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Star-by-Star Dust Extinction Mapping in Nearby ...

Star-by-Star Dust Extinction Mapping in Nearby Galaxies, with ACS & Friends

A talk given to the HST ACS team about some of the recent and ongoing BEAST work to make star-by-star extinction measurements in nearby galaxies.

Chris Clark

August 28, 2024

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  1. Star-by-Star Dust Extinction Mapping in Nearby Galaxies, with ACS &

    Friends. Chris Clark with Claire Murray, Christina Lindberg, Karl Gordon, Petia Merica-Jones, & co
  2. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed, 26 Aug 2024 Clark+

    (2021,2023) Large Magellanic Cloud Warm dust (Herschel 100 μm) Cold dust (Herschel 250 μm) Hydrogen (HI atomic & CO molecular)
  3. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 HST

    Resolution Slightly Better Than FIR Murray+ (in prep.); Clark+ (2023) Herschel Far-Infrared 100, 160, 250 μm From NASA press release that came out on Monday!
  4. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 HST

    vs Herschel Resolution in the SMC Murray+ (in prep.); Clark+ (2023) 36 arcsec Herschel resolution at 500 μm
  5. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed, 26 Aug 2024 BEAST

    Star-by-Star Extinction Mapping Clark+ (in prep.); Gordon+ (2016) Individual stars in some nearby galaxy BEAST Gordon+ (2016) Bayesian Extinction And Stellar Tool Open source on GitHub: Wavelength (μm) Stellar Emission Observed Flux Dust Extinction
  6. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed, 26 Aug 2024 Multiwavelength

    Coverage is Crucial Clark+ (in prep.); Gordon+ (2016)
  7. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed, 26 Aug 2024 Multiwavelength

    Coverage is Crucial Clark+ (in prep.); Gordon+ (2016)
  8. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 Birth

    Environments of Massive Stars Lindberg+ (2024); Delcanton+ (2015)
  9. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 Birth

    Environments of Massive Stars Lindberg+ (2024) ); Delcanton+ (2015 Only 178 OB (ie, massive) stars identified via spectra in this field
  10. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 Birth

    Environments of Massive Stars Lindberg+ (2024) Over 42 000 massive stars found with the BEAST (M★ > 8 M☉ ) 100% of the 178 spectroscopically-identified massive stars successfully extracted
  11. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 Birth

    Environments of Massive Stars Lindberg+ (2024) Over 42 000 massive stars found with the BEAST (M★ > 8 M☉ ) 100% of the 178 spectroscopically-identified massive stars successfully extracted! Massive stars in the rings Massive stars between the rings
  12. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 Birth

    Environments of Massive Stars Lindberg+ (2024) Kernel Density Estimator (KDE) applied to provide smooth measurement of stellar density
  13. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 Birth

    Environments of Massive Stars Lindberg+ (2024) ); Delcanton+ (2015 Previous best-resolution dust map of M31: resolution of 25 pc From measuring dust reddening of the red giant brand in the CMD
  14. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 Birth

    Environments of Massive Stars Lindberg+ (2024) Results from 25 pc dust map suggested that massive stars in areas with lower stellar density (ie, outside rings/arms) exhibit more extinction
  15. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 Birth

    Environments of Massive Stars Lindberg+ (2024) Results from 25 pc dust map suggested that massive stars in areas with lower stellar density (ie, outside rings/arms) exhibit more extinction Theory says this is what we expect if most massive stars outside the rings are runaways
  16. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 Birth

    Environments of Massive Stars Lindberg+ (2024) Massive stars seem to experience the same extinction (on average) regardless of location Suggests that massive stars in areas of low stellar density (ie, outside rings/arms), were born there
  17. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 How

    to Make Hi-Res BEAST Dust Maps? Lindberg+ (in prep.); Murray+ (2024) Example Scylla field in the LMC Scylla PI: Claire Murray
  18. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 How

    to Make Hi-Res BEAST Dust Maps? Lindberg+ (in prep.); Murray+ (2024)
  19. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 How

    to Make Hi-Res BEAST Dust Maps? Lindberg+ (in prep.); Murray+ (2024)
  20. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 How

    to Make Hi-Res BEAST Dust Maps? Lindberg+ (in prep.); Murray+ (2024) We want to turn a large number of individual point measurements of dust extinction into a map of the underlying dust structure. Can do this using Gaussian Process Regression!
  21. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed 26 Aug 2024 How

    to Make Hi-Res BEAST Dust Maps? Lindberg+ (in prep.); Murray+ (2024) We want to turn a large number of individual point measurements of dust extinction into a map of the underlying dust structure. Can do this using Gaussian Process Regression! Herschel PSF at 500 μm (15 pc in LMC)
  22. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed, 26 Aug 2024 Clark+

    (in prep.); McQuinn+ (2013,2015); Skillman+ (2013); Evans+ (2019) Leo P ACS F475W ACS F814W WFC3 F110W ISM metallicity 0.03 Z⊙ Distance 1.62 Mpc Stellar mass 105.7 M⊙ HI mass 105.9 M⊙
  23. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed, 26 Aug 2024 BEAST’ing

    Leo P Clark+ (in prep.) ACS/WFC F475W VLA 21cm HI BEAST fitting finds 40 stars in Leo P with >5-sigma detections of dust extinction
  24. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed, 26 Aug 2024 BEAST’ing

    Leo P Clark+ (in prep.) BEAST fitting identifies two new >8 M☉ OB-stars in Leo P – both exhibit detectable extinction ACS/WFC F475W VLA 21cm HI
  25. Chris Clark | ACS 4th Wed, 26 Aug 2024 BEASTING

    the BADGRs Clark+ (in prep.); Clark+ (2015,2018); Nersesian+ (2019) Star-by-star extinction mapping in these BADGRs will let us: • Probe the dust geometry at high resolution; is it clumpy? • See if dust is just far away from UV radiation sources • Measure the dust’s intrinsic emissivity, by comparing extinction to far-IR emission • Check for CO freeze-out, by comparing extinction to ALMA data • Use extinction as tracer of total gas column, and search for dark gas by comparing to HI and CO columns NGC 7793 NGC 4449