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PyCon Cardiff 2017

Parul Sethi
October 27, 2017

PyCon Cardiff 2017

Parul Sethi

October 27, 2017


  1. What do we look for? What is in them? How

    to navigate through them Too much textual data.
  2. How are the labels inferred Topic model gives us a

    set of words for each topic that it finds from the collection of documents. It looks through a corpus for these clusters of words and groups them together. In a good topic model, the words in topic make sense, for ex. “navy, ship, captain” and “tobacco, farm, crops.” army, killings, terrorist, bombs Trafficking 13% Corruption 9% Drugs 12% Wars 25% Election 41% overdose, smoke, dealer, rave bribe, scam, economy, illegal vote, party, campaign, candidate slavery, exploitation, victim, human
  3. Implementation With gensim, applying topic model is just a matter

    of single line: But earlier there was no way of knowing for how long we should train the model
  4. Topic Model Visualizations • pyLDAvis • Topic Difference • Topic

    Networks • Topic Dendrogram • LDA projections
  5. pyLDAvis •Left panel represents the topics which are positioned according

    to their inter-topic distances •Right panel represents the list of terms that are most useful in interpreting the selected topic
  6. Topic Difference •Heatmap represent the difference between the topics of

    two LDA models •Cell annotation represent the distance value (z), intersecting words (+++) and different words (---) between the topics (x, y) of the two model.
  7. Topic networks •The nodes represent topic •Edges represent connections between

    topics created based on their distance •Node’s label define the topic no. and top 10 words •Edge’s label define the intersecting/different words between the two connected topics
  8. Topic Dendrogram •Leaves represent topic •Y-axis is the measure of

    closeness of either individual topics or their cluster. Lesser the y value at the point of connection, more closely the topic/cluster are connected
  9. But what about documents? • Which topics a document belong

    to • Which documents belong to this topic
  10. LDA Projections •Each point represent a document •Distances are based

    on difference of topic distribution of documents •We can also discover document clusters using t-sne