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API Design Hands-On Lab

API Design Hands-On Lab

Hand On Lab at Oracle Code One 2018. API Design & Testing using Apiary, API Blueprint and Dredd

Emmanuel Paraskakis

October 24, 2018

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  1. Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

    | Confidential – Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted Accelerate Your Development
 with Design-First API Management Hand On Lab Emmanuel Paraskakis Sr. Director of Product Management Oracle API Platform @manp
  2. Agenda 1. Introduction to API Design 2. Hands-On API Design

    Tutorial 3. Deploying an API 4. Next Steps
 Ends 16:45
  3. What you will learn • Design a basic JSON API

    in API Blueprint • Use API Documentation and Mocking • Use Automated Testing Tools • Where to go from here
  4. API Design Thinking Define
 Start with API Description Ideate

    with API Consumers Prototype
 Mock Server Test
 Implement and Deploy Empathize Research Needs
  5. How we Built APIs & Services API as a by-product

    of building apps API documentation generated from code Design-first API Development
  6. 2006: API as a By-Product API as a by-product of

    building apps API documentation generated from code Design-first API Development
  7. 2010: API Docs from Code API documentation generated from code

    Design-first API Development API as a by-product of building apps
  8. 2014: Design-first API Development Design-first API Development API as a

    by-product of building apps API documentation generated from code
  9. 2018 API as a by-product of building apps API documentation

    generated from code Design-first API Development Layered API
  10. Scenario ➡ You: API Designer (Developer, Architect, PM) ➡ Instructor:

    • Customer • Service Developer • DevOps ➡ Objective: Design an API you can use to publish polls and have users vote on
  11. What you will need • Browser: • https://apiary.io • http://bit.ly/api-design-tutorial

    • Optional: • Git & GitHub • Node or Docker to run tests
  12. Apiary - Free! • Source of Truth for API Design

    • Interactive API Documentation • Collaboration (invite others to edit) • GitHub Syncing • Mock Service • Traffic Inspector • Automated Tests https://help.apiary.io/
  13. 0. Create a new API Design • Go into Apiary

    and “Create New API Project” • Keep “API Blueprint” Selected and name the API • You now have a working API using a template • Optional: Sync the API to GitHub: 1.Create a new repo in GitHub 2.In Apiary “Link this Project to GitHub” 3.On your Laptop: $ git clone your repo
  14. 1. Multiple Responses • Find the /questions resource • Copy

    the response and paste above existing one • Change the 201 to a 200 - Save • Optional: 1.Push to GitHub from Apiary 2.$ git pull on your Laptop 3.test with
 $ dredd apiary.apib http://polls.apiblueprint.org/
  15. 2. Add a query parameter • Add an optional {?page}

    numeric parameter with default value 1 to the /questions resource - Save • Optional: 1.Push to GitHub from Apiary 2.$ git pull on your Laptop 3.test with
 $ dredd apiary.apib http://polls.apiblueprint.org/
  16. 3. Add a resource with path param • Add /questions/{question_id}

    as the first resource in your API. The parameter should be a number with default value 1 and is required • A GET method retrieves the question’s detail. Give an example JSON response
 (hint: it should be the same as an element in the /questions response array) • Optional: 1.Push to GitHub from Apiary 2.$ git pull on your Laptop 3.test with
 $ dredd apiary.apib http://polls.apiblueprint.org/
  17. 4. Multiple path params • Add a resource to use

    as a voting mechanism on the choices of a question • Nesting parameters will work here:
 /questions/{question_id}/choices/{choice_id} • POST is a nice way to tell our service we are voting • Response should be a 201, no response body needed • Optional: push from Apiary, pull on your laptop and test
  18. 5. Scratch the surface of Hypermedia • We want an

    easy way to discover what the API can do • Easiest way is to add a top-level root “/“ resource that tells us what other resources are available in the API • Response looks like:
 {"questions_url": "/questions"} • Optional: push from Apiary, pull on your laptop and test

  19. 6. Different way to query • We want a quick

    way to list the choices to vote on • Add a resource
 /questions/{question_id}/choices • GET should return an array of choices
 (hint: look at the POST /questions request body) • Optional: test with dredd
  20. Failing Tests • What we specced out has not been

    implemented! • $ echo $? gives exit code: 0=success, >1=failure • Hard to detect by eyeballing • Hard to write tests by hand and keep them in sync • Important to have so you don’t break clients • API Design + Dredd in your CI/CD
  21. 1. MSON • Extends API Blueprint with language for Data

    Structures • No more writing JSON payloads! Rendered for you • Compact, reusable, comment on data structures https://apiblueprint.org/documentation/mson/tutorial.html
  22. 2. OpenAPI 2.0 • FKA Swagger 2.0 - supported in

    Apiary • Apiary will be supporting OpenAPI 3.0 in future • Industry standard - YAML https://help.apiary.io/api_101/swagger-tutorial/
  23. 3. Deploy to Gateway • Oracle API Management - OCI

    • Gateways, API Deployments, Policies, Dev Portal • Understands API Design • Use $300 trial on Oracle Cloud https://myservices.us.oraclecloud.com/mycloud/signup
  24. 4. Apiary Pro • Paid version, adds features: 1.Manage team’s

    access to API Designs 2.Style Guide for consistency across APIs 3.Advanced GitHub integration with branches 4.Use with Oracle API Platform • To get it: “Create a Team” from within Apiary • Can also get as part of Oracle Cloud Trial
  25. Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

    | Confidential – Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted Thank you! @manp 38 Thursday • OOW: The future of API Management with Oracle API Platform & Apiary
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