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snaq.me / Startup Architecture of the year 2019

snaq.me / Startup Architecture of the year 2019

Startup Architecture of the year 2019 ピッチコンテスト F2-08


Twitter: https://twitter.com/miyoshihayato

hayato miyoshi

June 13, 2019

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    rights reserved. S U M M I T খෲ͚ͩ͡Όͳ͘ίίϩ΋ຬͨ͢ؤுΔࢲʹ͝๙ඒ͓΍ͭ Real Food͔Β࡞ͬͨɺඒຯͯ͘͠Χϥμʹ༏͍͓͠΍ͭΛ͓ҰਓͻͱΓʹΧελϚΠζ͓ͯ͠ಧ͚ ͝੩ௌ͋Γ͕ͱ͏͍͟͝·ͨ͠ ͝ڵຯ͋Δํ͸ snaq.me (εφοΫϛʔ) ΁