Java/Jakarta EE is an important technology to support on Azure. Enterprise Java is a heterogenous ecosystem with as much as a third of workloads still running on Jakarta EE application servers such as WebLogic, WebSphere/Open Liberty, JBoss EAP, WildFly, and Payara. This is particularly true for large enterprises that need to lift and shift their existing mission-critical, largely monolithic applications to Azure. Traditionally, Azure has not focused on strong support for such workloads but that has changed now, in a big way.
This session will outline the efforts to better support Jakarta EE workloads on Azure. We will touch on the history of the open-standard enterprise Java movement and why open standards are and remain important to enterprises. We will discuss what is possible now, what is coming soon and what is further afield. This includes services, tools and guidance to better support Jakarta EE users opting for virtual machines, Kubernetes, or PaaS. It also includes integration with Azure services such as the Azure Service Bus through Jakarta EE APIs such as JMS.
This is also an invaluable opportunity to hear from you and better understand how Microsoft can support you best.