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WordCamp Singapore: Offloading Calculations fro...

WordCamp Singapore: Offloading Calculations from WordPress onto Outer Services, such as AWS and Google.

Let's not let WordPress do what it's not made for :D

Shinichi Nishikawa

September 06, 2016

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  1. Things to offload. • Searching • Sorting • Showing related

    posts or products • Recommending based on users’ preference • Logging lots of data such as access log, security log • Backing up itself
  2. Offloading model WordPress Core Connector plugin Connector plugin Connector plugin

    Connector plugin WordPress doesn’t work too much. API API API API Micro Service Micro Service Micro Service Micro Service
  3. Rankings, popular posts • top 3 most viewed posts •

    within 7 days • in a category “Javascript” • under /en/ path
  4. Related posts and/or products • Want to look up the

    full text of an article and look for a really related posts. • Needs to look up the taxonomy terms and post meta. • Don’t need to have the perfectly matched words. • Rate the posts with frequency rate of the related words appearance. • Search products by price range ($5~$10)
  5. WordPress centric model WordPress Core Connector plugin Connector plugin Connector

    plugin Connector plugin WordPress doesn’t work too much. API API API API Micro Service Micro Service Micro Service Micro Service