How much time do we spend daily troubleshooting our CI builds? Dependencies fail, infrastructure explodes, tests are flaky, Checkstyle turns Gandalf (“you shall not pass”), and everything “works on my machine.” Or not? There are many points of failure, and we always need proper tools.
In this talk, we will focus on developer tooling for Gradle and Apache Maven, specifically for troubleshooting and observability of local and CI builds. We will discuss Gradle features and Build Scans provided by Develocity. We will look at open-source projects using these tools and how they actually benefit from them. We will show examples from Gradle itself, Spring, JUnit, Kotlin, and other open source projects we host public instances for. Stay tuned for the interactive demo and its unplanned rapid disassembly!
P.S.: You can do the same with Bazel or sbt. Ask us how!