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DevOps - Learning how to go fast without trippi...

DevOps - Learning how to go fast without tripping over the cables

Given at Codemania 1 April, 2016

Peter Goodman

April 01, 2016

More Decks by Peter Goodman

Other Decks in Programming


  1. DevOps Learning how to go fast (without tripping over the

    cables) https://www.flickr.com/photos/a4gpa/2311679637
  2. What problems are we trying to solve? Fear of change

    Risky deployments But WOMM…? Silos Patrick Debois 
  3. Sweet Tools Automate all the things Free access for all

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  4. DevOps is an attitude that values lowering the risk of

    change through tools, culture and communication
  5. The key to doing DevOps safely is making the hidden

    visible Me, just now 
 (and probably others)
  6. Blameless Post-mortems “It all starts with blameless post-mortems” Josh Robb,

    VP Engineering @ Pushpay “You can see human error as the cause of trouble or you can see it as the symptom of deeper trouble.” Sidney Dekker
 The Field Guide to understanding Human Error
  7. Other people’s shit breaking Security vulnerabilities 3rd party status page

    updates https://www.flickr.com/photos/comedynose/14373314278
  8. The key to doing DevOps safely is making the hidden

    visible Me, 10 minutes ago 
 (and probably others)