powołujących się na ten Kodeks postępowania jest otwartość na jak największą liczbę osób o jak najbardziej urozmaiconych i różnorodnych korzeniach. COC
characters Assigns them to numeric codes Includes almost all characters used in writing systems... ...plus their control instructions. (e.g. right to left writing)
of many characters, not an encoding. Unicode has multiple ways to be encoded. Examples: UTF-8,16,32 UCS-2 (warning, this is what Postgres uses!) WTF-8 (for mapping between weird Unicode implementations)
all characters in a fixed width, which would allow us to skip forward and back without reading the string? UTF-32 is fixed-length and encodes all Unicode codepoints
of a String is still left-to-right. Reading a too low number of bytes might change the meaning of a character Reading from some point in between may miss context and yield non-sensical data.
folding: Like upcasing, but more general. Folding follows rules like “ß” to “SS” collation: Sorting values by the rules of the respective language locales: always work within the context of a locale.
The Unicode can be sexist (Emoji figures assigning roles to gender) The Unicode can be normative (Decides about correct writing and display) The Unicode can have severe social impact (for people where the name is not encodable)
But I Can’t Write My Name” https://modelviewculture.com/pieces/ i-can-text-you-a-pile-of-poo-but-i-cant-write-my-name “Han Unification” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_unification