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Data-driven Innovation

Matt Wood
October 10, 2012

Data-driven Innovation

Slides from my session at the #AWS Public Sector Summit, 2012.

Matt Wood

October 10, 2012

More Decks by Matt Wood

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  2. A T C G G T C C A G

    G A G C C A G G U C C Transcription
  3. A T C G G T C C A G

    G A G C C A G G U C C Translation Ser Glu Val Transcription
  4. Generation Collection & storage Analytics & computation Collaboration & sharing

    lower cost, increased throughput highly constrained
  5. 2

  6. hi1.4xlarge 2 x 1Tb SSD storage 10 gigabit networking HVM:

    90k IOPS read, 9k to 75k write PV: 120k IOPS read, 10k to 85k write
  7. Netflix “The hi1.4xlarge configuration is about half the system cost

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  10. “BioSense 2.0 protects the health of the American people by

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