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A web console to control nanosatellites - Small...

A web console to control nanosatellites - Smalltalks 2013

Nahuel Garbezza

December 27, 2020

More Decks by Nahuel Garbezza

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  1. context Satellogic builds nanosatellites using open hardware and software technologies

    @CubeBug1 launched, @CubeBug2 to be launched soon they needed a visual console for improving the interaction with the satellites
  2. #1: discover the domain we did test-driven development from the

    beginning a lot of concepts & patterns emerged
  3. #2: visual sending & reception of packages web interface using

    Seaside components a lot of JQuery / Ajax integration with DataTables JQuery plugin
  4. #4: parse command definitions code that runs in the satellite

    is written in C we used PetitParser to extract the command definitions
  5. #5: let the users write custom scripts built-in commands are

    ‘primitives’ console users know Smalltalk so… we let them write Smalltalk code scripting support using metaprogramming
  6. #5: let the users write custom scripts demo: creating and

    sending scripts from the console some technical details
  7. conclusions great opportunity to work on a real project using

    Smalltalk personally, to gain experience on TDD, OO design and Web development