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How to E-E-A-T Your Way to Better SEO (WordCamp...

How to E-E-A-T Your Way to Better SEO (WordCamp Canada July 2024)

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  1. How to E-E-A-T Your Way to Better SEO WordCamp Canada

    July 13, 2024 Presented by Natasha Burtenshaw-deVries (@natasha_bd)
  2. @natasha_bd #WCEH Natasha Burtenshaw-deVries Director of Organic Growth at Flywheel

    Digital and Continuing Education Instructor at George Brown College (SEO and Paid Search) Lives In: Hamilton, Ontario Working in SEO Since: 2018 Spoken At: WordCamp Niagara, BrightonSEO, Women In Tech SEO Fest USA (September 2024)
  3. If we really want to make the internet better, we

    all need to do our part. @natasha_bd #WCEH
  4. @natasha_bd #WCEH A lot of this is simply driven by

    people wanting to make money... #capitalism
  5. @natasha_bd #WCEH According to Statistics Canada: “In 2023, 43% of

    Canadians said it was becoming more difficult than it was three years earlier to distinguish between true and false information.” Source: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/231220/dq231220b-eng.htm
  6. @natasha_bd #WCEH In 2021, websites that repeatedly published fake news

    generated an estimated 2.6 billion U.S. in advertising revenue worldwide. Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1253292/misinformation-publishers-advertising-revenue/
  7. @natasha_bd #WCEH In August 2018 Google wanted to give users

    the most accurate and trustworthy results possible…
  8. @natasha_bd #WCEH …so they introduced E-E-A-T*. (It’s not a ranking

    factor, we’ll go over that later) *The first mention of E-A-T in the Search Quality Rater’s Guidelines was in March 2014, it was updated and got more traction in 2018, and then updated to E-E-A-T in December 2022
  9. @natasha_bd #WCEH Experience Does your website demonstrate first hand experience

    of the topic? Have you actually visited the business or destination? Have you actually tested the product? Have you actually worked in a specific field?
  10. @natasha_bd #WCEH Expertise Do you have a high level of

    expertise or knowledge in the page’s subject matter? Do you have training or credentials? Do you have significant hands on or everyday expertise?
  11. @natasha_bd #WCEH Authority Do you have a good reputation within

    your field of expertise? Do others recognize you as an expert or trusted source?
  12. @natasha_bd #WCEH Trustworthiness Is your content accurate, valid and accessible?

    Are you disclosing relevant information like policies and advertising relationships? Does your website offer a good user experience? Are you sharing information like pricing and reviews that can help someone evaluate your quality and trustworthiness on their own?
  13. @natasha_bd #WCEH E-E-A-T is Not Considered Equally Across All Topics

    YYML topics (Your Money Your Life) require a much higher threshold of E-E-A-T than other topics.
  14. @natasha_bd #WCEH But Marie Haynes, One of the Foremost Experts

    (and 🇨🇦) on E-E-A-T, Does Read More at: https://www.mariehaynes.com/resources/eat/
  15. @natasha_bd #WCEH And while there may not be a direct

    cause and effect relationship between E-E-A-T and rankings, it can still...
  16. @natasha_bd #WCEH E-E-A-T is relative and it’s never really complete.

    Demonstrate it as required and never stop working on it.
  17. @natasha_bd #WCEH E-E-A-T isn’t just about SEO, it’s about creating

    better websites and building trust with users.
  18. @natasha_bd #WCEH It’s hard to prove its impact but ignoring

    E-E-A-T is an opportunity cost and leaves your site vulnerable to algorithm updates that are increasingly focused on trust and quality.
  19. @natasha_bd #WCEH Google wants trustworthy results so users are happy.

    You want happy users. Happy users generally spend more money.
  20. @natasha_bd #WCEH E-E-A-T Resources E-E-A-T: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness

    by Lily Ray https://lilyray.nyc/e-a-t-expertise-authoritativeness- trustworthiness/ Thoughts on E-E-A-T and SEO after 7 years of intensive study by Marie Haynes https://www.mariehaynes.com/resources/eat/ Google E-E-A-T by Moz https://moz.com/learn/seo/google-eat