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Voice Interface Vs. Touch Interface : Where the...

Voice Interface Vs. Touch Interface : Where the Battle is Heading

2021.06.25 Industry Presentation

yuka matsuba

June 25, 2021

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  1. Yuka Matsuba Alexa Champion / VUI Designer and Consultant JAPAN

    Where the Battle is Heading Voice Interface Vs. Touch Interface Voice Interface V
  2. Yuka Matsuba VUI designer & consultant UX designer & educator

    Supporting the service deign process in various industries Taught about UX design more than 400 people Developed over 100 Alexa skills Won some prizes about VUI Published “VUI Design Guidebook” Consulting some voice services from Japan
  3. Agenda l How VUI is being used? l Benefits &

    Disadvantages l What should we do? 4
  4. Examples 6 How VUI is being used? • Using Mobile

    device • Using Physical controller • Alternative to Human voice
  5. Ex1: Mobile Device 7 How VUI is being used? Check

    the current time Set the timer Send a chat message Call a phone Check the weather forecast
  6. Ex2: Physical Controller 8 How VUI is being used? Turn

    on the TV Set the timer for 5 minutes Turn on the light Open the curtains Play the music
  7. Ex3: Human Voice 10 How VUI is being used? 5

    minutes to go! Hurry up! Itʼs time to brush your teeth! Are you sure you have the lunch box?
  8. The purpose to use VUI 11 How VUI is being

    used? • Efficiency • Stress reduction
  9. The purpose to use VUI 12 How VUI is being

    used? • Efficiency • Stress reduction
  10. The purpose to use VUI 13 How VUI is being

    used? • Efficiency • Stress reduction
  11. The purpose to use VUI 14 How VUI is being

    used? • Efficiency • Stress reduction Borrow the power of a character Naughty child
  12. Safety - Hygienic 17 Benefits & Disadvantages In coronavirus crisis,

    voice interface is preferable to touch interface when the general public operate. WIN
  13. 20 Speed Benefits & Disadvantages Speaking Typing Listening Reading 105wpm

    https://www.humanfactors.com/newsletters/human_interaction_speeds.asp 60〜70wpm 36wpm Mobile Laptop
  14. 21 Speed Benefits & Disadvantages Speaking Typing Listening Reading 105wpm

    https://www.humanfactors.com/newsletters/human_interaction_speeds.asp 60〜70wpm 36wpm Mobile Laptop WIN
  15. 22 Speed Benefits & Disadvantages Speaking Typing Listening Reading 150〜160wpm

    250〜300wpm 105wpm https://www.humanfactors.com/newsletters/human_interaction_speeds.asp 60〜70wpm 36wpm WIN Mobile Laptop
  16. 23 Speed Benefits & Disadvantages Speaking Typing Listening Reading 150〜160wpm

    250〜300wpm 105wpm https://www.humanfactors.com/newsletters/human_interaction_speeds.asp 60〜70wpm 36wpm WIN WIN Mobile Laptop
  17. 24 Speed Benefits & Disadvantages Speaking Typing Listening Reading 150〜160wpm

    250〜300wpm 105wpm https://www.humanfactors.com/newsletters/human_interaction_speeds.asp 60〜70wpm 36wpm WIN WIN Mobile Laptop
  18. Speed - Sending 25 Benefits & Disadvantages When choosing from

    options, it depends on each case. YES NO • … … … … … … … • … … … … … … … • … … … … … … … 1. … … … … … … … 2. … … … … … … … 3. … … … … … … …
  19. Speed - Sending 27 Benefits & Disadvantages Multiple options •

    … … … … … … … • … … … … … … … • … … … … … … … 1. … … … … … … … 2. … … … … … … … 3. … … … … … … …
  20. Speed - Sending 28 Benefits & Disadvantages Numbered Multiple options

    → no deference 1. … … … … … … … 2. … … … … … … … 3. … … … … … … … No.2 DRAW
  21. Speed - Sending 29 Benefits & Disadvantages Unnumbered Multiple options

    → Touch is easier than speaking • Check my current status of the … • Change my current status of the … • Delete my usage history of the … Change my current status of the … WIN
  22. Speed - Receiving 30 Benefits & Disadvantages Serial Access Random

    Access A → B → C → D → … D → J → S → A → … • Can decide the order to get info • Can get only necessary info directly • Need to wait for info you want C B A
  23. Summary 34 Benefits & Disadvantages Safety ◯ Speed Sending Free

    sentence ◯ 2 options ◯ ◯ Numbered options ◯ ◯ Unnumbered options ◯ Receiving Simple info ◯ ◯ Complex info ◯ Sharing Small Display (or None) ◯ Big Display ◯ ◯
  24. Summary 35 Benefits & Disadvantages Safety ◯ Speed Sending Free

    sentence ◯ 2 options ◯ ◯ Numbered options ◯ ◯ Unnumbered options ◯ Receiving Simple info ◯ ◯ Complex info ◯ Sharing Small Display (or None) ◯ Big Display ◯ ◯ When you send complex instructions that is difficult to be recognized, Touch interface may be better than voice interface.
  25. The most important thing 38 What should we do? Make

    the users want to use comfort convenience
  26. The most important thing 39 What should we do? Make

    the users want to use comfort convenience
  27. What should we do 40 What should we do? We

    shouldn’t only choose one.
  28. What should we do 41 What should we do? We

    should use both interfaces depending on the situations.
  29. What can we do with both? 42 What should we

    do? •Simplify the display •Reduce screen transition
  30. What can we do with both? 43 What should we

    do? •Simplify the display •Reduce screen transition Write down only the essential point When giving the presentation using slides, we don’t …
  31. What can we do with both? 44 What should we

    do? •Simplify the display •Reduce screen transition HELP Please tap to the left icon to…