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"So What Do You Do?" - Chris Clark ISM@STScI In...

Chris Clark
October 08, 2018

"So What Do You Do?" - Chris Clark ISM@STScI Intro Talk

Introductory talk given to ISM@STScI group.

Chris Clark

October 08, 2018

More Decks by Chris Clark

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  1. “So what do you do?” Chris Clark Pieter De Vis

    (IAS Paris) Sam Verstocken (Gent) Loretta Dunne (Cardiff) Haley Gomez (Cardiff) Simone Bianchi (Florence)
  2. “So what do you do?” Chris Clark Pieter De Vis

    (IAS Paris) Sam Verstocken (Gent) Loretta Dunne (Cardiff) Haley Gomez (Cardiff) Simone Bianchi (Florence) !
  3. Literature Values for κd Chris Clark Alton+ (2004); Demyk+ (2013);

    Köhler+ (2015); Clark+ (2016); Jones+ (2017); Clark+ (in prep.)
  4. Estimating κd with the HRS Chris Clark James+ (2002); Ciesla+

    (2012); Clark+ (2016) κ500 = 0.051 m2 kg-1 (± 0.24 dex)
  5. Literature Values for κd Chris Clark Alton+ (2004); Demyk+ (2013);

    Köhler+ (2015); Clark+ (2016); Jones+ (2017); Clark+ (in prep.)
  6. M74 (NGC 628) & M83 (NGC 5236) Chris Clark Casasola+

    (2017); Clark+ (2018); Clark+ (in prep.)
  7. Literature Values for κd Chris Clark Alton+ (2004); Demyk+ (2013);

    Köhler+ (2015); Clark+ (2016); Jones+ (2017); Clark+ (in prep.)
  8. BADGRS (Blue & Dusty Gas Rich Sources) Chris Clark Clark+

    (2015); Dunne+ (2018) Near-IR VIKING Ks Optical SDSS gri Herschel 250 µm GALEX Far-UV
  9. Lots of Dust, Little Attenuation Chris Clark Clark+ (2015); Dunne+

    (2018) More Extinction Less Extinction Dust Rich Dust Poor
  10. Dust from Evolved Stars Chris Clark Gomez+ (2012a); Gomez+ 2012(b);

    Clark (2015) Crab 160um Synchrotron Crab 160um Warm Dust Crab 160um Cold Dust
  11. But... Chris Clark Mattsson+ (2012); Mattsson+ (2014); De Vis+ (in

    prep.); Clark+ (in prep.) How reliable are these findings, given that the method assumes a constant dust-to-metal ratio?
  12. Dust-to-Metals via Depletions • Wiseman+ (2016) and De Cia+ (2016)

    find DTM varies with metallicity, from DLA depletions; but for metallicities of >0.1 Z☉ this variation is less than factor of ≤2. • Jenkins+ (2009) find Milky Way variation of factor ≤2.7. Chris Clark De Cia+ (2016); Wiseman+ (2016); Clark+ (in prep.) Figure 7 from Wiseman+ (2016) Figure 15 from De Cia+ (2016) log10 (Z/Z☉ )
  13. Dust-to-Metals in Simulations 6 7 8 9 10 12+log10 (O/H)

    Chris Clark McKinnon+ (2016); Popping+ (2017); Clark+ (in prep.) Figure 5 from Popping+ (2017) Figure 15 from McKinnon+ (2016) • Popping+ (2017) find DTM varies by factor of <4 at metallicities >0.1 Z☉ in semi-analytic models. • McKinnon+ (2016) find DTM varies by factor of ≤3.5 at z<0.5 in hydrodynamical zoom-in simulations.
  14. Dust-to-Metals in THEMIS Chris Clark Jones+ (2017); Jones+ (2018); Clark+

    (in prep.) • Dust-to-metals expected to vary by factor of ~3.6 in THEMIS dust model (Jones+ 2017;2018). • However, Jones+ predicts larger DTM in denser environments – which would actually increase the variation in κd compared to what we get from fixed DTM! Table 3 from Jones+ (2018)