for Java. It is a full-featured, runtime based, but reflection free, implementation of JSR 330. Toothpick is faster than Dagger 1 or Dagger 2 for a relatively small number of injections (<1K) 2
into an object 3. Ge9ng an instance/lazy/provider of a class 4. Named injec/ons 5. Lazies 6. ContextSingleton and why you should not use it 7. Tes/ng & Mock Migrate to TP
place to define bindings (via modules) • a place to recycle injected instances Scopes are used to: • inject dependencies into instances • getInstance of classes Migrate to TP
and TP. The main difference is that TP doesn’t need a configure method, you can declare bindings directly in the constructor of the modules. Migrate to TP
declare a field @Inject ImageCacheWarmup imageCacheWarmup. RG would return a new instance or recycle a previous instance in the scope of the injector, depending on annotations of ImageCacheWarmup. Migrate to TP
field @Inject ImageCacheWarmup imageCacheWarmup. TP will also return a new instance or recycle a previous instance in the scope of the injector, depending on annotations of ImageCacheWarmup. Migrate to TP
than RG. Dig into the TP wiki to get more insight on TP. TP has more to offer than RG: scopes spanning mul/ple ac/vi/es, state preserva/on across rota/ons, etc. We will slowly use these features in the app over next releases…