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Building an AI Agent for 11k Users

Phil Calçado
September 03, 2024

Building an AI Agent for 11k Users

Phil Calçado

September 03, 2024


  1. Outropy is the PaaS that enables engineers to build Compound

    AI apps and Agents… check us out https://outropy.ai
  2. • Cache invalidation • Naming things • “Book me a

    meeting every monday with everyone from the web team” We have 5 mins, let’s pick a hard problem to go over
  3. just because I am in this channel/ commit to this

    repo/comment on this Jira doesn’t mean I am part of this team ERR_ENTERPRISES_ARE_CHAOTIC
  4. can’t cross train with customer data and even the largest

    customers don’t have enough data to make the model work ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA
  5. ERR_ actually, this one wasn’t too bad • 11,000 Users

    • ~40 Companies • 10x better than Slack* AI for 1/3 of the price • I miss it every day 😢 * In our own becnhmarks (we are still waiting to hear back from MKBHD)