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An Opinionated, Maintainable API Code Architect...

An Opinionated, Maintainable API Code Architecture for ASP.NET Core

Spencer Schneidenbach

November 26, 2020

More Decks by Spencer Schneidenbach

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  1. Introducing the Employee public class Employee { public int Id

    { get; set; } [Required] public string FirstName { get; set; } [Required] public string LastName { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfHire { get; set; } public string SocialSecurityNumber { get; set; } }
  2. The Employee Object • Is part of payroll software •

    Contains sensitive data (social security number)
  3. That’s better public class Employee { public int Id {

    get; set; } [Required] public string FirstName { get; set; } [Required] public string LastName { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfHire { get; set; } public string RodneCislo { get; set; } }
  4. The Employee Object • Is part of payroll software •

    Contains sensitive data (social security number) rodné číslo
  5. Controller is a one man army • Route the request

    • Validate the request • Run service to execute request • Return data
  6. public class Employee { public int Id { get; set;

    } [Required] public string FirstName { get; set; } [Required] public string LastName { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfHire { get; set; } public string RodneCislo { get; set; } }
  7. public class Employee { public int Id { get; set;

    } [Required] public string FirstName { get; set; } [Required] public string LastName { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfHire { get; set; } public string RodneCislo { get; set; } }
  8. public class Employee { public int Id { get; set;

    } [Required] public string FirstName { get; set; } [Required] public string LastName { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfHire { get; set; } public string RodneCislo { get; set; } }
  9. Create (POST) public class CreateEmployeeRequest { public int Id {

    get; set; } [Required] public string FirstName { get; set; } [Required] public string LastName { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfHire { get; set; } public string RodneCislo { get; set; } }
  10. Update (PUT) public class UpdateEmployeeRequest { public int Id {

    get; set; } [Required] public string FirstName { get; set; } [Required] public string LastName { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfHire { get; set; } }
  11. Validation public class CreateEmployeeRequest { public int Id { get;

    set; } [Required] public string FirstName { get; set; } [Required] public string LastName { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfHire { get; set; } public string RodneCislo { get; set; } }
  12. public class CreateEmployeeRequest { [Required] public string FirstName { get;

    set; } [Required] public string LastName { get; set; } }
  13. public class EmployeeCreateValidator : AbstractValidator<EmployeeCreateRequest> { public EmployeeValidator() { RuleFor(e

    => e.FirstName).NotEmpty() .WithMessage("First name is required.") RuleFor(e => e.LastName).NotEmpty() .WithMessage("Last name is required.") } }
  14. public class EmployeeCreateValidator : AbstractValidator<EmployeeCreateRequest> { public EmployeeValidator() { RuleFor(e

    => e.FirstName).NotEmpty() .WithMessage("First name is required.") RuleFor(e => e.LastName).NotEmpty() .WithMessage("Last name is required.") } } public class EmployeeCreateRequest { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } }
  15. [Test] public void EmployeeNameIsRequired() { var request = new EmployeeCreateRequest();

    //no props var validator = new EmployeeCreateValidator(); var result = validator.Validate(request); var firstNameMissing = result.Any(r => r.PropertyName == "FirstName"); var lastNameMissing = result.Any(r => r.PropertyName == "LastName"); Assert.That(firstNameMissing, Is.EqualTo(true)); Assert.That(lastNameMissing, Is.EqualTo(true)); } Test Independently
  16. Dependencies public class EmployeeDeleteValidator : AbstractValidator<EmployeeDeleteRequest> { public ApplicationDbContext Context

    { get; } public EmployeeValidator(ApplicationDbContext context) { Context = context; RuleFor(e => e.Id).Must(ExistInDatabase) .WithMessage("ID does not exist.") } public void ExistInDatabase(EmployeeDeleteRequest request) { return Context.Employee.Find(request.Id) != null; } }
  17. What We’ve Accomplished • Separated requests from the entity •

    Separated validation from entity and requests
  18. public class EmployeeCreateRequest : IRequest<int> { public string FirstName {

    get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } }
  19. public class EmployeeCreateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeCreateRequest, int> { public EmployeeCreateHandler(ApplicationDbContext context)

    { ... } public async Task<int> Handle(EmployeeCreateRequest request) { var newEmployee = new Employee { FirstName = request.FirstName, LastName = request.LastName }; _context.Employee.Add(newEmployee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return newEmployee.Id; } }
  20. public class EmployeeCreateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeCreateRequest, int> { public EmployeeCreateHandler(ApplicationDbContext context)

    { ... } public async Task<int> Handle(EmployeeCreateRequest request) { var newEmployee = new Employee { FirstName = request.FirstName, LastName = request.LastName }; _context.Employee.Add(newEmployee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return newEmployee.Id; } }
  21. public class EmployeeCreateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeCreateRequest, int> { public EmployeeCreateHandler(ApplicationDbContext context)

    { ... } public async Task<int> Handle(EmployeeCreateRequest request) { var newEmployee = new Employee { FirstName = request.FirstName, LastName = request.LastName }; _context.Employee.Add(newEmployee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return newEmployee.Id; } }
  22. public class EmployeeCreateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeCreateRequest, int> { public EmployeeCreateHandler(ApplicationDbContext context)

    { ... } public async Task<int> Handle(EmployeeCreateRequest request) { var newEmployee = new Employee { FirstName = request.FirstName, LastName = request.LastName }; _context.Employee.Add(newEmployee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return newEmployee.Id; } }
  23. public class EmployeeCreateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeCreateRequest, int> { public EmployeeCreateHandler(ApplicationDbContext context)

    { ... } public async Task<int> Handle(EmployeeCreateRequest request) { var newEmployee = new Employee { FirstName = request.FirstName, LastName = request.LastName }; _context.Employee.Add(newEmployee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return newEmployee.Id; } }
  24. public class EmployeeCreateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeCreateRequest, int> { public EmployeeCreateHandler( ApplicationDbContext

    context, IMapper mapper) { ... } public async Task<int> Handle(EmployeeCreateRequest request) { var newEmployee = _mapper.Map<Employee>(request); _context.Employee.Add(newEmployee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return newEmployee.Id; } }
  25. public class EmployeeCreateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeCreateRequest, int> { public EmployeeCreateHandler( ApplicationDbContext

    context, IMapper mapper) { ... } public async Task<int> Handle(EmployeeCreateRequest request) { var newEmployee = _mapper.Map<Employee>(request); _context.Employee.Add(newEmployee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return newEmployee.Id; } }
  26. AutoMapper • Great for simple CRUD APIs/view models • Anything

    more complex, I usually just write mapper manually
  27. Putting it all together • Dependency injection handles dependencies •

    FluentValidation handles validation • MediatR handles request/responses • AutoMapper handles mapping • Controller will handle HTTP requests
  28. public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] EmployeeCreateRequest request) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) {

    return BadRequest(ModelState); } var newId = await Mediator.Send(request); return CreatedAtAction("GetEmployee", new { id = employee.Id }); }
  29. public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] EmployeeCreateRequest request) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) {

    return BadRequest(ModelState); } var newId = await Mediator.Send(request); return CreatedAtAction("GetEmployee", new { id = employee.Id }); }
  30. public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] EmployeeCreateRequest request) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) {

    return BadRequest(ModelState); } var newId = await Mediator.Send(request); return CreatedAtAction("GetEmployee", new { id = employee.Id }); }
  31. public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] EmployeeCreateRequest request) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) {

    return BadRequest(ModelState); } var newId = await Mediator.Send(request); return CreatedAtAction("GetEmployee", new { id = employee.Id }); }
  32. public class EmployeeUpdateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeUpdateRequest, IActionResult> { public EmployeeUpdateHandler( ApplicationDbContext

    context IMapper mapper) { ... } public async Task<IActionResult> Handle(EmployeeUpdateRequest request) { var employee = await _context.FindAsync(request.Id); if (employee == null) { return new NotFoundResult(); } _mapper.Map(request, employee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return new OkObjectResult(employee); } }
  33. public class EmployeeUpdateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeUpdateRequest, IActionResult> { public EmployeeUpdateHandler( ApplicationDbContext

    context IMapper mapper) { ... } public async Task<IActionResult> Handle(EmployeeUpdateRequest request) { var employee = await _context.FindAsync(request.Id); if (employee == null) { return new NotFoundResult(); } _mapper.Map(request, employee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return new OkObjectResult(employee); } }
  34. public class EmployeeUpdateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeUpdateRequest, IActionResult> { public EmployeeUpdateHandler( ApplicationDbContext

    context IMapper mapper) { ... } public async Task<IActionResult> Handle(EmployeeUpdateRequest request) { var employee = await _context.FindAsync(request.Id); if (employee == null) { return new NotFoundResult(); } _mapper.Map(request, employee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return new OkObjectResult(employee); } }
  35. public class EmployeeUpdateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeUpdateRequest, Func<Controller, IActionResult>> { public EmployeeUpdateHandler(

    ApplicationDbContext context IMapper mapper) { ... } public async Task<Func<Controller, IActionResult>> Handle(EmployeeUpdateRequest request) { var employee = await _context.FindAsync(request.Id); if (employee == null) { return controller => controller.NotFound(); } _mapper.Map(request, employee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return controller => controller.Ok(employee); } }
  36. public class EmployeeUpdateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeUpdateRequest, Func<Controller, IActionResult>> { public EmployeeUpdateHandler(

    ApplicationDbContext context IMapper mapper) { ... } public async Task<Func<Controller, IActionResult>> Handle(EmployeeUpdateRequest request) { var employee = await _context.FindAsync(request.Id); if (employee == null) { return controller => controller.NotFound(); } _mapper.Map(request, employee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return controller => controller.Ok(employee); } }
  37. public class EmployeeUpdateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeUpdateRequest, Func<Controller, IActionResult>> { public EmployeeUpdateHandler(

    ApplicationDbContext context IMapper mapper) { ... } public async Task<Func<Controller, IActionResult>> Handle(EmployeeUpdateRequest request) { var employee = await _context.FindAsync(request.Id); if (employee == null) { return controller => controller.NotFound(); } _mapper.Map(request, employee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return controller => controller.Ok(employee); } }
  38. public class EmployeeUpdateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeUpdateRequest, Func<Controller, IActionResult>> { public EmployeeUpdateHandler(

    ApplicationDbContext context IMapper mapper) { ... } public async Task<Func<Controller, IActionResult>> Handle(EmployeeUpdateRequest request) { var employee = await _context.FindAsync(request.Id); if (employee == null) { return controller => controller.NotFound(); } _mapper.Map(request, employee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return controller => controller.Ok(employee); } }
  39. public class EmployeeUpdateHandler : IRequestHandler<EmployeeUpdateRequest, Func<Controller, IActionResult>> { public EmployeeUpdateHandler(

    ApplicationDbContext context IMapper mapper) { ... } public async Task<Func<Controller, IActionResult>> Handle(EmployeeUpdateRequest request) { var employee = await _context.FindAsync(request.Id); if (employee == null) { return controller => controller.NotFound(); } _mapper.Map(request, employee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return controller => controller.View("~/Employees/ViewEmployee.cshtml", employee); }
  40. [Route("api/Employees")] public class EmployeeController : BaseController { [HttpGet] public Task<IActionResult>

    Get() => Handle(new GetEmployeesRequest()); [HttpGet("{id}")] public Task<IActionResult> Get(int id) => Handle(new GetEmployeeRequest(id)); [HttpPost] public Task<IActionResult> Post(CreateEmployeeRequest request) => Handle(request); [HttpPut("{id}")] public Task<IActionResult> Put(UpdateEmployeeRequest request) => Handle(request); }
  41. protected async Task<IActionResult> Handle(object request) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return

    BadRequest(ModelState); } var func = await _mediator.Send(request); return func(this); }