You find RoboGuice simple but slow ? And you think Dagger 1 & 2 are fast but complex and bloated ? Toothpick is the best of both worlds !
Toothpick is a scope tree based, runtime but reflection free implementation of JSR 330. It is pure Java, with a special focus on Android.
Toothpick is fast (even faster than Dagger 2 in some cases!) and is simpler to use, with less boilerplate code. Its syntax is very close to Guice. It supports named dependencies, lazy dependencies, providers, and has built-in support for custom scopes. As compared to Dagger 2, Toothpick provides more powerful testing support, allowing you to leverage DI to mock dependencies using either mockito or easymock.
Its explicit scope tree helps developers to build more robust apps. It provides more fine grained control to easily implement complex user flows that span multiple activities or state preservation across configuration changes (e.g. rotations), a common issue when implementing the MVP pattern.
During this talk for experts, we will introduce Toothpick, its main features and how it compares to other DI libs. We will explain how Toothpick scopes and scope annotations can solve advanced use cases when developing Android apps.
Prerequisites: DI on Android, testing, mocking, memory leaks.