sRGB 12.92 , if CC sRGB ≤ 0.03928 ( CC sRGB + 0.055 1.055 ) 2.4 , otherwise co n trast = L 1 + 0.05 L2 + 0.05 lu min an ce = 0.2126 × R + 0.7152 × G + 0.0722 × B
profile at 16 bits per pixel (per channel) and export images in PNG format. 29
x(λ)dλ Y = K ∫ 780 380 S(λ)R(λ)¯ y(λ)dλ Z = K ∫ 780 380 S(λ)R(λ)¯ z(λ)dλ ͨͩ͠ ∫ 780 380 dλ ࠷େࢹײޮՌʢఆʣ Մࢹޫ380nmʙ780nm S(λ) ޫݯͷޫ R(λ) ମͷޫࣹ or ಁա ¯ x(λ), ¯ y(λ), ¯ z(λ) ଌ৭ඪ४؍ଌऀͷ৭ؔ ߹Α͘༻ҙͨ͠ͷܹͰͳ͘ίϨ K x = X X + Y + Z y = Y X + Y + Z z = Z X + Y + Z = 1 − x − y
uses the DCI P3 primaries, a D65 white point, and the sRGB transfer function. ▸ ҙ༁ɿ৭ҬDCI P3ͱಉ͡ͰΊɺͰσΟεϓϨΠΛݟΔ ڥsRGBͱಉ͡ఆʂ 56
or later, the color is specified in an extended color space, and the input value is never clamped. ▸ ҙ༁ɿෳͷ৭ۭؒΛಉ࣌ʹѻ͑ΔҎ্ɺຊདྷ͋Γ͑ͳ͍ ΛೖΕͯखΛՃ͑ͣͦͷ··ѻ͏Αɻ 62
य़Ҫࢢɾখࢢͷ؟ՊͳΒฏా؟Պ ▸ ίϯτϥετײଌఆɾάϨΞݕࠪ | ͖͘ͳ౬ా؟Պ ެࣜαΠτ ▸ Understanding Success Criterion 1.4.3 | Understanding WCAG 2.0 ▸ A close look at the sRGB formula ▸ A Standard Default Color Space for the Internet - sRGB ▸ E: Viewing Flare - Digital Color Management - Wiley Online Library 121