so much more than that. It?s a secret cabal of powerful right-wing fascists from all over the world. BDK104 seq1100-1200 v01 rodrigo SQ1100 - SQ1200 Page 5/74
so much more than that. It?s a secret cabal of powerful right-wing fascists from all over the world. BDK104 seq1100-1200 v01 rodrigo SQ1100 - SQ1200 Page 6/74
so much more than that. It?s a secret cabal of powerful right-wing fascists from all over the world. BDK104 seq1100-1200 v01 rodrigo SQ1100 - SQ1200 Page 7/74
craziest plot of all. Something that?s supposed to change the world! And hopefully take over Woodcrest County forever! BDK104 seq1100-1200 v01 rodrigo SQ1100 - SQ1200 Page 44/74
wanted you to see what the stakes are. Also in case I disappear forever you?ll know the reason why. BDK104 seq1100-1200 v01 rodrigo SQ1100 - SQ1200 Page 62/74
I might seem a little stressed out at work sometimes. I ain?t never really worked for people like this before. BDK104 seq1100-1200 v01 rodrigo SQ1100 - SQ1200 Page 64/74
some real illuminati shit, boss. But it?a just like I said before. Keep your mouth shut, head down, and don?t ask too many questions. BDK104 seq1100-1200 v01 rodrigo SQ1100 - SQ1200 Page 66/74