work building on EC stores, not causally consistent, not HA (e.g., RYW implementation), AWS- dependent (e.g., assumes queues) • 28msec architecture [SIGMOD Record 2009]: like SIGMOD 2008, treat EC stores as cheap storage • Cloudy [VLDB 2010]: layered approach to data management, partitioning, load balancing, messaging in middleware; larger focus: extensible query model, storage format, routing, etc. • G-Store [SoCC 2010]: provide client and middleware implementation of entity-grouped linearizable transaction support • Bermbach et al. middleware [IC2E 2013]: provides read-your-writes guarantees with caching • Causal Consistency: Bayou [SOSP 1997], Lazy Replication [TOCS 1992], COPS [SOSP 2011], Eiger [NSDI 2013], ChainReaction [EuroSys 2013], Swift [INRIA] are all custom solutions for causal memory [Ga Tech 1993] (inspired by Lamport [CACM 1978])