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JCConf 2024 Jib

Shihyu Ho
September 26, 2024

JCConf 2024 Jib

Shihyu Ho

September 26, 2024

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  1. Hi, I'm Matt 👋 - 松凌科技 Architect / R&D -

    JCConf Speaker - in/methodho - github.com/shihyuho
  2. Jib

  3. 喜歡 Jib 的原因 1. Daemonless 2. No more Dockerfiles 3.

    Well integrated with build tools (Maven/Gradle) 4. Optimized for improved layer caching 5. Extensible (等等~ 這啥?)
  4. Jib 的擴充 softleader/jib-jvm-flags-extension-maven A Jib maven extension outputs the configured

    <jvmFlags> into the /app/jib-jvm-flags-file file, allowing a custom entrypoint to access these flags.
  5. Recap - Image 的組成 - 打包成 Image 的幾種 方 式

    - 喜歡 Jib 的原因 - Jib 的擴充及延伸應 用