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Leibniz Maps-en

June 20, 2018

Leibniz Maps-en

Leibniz Maps is a web portal to browse more than 1,000 historical maps that have benn provided under CC0 by the Leibniz Institut für Länderkunde.


June 20, 2018


  1. Leibniz Maps Matthias Müller-Prove
 Innovation & Interaction Design, Hamburg ❊

    Historical Map Collection 17c-19c
 cc0 4.0 Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde e.V. HK 0221
  2. 1,320 high resolution scans 62 GByte 1,127 XML meta data

    records 4.1 MByte with geo-tags HK 0472
  3. XML
 always a matter of standards XSLTansformation
 at browser run-time

    visualisation as table interactive search and
 map preview in the
 Chronoscope World HK 0059
  4. data and maps provided by Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde e.V. under

    creative commons zero XSLT + CSS + JavaScript + Web-Design & Usability IIIF Image Server manducus.net
 previews provided by seige.digital GbR Chronoscope World
 Chronoscope Hamburg is a selected project of the European Year of Cultural Herritage 2018 /by Matthias Müller-Prove Community Building & Social Collaboration
 @chronohh #leibnizmaps