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Otemachi.swift x Kyobashi.swift #01: 「fastlane ...

Otemachi.swift x Kyobashi.swift #01: 「fastlane x Jenkins」でアプリ配布を自動化してみた

Takeshi Ihara

August 03, 2017

More Decks by Takeshi Ihara

Other Decks in Programming


  1. ࣗݾ঺հ • Takeshi Ihara • Recruit Marketing Partners • iOS

    Engineer • Twitter: @nonchalant0303 • GitHub: Nonchalant
  2. OSS

  3. Dev Server + InHouse gym( scheme: "Scheme", configuration: "InHouse", derived_data_path:

    "./DerivedData", export_method: "enterprise", clean: true, xcargs: "OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS='$(inherited) -DDEV_SERVER'" ) deploygate( user: ENV["DEPLOYGATE_USER"], api_token: ENV["DEPLOYGATE_API_TOKEN"], distribution_key: DISTRIBUTION_KEY[conf] )
  4. Dev Server + InHouse gym( scheme: "Scheme", configuration: "InHouse", derived_data_path:

    "./DerivedData", export_method: "enterprise", clean: true, xcargs: "OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS='$(inherited) -DDEV_SERVER'" ) deploygate( user: ENV["DEPLOYGATE_USER"], api_token: ENV["DEPLOYGATE_API_TOKEN"], distribution_key: DISTRIBUTION_KEY[conf] )
  5. 1. ΞϓϦ্͕ॻ͔ΕΔ໰୊ gym( scheme: "Scheme", configuration: "InHouse", derived_data_path: "./DerivedData", export_method:

    "enterprise", clean: true, xcargs: "OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS='$(inherited) -DSTG_SERVER' PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER='Provisioning'" )
  6. 1. ΞϓϦ্͕ॻ͔ΕΔ໰୊ gym( scheme: "Scheme", configuration: "InHouse", derived_data_path: "./DerivedData", export_method:

    "enterprise", clean: true, xcargs: "OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS='$(inherited) -DSTG_SERVER' PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER='Provisioning'" ) ഑෍༻ͷ1SPWJTJPOJOH1SPpMFΛࠩ͠ସ͑Δ
  7. 3. iTunes ConnectͷΞοϓ ϩʔυ΋ࣗಈԽ͍ͨ͠ gym( clean: true, configuration: 'Release', scheme:

    "Scheme", output_directory: "build", output_name: "SchemeRelease", ) pilot( skip_submission: true, skip_waiting_for_build_processing: true ) +FOLJOTϚγϯ্Ͱ%FWFMPQFSΞΧ΢ϯτͰ ͋Β͔͡ΊϩάΠϯ͓ͯ͘͠