doesn't know about your previous experience 4 People doesn't know anything iOS at all 4 Be ready to fall back to the "basics" Paul Taykalo, Stanfy for CocoaHeads Ukraine #8 24
have access to them 4 Both teams should be able to read them 4 Don't shame to send the test results ASAP 4 Cover functionality as soon as Paul Taykalo, Stanfy for CocoaHeads Ukraine #8 52
API' version 1.1 location "${version}" get "/users/show.json" spec { name 'Get user profile' description ''' Returns a variety of information about the user specified by the required user_id or screen_name parameter. The author's most recent Tweet will be returned inline when possible. ''' parameters { user_id long optional screen_name 'string' optional include_entities boolean optional } response "UserProfile" } } Paul Taykalo, Stanfy for CocoaHeads Ukraine #8 70