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Cloud Computing Workshop (DevOpsCon Berlin 2024)

Cloud Computing Workshop (DevOpsCon Berlin 2024)

Content of the Cloud Computing Workshop:

Cloud Computing General
Introduction Azure Portal
Azure Resource Manager API
Terraform on Azure – Infrastructure as Code
Create a Resource Group
Create a Storage Account
Create a Virtual Machine
Kubernetes Introduction
Kubectl introduction
Deployment of a Kubernetes Workload
Scaling a Kubernetes Workload

Patrick Koch

June 23, 2024

More Decks by Patrick Koch

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  1. Content  Cloud Computing General  Introduction Azure Portal 

    Azure Resource Manager API  RBAC  Terraform on Azure – Infrastructure as Code  Create a Resource Group  Create a Storage Account  Create a Virtual Machine  Kubernetes Introduction  Kubectl introduction  Deployment of a Kubernetes Workload  Scaling a Kubernetes Workload
  2. Create a Linux VM az vm create --resource-group devopsconCloudComputingWorkshop --name

    myVM --image Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:latest --admin-username azureuser --generate-ssh-keys
  3. Get the public IP  az vm show --resource-group devopsconCloudComputingWorkshop

    --name myVM --query publicIps -d  ""