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Scale-Up-360 Microservices-Software-Architectur...

Scale-Up-360 Microservices-Software-Architectures: Migration of a containerized Legacy Application to the Cloud​ (June 2022)

The automotive industry is on its way to e-mobility, which is another reason why software products are increasingly coming into focus. Due to the ever increasing amount of data to be processed, scalable concepts for software applications are needed that can process more data in less time.

In order to be able to continue to support customers with high-performance services, a system migration is taking place within AVL, aiming at the implementation of Kubernetes services for the orchestration of containers in the cloud. This will ensure a continuous and scalable provision of services tailored to ever-changing customer requirements.

The presentation will focus on:

Why and for what purposes container orchestration with Kubernetes is used
How the technical implementation is designed
Which use cases (e.g. test beds for emission and acceleration tests) can be implemented using this technology

Patrick Koch

June 02, 2022

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  1. Patrick Koch AVL List GmbH (Headquarters) Public Don't give up

    just because it's legacy Migration of a containerized Legacy Application to the Cloud
  2. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 2

    Public Today’s Agenda 4 3 2 Who am I? My employer, our legacy software application Introduction 1 Once upon a time ... What happened before the cloud? Why the hell Windows containers? 1st Challenge – Let’s do a PoC Linux containers, finally! Next logical step What’s next? We are still at the beginning ... Conclusion & Outlook 5
  3. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 3

    Public AVL List GmbH Founded 1948 More than 11,000 worldwide 4,000 in Graz (headquarters) 45 affiliates worldwide Export quota of 97% AVL List GmbH (“AVL”) is the world’s largest independent company for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and in other sectors. Drawing on its pioneering spirit, the company provides concepts, solutions and methodologies to shape future mobility trends.”
  4. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 4

    Public Who am I? Patrick Koch Graz AVL since 2014 Mail: [email protected] Blog: patrickkoch.dev Twitter: @PK_KOCH LinkedIn: patkoch87 cloud, kubernetes, container, cicd
  5. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 5

    Public Evolved to platform product Container, K8s Automation Framework Web components AVL CONCERTO Why legacy? Started > 25 years ago Python support REST interface 2014 New Generation (unmanaged legacy (C++) and managed (C#) code). Windows® application (component & full integration in internal products) 2018 ~ 8200 files ~ 2,9 Mio LOC Linux components (data, Python) 2022 ... “A legacy system is outdated computing software and/or hardware that is still in use. ”
  6. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 7

    Public Use Case: Engine Test Bed Source: https://blog.applus.com/better-engine-test-bed/
  7. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 8

    Public Use Case: Data Processing with Concerto
  8. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 10

    Public An evolution happens – why even more automation? 2021 .. ~ 30 years Huge testbed for single unit under test (UUT) 1 Operator per testbed Very high costs Exchanging of unit is labour-intesive How to increase the degree of automation? One testing unit for multiple UUTs (Battery Cells) 1 Operator for whole lab Costs per UUT are much lower UUT exchange works automated 2021 ..
  9. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 11

    Public The Mission (impossible?) Move your custom legacy application into the cloud. Find a migration strategy that works! Right now!
  10. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 12

    Public Short-term approach for migrating to the cloud Run your legacy SW as a Windows container on a hybrid cloud platform! Lift & Shift (Rehost) Whole application is taken and pushed into container not possible / would cause to much costs Refactoring Rebuild
  11. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 13

    Public The mixed cloud architecture - an example What is already supported? Managed Cloud Service On Premise Public Cloud Data Server CONCERTO Message Broker VPN Report
  12. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 14

    Public Architecture Solution for PoC Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/architecture/solution-ideas/articles/migrate-existing-applications-with-aks “Easily migrate existing application to container(s) and run within the Azure managed Kubernetes service (AKS)”
  13. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 15

    Public Pain Points ▪ Container Registry is not properly attached to the Kubernetes Cluster ▪ Deployment Rules of Workload ▪ License Server (Virtual Machine) can‘t be reached nodeSelector: kubernetes.io/os: windows allow { protocol = "tcp" ports = ["22", "80", "443", "2017", "7861", "8080", "9491", "1000-2000", "27000", "49152-65535"] }
  14. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 16

    Public Start lightweight – without complex Infrastructure
  15. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 17

    Public Azure K8s Service – Deployment of a Kubernetes Workload Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/architecture/solution-ideas/articles/migrate-existing-applications-with-aks “Easily migrate existing application to container(s) and run within the Azure managed Kubernetes service (AKS)”
  16. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 18

    Public Azure K8s Service – Deployment of a Kubernetes Workload
  17. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 19

    Public Azure – Automated Resource Provisioning with Azure DevOps Server and Terraform Terraform .tf .tfstate Azure Azure DevOps Server
  18. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 21

    Public mid-term approach for migrating to the cloud & automation Refactor core parts of your monolith and run them as Linux container Lift & Shift (Rehost) Whole application is taken and pushed into container Next logical step Refactoring Rebuild
  19. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 22

    Public Determine the core components selected for refactoring Native Data management subsytem COM .Net Managed subsytem Native application Managed GUI Native GUI COM REST Python Python pybind Python Python Python Python Native Data management subsytem
  20. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 23

    Public Future Use Case: Architecture 3 4 5 6 1 2 Logo/Picture Sources: Azure: azure.microsoft.com | Prefect: docs.prefect.io | AKS: sharepointeurope.com | ACR: azure.microsoft.com Linux: linuxfoundation.org | Python: python.org | docs.dask.org
  21. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 24

    Public Prefect Flow as Kubernetes Job
  22. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 25

    Public Prefect Flow as Kubernetes Job: Demo
  23. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 26

    Public Outlook / Roadmap 2019 • Containerization • Concerto runs within a (Windows) Container 2020 • Deployment and Hosting at Rancher • CI/CD Pipeline Integration for Container at Azure DevOps 2021 • Proof of Concept at Microsoft‘s Kubernetes Service within Azure Cloud with Windows and Linux Container Workloads 2022 • First development of Linux container • Python Integration • Prefect as Workflow Automation 2023 .. • Further improvements related to Linux Container • Introducing Python support • Prefect as Workflow Automation
  24. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 27

    Public Key Learnings of Social and Technical Aspects DON‘T REINVENT THE WHEEL GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE INFRASTRUCTURE AS CODE MVP FIRST ARCHITECTURE DRIVEN BY BUSINESS DON‘T COPY/REBUILD ESTABLISHED TOOLS - STAY CURIOUS Neglect of cloud security Internal resistance to adoption Adopt due to wrong reasons Skills deficit
  25. Patrick Koch | | 01 June 2022 | / 29

    Public Icon/Picture Sources Slide 5: Windows: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Windows_Logo_(1992-2001).svg GCP: https://cloud.google.com, https://www.unbelievable-machine.com/google-cloud-platform/ AWS: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Web_Services Azure: https://www.itprotoday.com/iaaspaas/microsoft-azure-cloud-platform-what-works-what-s-needed PCs: https://www.impulse.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/gebrauchte-hardware_fotolia620-620x340.jpg Slide 7 & 10: Engine Testbed: https://blog.applus.com/better-engine-test-bed Slide 9: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/geb%C3%A4ude-kran-baustelle-ger%C3%BCstbau-1804030/ Slide 11: https://i.natgeofe.com/k/7530d2df-8919-4099-be7f-f5f787a60498/switzerland-matterhorn_4x3.jpg Slide 12 & 21: https://www.projekt-promotion.at/artikel/das-containerhaus-die-sparsame-und-nachhaltige-wohnalternative Slide 13: Windows: https://de.m.wikinews.org/wiki/Datei:Windows_logo_-_2012.png Slide 14 & 17: https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/architecture/solution-ideas/articles/migrate-existing-applications-with-aks Slide 19: Terraform: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Terraform_Logo.svg Azure DevOps: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/de/subscriptions/ Azure Pipeline: https://azure.microsoft.com/de-de/blog/topics/data-warehouse/ Azure Services: https://www.portal.azure.com Azure: https://www.itprotoday.com/iaaspaas/microsoft-azure-cloud-platform-what-works-what-s-needed Slide 22: Linux: https://cdn.picpng.com/linux/linux-unix-tux-penguin-cute-43298.png Windows: https://de.m.wikinews.org/wiki/Datei:Windows_logo_-_2012.png Slide 23: Azure: azure.microsoft.com Prefect: docs.prefect.io AKS: sharepointeurope.com ACR: azure.microsoft.com Linux: linuxfoundation.org Python: python.org Dask: docs.dask.org Slide 26: Docker: https://icon-icons.com/de/symbol/docker-logo/145331 Rancher: https://icon-icons.com/de/symbol/rancher-logo/169808 Azure Pipeline: https://icon-icons.com/de/symbol/azure-Rohrleitungen-logo/145465 Azure DevOps: https://icon-icons.com/de/symbol/microsoft-azure-devops/138386 Kubernetes: https://icon-icons.com/de/symbol/kubernetes/137461 Azure: https://icon-icons.com/de/symbol/microsoft-azure/135406 Microsoft: https://icon-icons.com/de/symbol/Microsoft/23401 Linux: https://icon-icons.com/de/symbol/code-linux-os/85584 Python: python.org Prefect: docs.prefect.io