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Prototyping Wearables -- Station 3: LilyPad Ard...

Prototyping Wearables -- Station 3: LilyPad Arduino

Part of my 2-hour workshop "Prototyping New Wearable Experiences with Soft Electronics and Arduinos" at Wearables DevCon 2014 (wearablesdevcon.com).

Pearl Chen

March 05, 2014

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  1. TWITTER @PearlChen GOOGLE+ klab.ca/+ P E A R L C

    H E N L i l yPa d P R OT OT Y P I N G W E A R A B L E S — S TAT I O N 3
  2. W h a t i s a L i l

    yP a d ? 3 0 S E C O N D I N T R O • Sewable form factor micro-controller. (Can even be washed!) • Equivalent to an Arduino Uno (and is officially blessed by Arduino LLC). • First of its kind, designed by Leah Buechley in 2007 in collaboration with SparkFun. • ~$22 Image credit: arduino.cc
  3. W h a t i s a L i l

    yP a d ? 2 M I N U T E I N T R O arduino.cc/en/Main/arduinoBoardLilyPad
  4. Ho w t o u s e a L i

    l yP a d ? G E T T I N G S TA R T E D, F U L L O V E R V I E W I highly recommend the LilyPad ProtoSnap from Sparkfun:
 sparkfun.com/products/10958 ! Getting Started guide: sparkfun.com/tutorials/308
  5. Ho w t o u s e a L i

    l yP a d ? G E T T I N G S TA R T E D, Q U I C K O V E R V I E W 1. Download and install the Arduino IDE • arduino.cc/downloads 2. Plug in the ProtoSnap LilyPad via USB & FTDI 3. Configure the Arduino IDE*
 Tools > Board > Arduino Uno
 Tools > Serial Port > /dev/tty.usbmodemXXXXX (Mac)
 or COMX (Windows) 4. Open up the Blink sketch
 Check the USB thumbdrive for: LilyPad > [Code Repo] LilyPad ProtoSnap > 01.Basics > BlinkBuiltInLED > *.ino 5. Upload the sketch * If you’re having any trouble seeing the LilyPad, you might not have the FTDI Drivers installed properly. Try restarting the Arduino IDE or re-download the drivers: ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm
  6. L i l yP a d P ro t o

    S n a p I / O p i n s G E T T I N G S TA R T E D, O V E R V I E W Pin Component 3 Vibration Motor 9-11 RGB LED A5 Button 2 Slide Switch 5, 6, A2, A3, A4 White LEDs 7 / 12 Buzzer +/- A6 Light Sensor A1 Temp Sensor
  7. Mo r e s ke t c h e s

    N E X T S T E P S 1. Follow along with the “ArduinoCoding.pdf” handout.
 ProtoSnap-friendly example sketches can be found on USB thumb drive (LilyPad > [Code Repo] LilyPad ProtoSnap) or download from github.com/pchen/ArduinoLilyPadProtoSnap 2. Re-flash the default/shipped ProtoSnap code:
 On USB thumb drive (LilyPad > Default > lilypad_dev_v11 > *.ino) or download from sparkfun.com/datasheets/DevTools/LilyPad/lilypad_dev_v11.pde 3. Try any of the Sparkfun ProtoSnap examples:
 On USB thumb drive (LilyPad > SparkFun_ProtoSnap_Sketches.zip) or download from cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/resources/1/7/SparkFun_ProtoSnap_Sketches.zip 4. Open and upload any of the sketches.
  8. R a p i d P ro t o t

    y p i n g U S I N G T H E L I LY PA D F O R : • Ideal for soft-circuit prototypes. • Use alligator clips (or just twist wire onto the pads) to test first circuit designs. • Large ecosystem of LilyPad accessories/modules available:
 Battery holders, LEDs, buttons and switches, buzzer speaker, vibe motor, light sensor, temperature sensor, accelerometer, etc. • Huge # of tutorials and projects available so you never have start from scratch.
  9. We a r a b l e p ro j

    e c t s R E S O U R C E S Image credit: ??
  10. Tu r n s i g n a l b

    i k i n g j a c ke t W E A R A B L E P R O J E C T S Turn signal biking jacket by Leah Buechley Watch the video: youtube.com/watch?v=ZtNEPkwCfxA Tutorial: web.media.mit.edu/~leah/LilyPad/build/turn_signal_jacket.html
  11. E x p l o r i n g f

    u r t h e r R E S O U R C E S Image credit: ??
  12. Mo r e L i l yP a d t

    u t o r i a l s E X P LO R I N G F U R T H E R lilypadarduino.org
  13. Mo r e L i l yP a d t

    u t o r i a l s E X P LO R I N G F U R T H E R learn.sparkfun.com/resources/5
  14. TWITTER @PearlChen GOOGLE+ klab.ca/+ P E A R L C

    H E N Q u e s t i o n s ? T H A N K S !