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The Guilty Secrets of Dust in Nearby Galaxies

Chris Clark
December 28, 2017

The Guilty Secrets of Dust in Nearby Galaxies

Two-part seminar given to the East Asian Observatory, 2017.

Chris Clark

December 28, 2017


  1. M d = M g ε d f Z M

    d = Dust mass M g = Gas mass ε d = ISM dust-to-metals ratio = 0.5 +/- 0.1 f Z = ISM metal mass fraction (ie, ISM metallicty) Chris Clark
  2. Improvements Over James et al (2002) Using data from the

    HRS • We now have Herschel photometry; James et al only had IRAS & SCUBA, and so could not constrain dust temperature. • We have integrated (and normalised) ISM metallicites from drift- scan spectroscopy • We have integrated CO maps; they only had central pointings. • James et al did not consider the effect of oxygen depletion on their metallicites – we do. • James et al did not account for Helium or gas-phase metals in their ISM masses – we do. Chris Clark
  3. An Empirical Value For κ d • Κ 500 =

    0.051 m2 kg-1 (+/- ~0.24 dex) Chris Clark
  4. Chris Clark DustPedia Overview • THEMIS – A physically-motivated dust

    model based upon laboratory observations of astrophysical minerals (see papers by A Jones, N Ysard). • SKIRT – Radiative transfer modelling suite that can fit a dust model to galaxy observations in 3D (see papers by M Baes, P De Camps, S Verstoken). • A hierarchical Bayesian SED fitting toolkit that can be used to model both galaxies both globally and pixel-by-pixel (see papers by F Galliano). • A database of multiwavelength imagery and photometry database for all 876 nearby galaxies observed by Herschel for which V<3000 km/s and D25<1’ (see upcoming paper by me).