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Anna Herlihy - Wrestling Python into LLVM Inter...

Anna Herlihy - Wrestling Python into LLVM Intermediate Representation

The LLVM Project provides an intermediate representation (LLVM-IR) that can be compiled on many platforms. LLVM-IR is used by analytical frameworks to achieve language and platform independence. What if we could add Python to the long list of languages that can be translated to LLVM-IR? This talk will go through the steps of wrestling Python into LLVM-IR with a simple, static one-pass compiler.


PyCon 2016

May 29, 2016

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  1. Outline 1. Motivation 2. PyLLVM Features 3. Related Work 4.

    Analysis and Benchmarking 5. Conclusion
  2. Motivation: Tupleware • Distributed analytical framework built at Brown for

    running algorithms on large datasets • User supplies: 1. data 2. UDF (algorithm) 3. workflow (map, reduce, join, etc.) • Goal: language and platform independence
  3. Motivation: The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project • LLVM-IR is a

    transportable intermediate representation by the LLVM Compiler Project ARM AMD x86/x86-64 (and more) (and more)
  4. Mission The goal of this project is to provide a

    Python interface with Tupleware’s C++ backend to make the user experience as simple and straightforward as possible.
  5. Mission: Python and Tupleware map, filter, reduce, combine, join, loop,

    etc. Workflow k-means, Naive Bayes, linear regression, etc. Algorithm C++ Frontend Operators Tupleware Boost Python PyLLVM PYTHON PYTHON C++ LLVM This talk
  6. Example Tupleware Usage from TupleWare import load def linreg(dims, data,

    w): dot = 1.0 c = 0 while c < dims: dot += data[c]*w[c] c += 1 label = data[dims] dot *= -label c2 = 0 while(c2 < dims): g[c2] += dot*data[c2] c2 += 1 def run_map(data): TS = load(data) TS.map(linreg) TS.execute
  7. Tupleware Library Implementation import PyLLVM import TupleWrapper # Boost C++

    binding def map(self, udf): try: # Try to get LLVM-IR from PyLLVM. llvm = PyLLVM.compiler(udf) except PyLLVM.PyllvmError: # Unable to compile the UDF, try backup. self.backup_map(udf) except Exception as exc: # The exception was semantic. raise ValueError("Bad Python in UDF", exc) else: # Valid LLVM IR was generated # can now call desired operator TupleWrapper.map(llvm)
  8. PyLLVM • Simple, easy to extend, one-pass static compiler that

    takes in a subset of Python most likely to be used by Tupleware user- defined functions. • Based on py2llvm, an unfinished Google Code project from 2010 ◦ https://code.google.com/p/py2llvm/ • Uses llvmpy
  9. PyLLVM: Subset of Python • Anticipated common requirements for Tupleware

    users: ◦ Machine learning algorithms are often simple, easily optimized mathematical functions • Primarily statically type-inferable code is handled • No dictionaries, list comprehensions, or objects.
  10. PyLLVM: Overview of Design • Abstract Syntax Tree: ◦ Python2.7’s

    compiler package: parse, walk • Semantic analysis ◦ CodeGenLLVM: Visitor class ▪ SymbolTable: Keeps track of variables and scope ▪ TypeInference: Infers expression type • Code Generation ◦ llvmpy: Generates LLVM-IR: Python bindings to the C++ LLVM IR-Builder
  11. Static Single Assignment • LLVM instructions are SSA: Registers can

    only be assigned to once • Result of being halfway between programming language and machine code • Do not want to implement entire compiler in SSA form…
  12. Scoping and Variables SOLUTION: variables are allocated on the stack

    and addresses stored in SymbolTable • Symbol: class representing variable ◦ name, type, memory location, etc. • SymbolTable: stack of tuples, each representing a scope ◦ Scope contains name and map of varname to Symbols
  13. Types: PyLLVM LLVM IR Types: Integers, floats, pointers, arrays, vectors,

    structs, functions PyLLVM Types: integers, floats, vectors, lists, strings, functions
  14. Inferring Types • LLVM-IR is statically typed, Python is not

    • TypeInference infers Python types from nodes of the AST ◦ recursively traverses tree until reaches leaf node, infers based on leaf ◦ uses symbol table for variables/functions • Intrinsic math functions return the type they are passed in to avoid multiple functions for integer vs. float
  15. PyLLVM Types 1. Numerical Values 2. Vectors 3. Lists 4.

    Strings 5. Functions 6. Branching and Loops
  16. Numerical Values • Integers ◦ LLVM 32-bit integers • Floats

    ◦ LLVM 32-bit floating point • Booleans ◦ 1-bit integers ▪ converted to 32-bit before being stored ◦ True + True = 2
  17. PyLLVM Types 1. Numerical Values 2. Vectors 3. Lists 4.

    Strings 5. Functions 6. Branching and Loops
  18. Vectors • 4-element immutable floating point vector types ◦ vec

    = vector(1,2,3,4) ◦ vec.x/y/z/w or vec[i] • Built in: add, subtract, multiply, divide, compare • Written specifically for ML functions
  19. PyLLVM Types 1. Numerical Values 2. Vectors 3. Lists 4.

    Strings 5. Functions 6. Branching and Loops
  20. Lists (WIP) • Static-length mutable lists ◦ range, zeros, len

    • Based on underlying LLVM array type ◦ can be populated with constants or pointers • alloca_array’d onto stack and passed by pointer (unlike vectors) ◦ Any lists returned from functions will be stored on the heap
  21. PyLLVM Types 1. Numerical Values 2. Vectors 3. Lists 4.

    Strings 5. Functions 6. Branching and Loops
  22. Strings • Desugared into lists of integers ◦ strings are

    lists of characters ◦ characters can be represented as integers • Symbol table remembers if list variable contains integers or characters ◦ For print, cmp, etc • That was easy!
  23. PyLLVM Types 1. Numerical Values 2. Vectors 3. Lists 4.

    Strings 5. Functions 6. Branching and Loops
  24. Functions Definitions • Can define and call functions from anywhere

    in the UDF • Function signature generated and arguments added to the symbol table • The only time where the compiler does 2 passes: ◦ One descent to extract return type of func ◦ Pops symbol table scope, calls delete on LLVM-IR Builder, and runs pass again
  25. Function Arguments • Since types are not dynamic, all arguments

    must have type values ◦ func(i=int, f=float) • Type and length of list must be specified ◦ func(l=listi8) ◦ *ONLY* place where subset of Python differs from real Python • Can be implemented in future, if only PEP484 (Type Hints) had been reality...
  26. Intrinsic Functions • Simple built-in math library ◦ abs, pw,

    exp, log, sqrt, int, float ◦ takes in variable type, returns same type • llvmpy does not provide access to equivalent IR instruction ◦ Workaround: declare function as header, LLVM-IR will look up matching function • print ◦ handled similarly to intrinsic math functions
  27. PyLLVM Types 1. Numerical Values 2. Vectors 3. Lists 4.

    Strings 5. Functions 6. Branching and Loops
  28. Conditionals: if, for, while • All supported with some limitations:

    ◦ new variables declared within branches will go out of scope upon exit ◦ existing vars can be modified ◦ return within if statements supported only if every branch contains return • All types have boolean values ◦ empty lists are false, nonzero values are true
  29. Numba • JIT specializing Python compiler by Continuum Analytics •

    Purpose is to compile functions into executables using LLVM and call them from Python using the Python-C API • Goal is to get Python to run fast, generating IR is only a step along the way
  30. PyLLVM and Numba Comparison • Bottom line: same tools, different

    goals • Numba provides comprehensive coverage of Python, and is a more mature project • In order get LLVM-IR out of Numba, have to run numba --dump-llvm or use pycc • PyLLVM build “in-house”
  31. Analysis • Focused on two specific criteria for analysis ◦

    Usability of the frontend ◦ Code efficiency ◦ Difficult to compare compilation time • Sample algorithms: Naive Bayes, k-means, linear regression, and logical regression.
  32. Analysis: Usability • PyLLVM does not lose any usability •

    Primary advantage of Python is freedom from memory management and other bookkeeping void naive_bayes(char *data, int *counts, int dims, int vals, int labels) { char label=data[dims]; ++counts[label]; int offset=labels+label*dims*vals; for (int j = 0; j < dims; j++) ++counts[offset+j*vals+data[j]]; } def naive_bayes(data=list, counts=list, dims=int, vals=int, labels=int): label=data[dims] counts[label]=+1 offset=labels+label*dims*vals while(c in range x): counts[offset+c*vals+data[c]]=+1 Python C++
  33. Analysis: Benchmarking • Compilation: PyLLVM vs. Numba ◦ Only happens

    once, cost is minor • Generated LLVM: PyLLVM vs. Clang ◦ Tested unoptimized LLVM, ultimately differences likely to be optimized away
  34. Analysis: Executable Runtime • Generated unoptimized LLVM-IR using clang •

    Ran generated LLVM-IR using lli • Used system time to compare runtime • Ran algorithm 2500 times, for 500 trials
  35. Results • Difference between runtimes for system time is: ◦

    Naive Bayes: 1% ◦ K-means: 12% ◦ Linear regression: 9% ◦ Logical regression: 9% • Spike in k-means potentially because sqrt ◦ llvmpy does not provide direct access to LLVM’s sqrt instruction
  36. Conclusion • Overall, were able to achieve goal ◦ Able

    to fully integrate Python as a Tupleware frontend ◦ To the user, all of Python is supported (although with performance hit) • Future work: Dynamically typed variables, dynamic-length and multidimensional lists, new native data types (dicts!)
  37. Acknowledgements • Thank you to Tim Kraska my advisor! •

    Alex Galakatos, Andrew Crotty and Kayhan Dursun for Tupleware help • Thank you to the lost souls who wrote py2llvm • Thank you to MongoDB, specifically A. Jesse Jiryu Davis and Bernie Hackett for encouraging me to talk • Thank you PyCon!