nov. 24. It is now Dec. 5. What’s happening? Reply
  23. Who's behind it • Mikey Williams • Simon Tegg •

    Elf Pavlik • Bob Haugen • Lynn Foster • Jon Richter • Elio Qoshi • Connor Turland • … (add your name here) Projects which Value Flows originate from include the NRP project, and the Open App Ecosystem project
  24. Challenges for the ecosystem - core challenge #1 remains: breaking

    the familiar mental model of web interfaces, and mitigating the risks of being an early adopter - core challenge #5: communicating well enough, within our own networks and/or beyond, the exponential power of focusing on creating low-level interfaces to attract resources to support that development and design work - early adopters and system administrators are likely to have to brave raw data, and the github UI in the short term
  25. Opportunities for the ecosystem - build towards a "division of

    labor" in which we as an ecosystem don't have too many people writing code that does the same thing, and let peoples specific strengths shine - empower our users with "hylo data" in Metamaps, "cobudget data" in Hylo feeds, Backfeed reputation being associated with NRP users, the list goes on! - be leaders in the transition of web platforms towards personal ownership of data - pave the way for this ecosystem to grow, as anyone would be empowered to build on and interact with what we have so far
  26. Places to join the conversation Slower paced, more accessible discussion

    (we hope): https://gitter.im/valueflows/welcome Firehose (sometimes): https://gitter.im/valueflows The top level Value Flows github repository (raise an issue): https://github.com/valueflows/valueflows